HDCN News Archive -- Chronic Kidney Disease |
Jul09 |
Predicing serum K from the EKG trace measured by an Apple watch. |
Feb28 |
Ringer's lactate causes less kidney injury than saline. |
Apr18 |
High salt diet makes subjects drink less and eat more !? |
Jul12 |
Dr. Fred Coe videos on urine calcium supersaturation in stone disease. |
May29 |
Smoking increases risk of CKD progression in African Americans |
May24 |
CRIC study shows a high urinary sodium excretion in CKD linked to higher CV risk. |
Mar17 |
Updated CKD booklet for professionals released |
Dec14 |
Even more news on the new HDCN Facebook page! |
Jul31 |
Paid kidney donation and the Iranian model in the New York Times |
May12 |
Controversy over ACP guidelines for kidney stone management |
May08 |
Putting the brakes on bacterial resistance to antibiotics with targeted antibiotic scheduling. |
Nov17 |
JAMA: New hyperkalemia sorbent effective in reducing hyperkalemia |
Jul23 |
University of Chicago's Dr. Fred Coe's kidney stone website and blog. |
Jul14 |
Bacteria found in healthy bladders differ from those in women with incontinence. |
Jul14 |
Phase 1 trial launched of antibiotic that targets C. difficile. |
Jul14 |
Transmission of hepatitis C from blood of patients who were successfully treated. |
May18 |
Difficult-to-detect bacteria in urine associated with overactive bladder symptoms. |
May18 |
T cells targeting CS1 kill myeloma cells in animals. |
Nov19 |
New study of spironolactone in heart failure fails to show improvement in many hard outcomes. |
Oct27 |
New K-absorbing compound prevents hyperkalemia with spironolactone. |
Oct20 |
Vitamin D therapy may not contribute to kidney stones. |
May14 |
Institute of Medicine questions 1.5 g/day sodium limitation recommendations. |
Apr05 |
Overweight in teenagers linked to later onset CKD. |
Mar20 |
High potency statins increase risk of acute kidney injury (slightly). |
Mar17 |
Trio of biomarkers may help identify early stage kidney cancer. |
Feb16 |
Synthetic marijuana linked to acute interstitial nephritis. |
Jan10 |
High urinary bisphenol A levels in children associated with higher urinary alb/creat levels. |
Jan10 |
Hematuria risk index helps discriminate which patients need a workup for cancer. |
Jan10 |
Data mining approach shows that a diuretic + ACEI or ARB + NSAID is bad for the kidney |
Dec13 |
Endothelin antagonist sitaxentan good for CKD with heart disease. |
Dec07 |
Kidney Care Partners initiative (PEAK) cuts initial dialysis patient mortality by 12%. |
Dec06 |
NKF-FDA workshop reviews endpoints for studies of chronic kidney disease. |
Nov05 |
Tolvaptan for polycystic kidney disease trial published in NEJM. |
Nov05 |
Tolvaptan study shows promising results in polycystic kidney disease. |
Nov01 |
PKD foundation accepting nominations for LJ Kaplan prize until Dec 1. |
Oct19 |
Bardoxolone study terminated by safety monitoring committee. |
Oct17 |
Lower chloride use in intravenous fluids may reduce risk of acute kidney injury. |
Oct17 |
Cranberry juice unlikely to help in cystitis. |
Oct09 |
Kidney disease alters gut bacteria composition. |
Oct04 |
National Kidney Foundation launches free magazine for CKD patients. |
Aug16 |
Obatoclax and flavopiridol for multiple myeloma. |
Aug16 |
Toxoplasma gondi infection linked to suicide attempts; T. gondi risk higher in dialysis patients |
Jun20 |
Anti-adhesion molecule therapy for urinary tract infection. |
Jun20 |
Higher urinary sodium output in the PREVEND trial linked to higher BP, uric acid, and albuminuria. |
Jun07 |
Abiraterone shows good results in advanced prostate cancer. |
Jun01 |
Study vindicates Atkins type diet in terms of kidney function. |
May29 |
Prevalence of kidney stones doubles with obesity epidemic. |
May10 |
LARIAT to tie off left atrial appendage for atrial fibrillation treatment vs. warfarin. |
May10 |
JAMA paper shows CKD-EPI equation better than MDRD for estimating CKD mortality risk. |
May01 |
FDA approves everolimus for treatment of kidney angiomyolipomas associated with tuberous sclerosis. |
May01 |
Renal denervation devicemakers in the news: Covidien and Maya medical. |
May01 |
Diabetes per se may not be a risk factor for contrast nephropathy. |
Apr17 |
DaVita updated kidneysmart.org CKD patient education website |
