Madhukar Misra, MD (ISHD President and Course Director)
Professor of Medicine,
University of Missouri Columbia,
School of Medicine. Columbia, MO
K. S. Nayak MD (Course Co-Director)
Head - Department of Renal Sciences
Dialysis Centers & Renal Transplant Programme
Deccan Hospital
Hyderabad, India
John T. Daugirdas, MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine
University of Illinois at Chicago School of Medicine
Chicago, Illinois. USA |
This educational activity is an audio recording with accompanying slides of a live presentation
held on March 1st and 2nd, 2014, in Hyderabad, India.
Web archiving was made possible thanks to a generous unrestricted educational grant from Baxter Healthcare.
Continuing medical education credit is not available for this on-line archive.
To view this educational activity, the user will need Windows (XP or higher) or
Macintosh (version 9.0 or higher) operating software, a connection to the internet with a
28.8 kbps MODEM or better. The computer should have an audio card with speakers.
An audio player is required and either can be downloaded for free per instructions on the individual lecture pages.
Flash 8.0 (from is useful but not necessary to see the full-screen slide/audio presentations and the video presentations.
Acrobat Reader is required to print the slide handouts.
Program Overview:
Target Audience:
This program is intended for practicing
Nephrologists, nephrology fellows, dialysis
technologists, interventional nephrologists,
vascular access surgeons, and health professionals
involved in dialysis programs.
Disclosure Policy:
It is the policy of the ISHD and HDCN that speakers with potential conflicts of interest disclose these at the time of presentation.
Off-label/lnvestigational Use:
Because this course is meant to educate physicians with what is currently in use and what may be
available in the future, there may be "off-label" use discussed in the presentations. Speakers have
been requested to inform the audience when off-label use is being discussed.
The policy statements of HDCN are listed on this page.