Apr17 |
Survival better after partial vs. radical nephrectomy in kidney cancer. |
Apr10 |
Percutaneous needling of urinary bladder detects presence of novel bacteria. |
Mar20 |
Antiplatelet therapy in CKD patients with heart disease called into question. |
Mar02 |
FDA: Statins and protease inhibitors taken together can increase risk of muscle injury. |
Mar02 |
Inhibiting Forkhead boxO (FoxO) proteins preserves muscle mass in diseased mice. |
Feb14 |
Fresenius and Aetna launch CKD management program |
Feb14 |
Recurrent dehydration may the cause of mystery Central American kidney disease. |
Feb14 |
Paricalcitol fails to improve LVH in CKD patients in randomized PRIMO trial. |
Dec22 |
Universal flu vaccine using matrix protein 2 shows promising results in mice. |
Dec13 |
Sugarcane nephropathy afflicts many, but cause remains a mystery. |
Dec13 |
CKD may cause breakdown of tight junctions between intestinal epithelial cells. |
Nov16 |
ASN; PRIMO study shows no benefits of paricalcitol on LVH in patients. |
Nov16 |
Higher dose statins reduce coronary artery plaque. |
Oct31 |
Extracorporeal shock wave therapy gives encouraging results in male impotence. |
Oct28 |
Sulodexide fails to show benefit in diabetic kidney disease in large trial. |
Oct26 |
Visual MD video series explaining CKD (patient education tool) |
Oct19 |
Report links kidney stones to gallstones. |
Oct14 |
Activating fetal hemoglobin production in mice reverses sickle cell disease. |
Oct11 |
Chronic dialysis being initiated about 5 months earlier today vs. 10 years ago. |
Oct04 |
AAKP educational videos for patients now available. |
Sep28 |
Prestart nutrition care associated with better survival during 1st year of dialysis therapy. |
Sep28 |
New cystatin C eGFR equations available based on a new standardized cystatin C assay. |
Sep15 |
ADVANCE trial results suggest that intensive glucose control slows progression to ESRD in diabetic patients. |
Sep13 |
Stored blood samples from CKD homocysteine study show that FGF-23 is risk factor for ESRD, death |
Aug30 |
Will the chocolate-eating craze impact oxalate load in patients with CKD? |
Aug19 |
RenalGuard system (IV fluid infusion rate tied to Foley catheter urine output) shows benefits in preventing contrast nephropathy. |
Aug19 |
High serum phosphorus may accelerate CKD progression, block effects of ramipril. |
Aug02 |
JASN: Dipstick proteinuria a good test to predict rapid GFR decline. |
Jul28 |
Gout prevalence swells over the last 2 decades and now stands at 4%. |
Jul07 |
Pelvic floor exercises not helpful in preventing incontinence in men after prostatectomy or TUR |
Jun13 |
Aurora A kinase may contribute to polycystic kidney disease. |
Jun09 |
SHARP trial (simvastatin plus ezetimibe in CKD) results published in the Lancet. |
Jun09 |
FDA: Myopathy risk of high-dose (80 mg) simvastatin close to 50%; limitations to use recommended. |
May31 |
Swedish gene analysis shows that venous thromboembolism has a hereditary component. |
May12 |
Glucosuric drugs may help resolve persistent urinary E. Coli infection |
May03 |
Link to EPOGH study in JAMA on urinary sodium and CV death risk. |
Apr29 |
Ramipril efficacy in slowing CKD progression enhanced in obese subjects. |
Apr28 |
Leprosy in the United States via transmission from armadillos. |
Apr27 |
Life Options releases CKD patient education toolkit. |
Apr26 |
STAT3 activation linked to cyst growth in adult polycystic disease. |
Apr08 |
Renalguard peri-operative fluid replacement system reduces incidence of contrast nephropathy |
Mar24 |
NEJM: Pioglitazone lowers (by 72%) the risk of progression of impaired glucose tolerance to type 2 diabetes |
Mar21 |
Canadian observational data suggests that dual ACEI/ARB treatment is risky in the elderly. |
Mar15 |
FDA approves Gadavist (gadobutrol), a macrocyclic gadolinium contrast agent for CNS imaging. |
Mar12 |
Endothelin-A antagonist atrasentan reduces UACR in diabetics in small phase 2 study. |
Feb28 |
Abnormal cubilin gene linked to albuminuria |
Feb24 |
FDA approves saxagliptin (Onglyza) labeling to include patients with CKD |
Feb18 |
Where the sodium comes from: sauces, bacon, bread, milk, and cheese |
Feb16 |
Metformin for CKD? A contrarian point of view. |
Feb02 |
Western style diet associated with more rapid decline in kidney function. |
Jan31 |
New USDA sodium guidelines recommend sodium intake < 1.5 g/day for individuals with CKD, HTN, or DMj |
Jan15 |
National Library of Medicine's Daily Med website for quick access to drug package inserts. |
Dec16 |
CKD progressors identified via creatinine or cystatin have different outcomes. |
Dec09 |
RCT casts doubt on utility of cranberry juice to prevent urinary tract infection. |
Dec07 |
In Canada, earlier start of dialysis therapy associated with increased mortality risk. |
Dec03 |
New Abbott drug atrasentan reduces proteinuria in diabetic kidney disease. |
Nov21 |
E. Coli water contamination linked to later vascular injury. |
Nov21 |
Bardoxolone INCREASES GFR by a substantial amount in type 2 diabetic CKD patients |
Nov14 |
Paricalcitol addition to RAAS inhibitors lowers proteinuria in albuminuric type 2 diabetics |
Nov11 |
Brass, even in modern plumbing fixtures, continues to cause lead-contamination of drinking water. |
Nov11 |
Pioglitazone slows down cyst growth in a rat model of PKD. |
Nov08 |
.pdf file of Archives paper on higher mortality risk with early start (observational data) |
Nov08 |
Solar-powered BP device could be valuable in underdeveloped countries. |
Nov08 |
Archives paper warns of risks of initiating dialysis at a high level of renal function. |
Nov02 |
Lead burden varies dramatically among urban neighborhoods. |
Oct28 |
MMWR: Diabetes rates up, but incidence of ESRD due to diabetes is down. |
Oct07 |
Secondary analysis of osteoporosis trial suggests that raloxifene slows progression of CKD. |
Sep23 |
Abbott Labs buys international rights to CKD prevention drug bardoxolone |
Sep22 |
NIH-NIDDK workshop (Oct 18-19) on translating CKD research into improved clinical outcomes . |
Sep09 |
FDA issues new safety alert re gadolinium-containing contrast agents and NSF. |
Sep08 |
RPA vascular access initiative launched. |
Sep03 |
Cranberry juics blocks ability of Staph aureus bacteria to form biofilm in the urinary bladder. |
Aug26 |
Genetic variants in protein kinase C affect CKD progression in type 2 diabetics of Chinese descent. |
Aug13 |
Rate of kidney stones in U.S. children seems to have increased markedly. |
Aug13 |
New serum tests for ovarian cancer with 100% accuracy! |
Jul28 |
Biotrends data suggests that use of ESAs for stage 4 CKD is falling. |
Jul16 |
APOL1 gene increases risk of kidney disease in African Americans. |
Jun29 |
KDOQI CKD guideline of BP < 130/80 is being questioned. |
Jun28 |
NEJM paper for everolimus use in PKD (full text) |
Jun28 |
NEJM paper for sirolimus use in PKD randomized trial (full text). |
Jun28 |
NEJM link to early vs. late start paper (full text). |
Jun28 |
EDTA late-breaking clinical trial results: Early vs. late start makes no difference; Rosuvastatin no good, but atorvastatin good, in treating CKD proteinuria. |
Jun22 |
NKDEP provides training materials regarding nutrition in nondialysis CKD patients. |
Jun17 |
Once-weekly exenatide controls weight and HbA1c in DURATION-4 study. |
Jun17 |
FDA increasing it's interest in mercury exposure via dental amalgam. |
Jun10 |
Allopurinol markedly slows progression of CKD in small randomized trial. |
May21 |
Mercury found in skin-lightening creams |
May18 |
Sirolimus helpful in treating autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in pilot study. |
May04 |
Mayo clinic biopsy study of healthy kidneys donated for transplant commony show nephrosclerosis |
Apr30 |
Octreotide given to patients with liver cysts and ADPKD slows progression of both liver and kidney cysts |
Apr28 |
Lead poisoning risk in wild-shot game birds due to small, undetected lead shot fragments. |
Apr28 |
RCT shows that high-dose B vitamins associated with increased risk of progression and CV events in diabetics. |
Apr15 |
Screening kids for CKD using urine dipstick for protein costs 3000 dollars per detected case. |
Mar28 |
Toronto conference on Nephroprevention to be held October 1-2, 2010. |
Mar24 |
Estimated GFR reporting by laboratories increases nephrology referral; effect on outcomes not yet clear. |
Mar19 |
JACC paper: Rosuvastatin in CKD subgroup of the JUPITER trial |
Mar19 |
High-dose rosuvastatin reduces mortality in CKD patients by 44%. |
Mar15 |
Slightly elevated lead levels found in some spices to Indian food. |
Feb24 |
US NKF makes availabe CKD patient education program on modality choice |
Feb12 |
NKDEP offers a suggested approach to drug dosing in CKD |
Feb12 |
Mercury, arsenic and lead commonly found in herbal medicines. |
Feb09 |
Even mild hypokalemia in heart failure patients with early-stage CKD associated with increased mortality. |
Jan26 |
AJKD: Comments on AURORA study results on use of statins in CKD patients. |
Jan16 |
National CKD surveillance system is in the works |
Jan14 |
Slightly elevated blood lead levels in adolescents associated with reduced cystatin GFR. |
Jan11 |
CV and kidney progression risk tied to proteinuria may be affected by race. |
Dec12 |
Star fruit intoxication in patients with moderate CKD not yet on dialysis |
Dec08 |
West Nile virus infection may persist in the kidneys for years after infection. |
Nov29 |
eGFR calculator creatinine entry problem for values between 1.00 and 1.10 corrected |
Nov25 |
High salt intake linked to risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. |
Nov18 |
NEJM: IV iron improves functional capacity and QOL in heart failure patients with iron deficiency |
Nov17 |
JASN: FSGS after anabolic steroid abuse. |
Nov14 |
ASTRAL study published in NEJM: No benefit of revascularization in renovascular hypertension. |
Nov06 |
CJASN: Higher phosphorus levels in preESRD patients linked with coronary artery calcification. |
Nov03 |
FDA warns about adverse renal effects of Byetta (exenatide) |
Oct29 |
Anabolic steroid use in body builders leads to FSGS. |
Oct28 |
50K or ergocalciferol every 2 weeks as maintentance treatment for vitamin D deficiency. |
Oct28 |
Shire's Fosrenol approved in Europe for preESRD patients |
Oct28 |
eGFR calculator using CKD-EPI equation link on HDCN now fixed |
Oct22 |
NEJM: Strict BP control lowers progression rate in kids with CKD |
Oct15 |
The gadolinium NSF story from the product liability perspective, focus on G.E. |
Sep24 |
USRDS Annual Report now available for download. |
Sep24 |
AJKD issues containing KDOQI guidelines now freely available as .pdf files |
Sep23 |
University of Michigan gets 10 million dollar grant to study nephrotic syndrome. |
Sep17 |
CJASN: Losing weight may preserve kidney function in obese patients with CKD |
Sep01 |
Addition of valsartan lowers CV mortality in Japanese patients in the Kyoto heart study. |
Sep01 |
CO linked to increased CV risk; might this explain the higher CKD risk as well in urban areas? |
Aug26 |
TREAT RCT study results show targeting Hb of 13 in CKD patients using Aranesp of no benefit. |
Aug24 |
FDA announces ongoing monitoring of liver injury associated with Orlistat. |
Aug21 |
Oxidative stress in CKD patients linked to malfunctioning mitochondria. |
Aug19 |
Vitamin D regulation of immune function via cathelicidin conserved in all primates. |
Aug19 |
Heart failure risk with rosiglitazone double that with pioglitazone. |
Jul31 |
FDA warns of colchicine side effects when co-prescribed with clarithromycin and other drugs. |
Jul28 |
Follow-up of DCCT trial shows 50% lower complications in tight glucose control group. |
Jul16 |
Direct link to JASN article (prepress) describing slowing of progression rate with bicarb. |
Jul16 |
JASN paper in the news: Bicarbonate supplements slow progression of CKD |
Jun19 |
ABCG2 gene in the kidney found to affect urate transport and may be linked to gout. |
May25 |
Search all abstracts from the World Congress of Nephrology 2009 |
May11 |
UMOD gene, associated with Tamm-Horsfall protein production, linked to kidney disease. |
May07 |
Calcimimetics inhibits late-stage cyst growth in an animal model of ADPKD. |
May05 |
New CKD-EPI equation published in the Annals; more accurate than MDRD |
May04 |
8th Annual Prevention in Renal Disease Conference, September 25-26, 2009 in Toronto. |
Apr26 |
Statins may reduce prostate inflammation and reduce risk of prostate cancer |
Apr11 |
One thousand 2007-2009 audiofiles and slide/audio talks added to HDCN's 20 topic-related channels. |
M30 |
Lipoic acid supplements markedly lower triglycerides in an animal model. |
M29 |
Link to slide/audio and audio symposia on HDCN |
F20 |
Avosentan cuts urinary albumin excretion in diabetics. |
F11 |
Very high doses of candesartan effective in further reducing proteinuria. |
F11 |
Healthies with high urinary protein have elevated risk of developing CKD |
J21 |
JASN Early Release: Schwartz improves the Schwartz equation to estimate GFR, using both creatinine and cystatin. |
J01 |
FDA and manufacturer warn or increased mortality risk in elderly patients with CKD treated with tinzaparin |
D18 |
JASN early: First morning urine better than spot urine to detect microalbuminuria |
D13 |
Should nephrologists give beta-blockers to their patients with CKD? |
D13 |
Another FDA link regarding oral bowel preps. |
D13 |
FDA alert regarding phosphate-containing oral bowel preps and new black box warning. |
D04 |
NEJM study shows that irbesartan of no benefit to patients with diastolic heart failure. |
N26 |
Vitamin K deficiency linked to insulin resistance in older men |
N21 |
Do your CKD patients still smoke? Who is still smoking in the US by state. |
N19 |
New GFR estimating equation first presented at Renal Week in the news. |
N18 |
NY Times article highlights growing burden of CKD. |
N17 |
Canadians issue new guidelines for CKD management |
N07 |
MDRD equation to estimate GFR is out, new CKD-EPI equation is in and is more accurate. |
O27 |
Costs of treating diabetes has nearly doubled in past 7 years. |
O27 |
Pentoxifylline lowers proteinuria alone or in addition to an ACE inhibitor. |
O17 |
EPA toughens standard on lead emissions by 90%. |
O08 |
USRDS Annual Data report breaks out a separate section dealing with earlier stage CKD. |
O06 |
One-dollar-a-month polypill containing ASA, thiazide, ACEI, and statin to undergo clinical testing. |
S25 |
Tea found to contain relatively high fluoride levels (fluoride of potential concern in CKD patients) |
S18 |
JASN paper in press identifies uric acid as a risk factor for CKD. |
A21 |
NKF launches education toolkit targeting treatment of patients with HIV and CKD. |
A19 |
Low-level arsenic exposure linked to increased type 2 diabetes risk. |
A19 |
Chronic lead poisoning from contaminated urban soils. |
A18 |
Anti-fibrosis drug developed by Australian scientists may help slow progression of CKD |
A15 |
Lancet: ONTARGET study shows mixed results for combined ARB/ACEI therapy; greater reduction of proteinuria but a higher renal event rate. |
A14 |
Monosodium glutamate use associated with weight gain. |
A13 |
NKF-FDA workshop: Proteinuria as a Surrogate Outcome in CKD: Link to presentations. |
A08 |
LabCorp via Litholink and the NKF launch an educational and information technology support program for early CKD detection. |
A01 |
Consensus statement suggests that HbA1c is the best test to detect early diabetes. |
J23 |
NEJM: Genetic mutation associated with most patients who develop myopathy on high-dose statins. |
J17 |
Radiocontrast nephropathy studies may overestimate risk of AKI, since creatinine often increases in controls patients, also. |
J14 |
CKD screening shows that a high percentage of Australia's indigenous population has kidney disease. |
J03 |
Secondary analysis of CHOIR data suggests that high EPO doses, rather than high Hb per se, associated with mortality. |
J19 |
Is fluoride in drinking water safe for patients with CKD? |
J10 |
Large Australian RCT specifically shows that lowering HbA1C in diabetics to a 6.5% target protects the kidney. |
J05 |
NEJM: Aliskiren plus losartan lowers proteinuria in diabetics. |
M12 |
Should the NKF KDOQI staging system for CKD be modified? |
M07 |
JASN: Calcitriol associated with a lower mortality in pre-ESRD patients. |
M05 |
ASN Renal Week abstract archives 2003-2006 now available on-line in .pdf format. |
A09 |
NEJM: ACEI = ARB, and ACEI + ARB no better than either ACEI or ARB, in high risk patients with diabetes or vascular disease. |
M20 |
JASN Express: Remission clinic targetting proteinuria with multidrug therapy markedly slows rate of CKD progression. |
M06 |
7th Annual Prevention in Renal Disease Conference, Toronto, Sept. 19-20, 2008. |
M01 |
Screening test for CKD (SCORED) developed by Cornell and UNC Chapel Hill outperforms NKF KEEP approach. |
F26 |
Diazyme introduces new assay for cystatin C. |
F21 |
Study suggests that Medicare part D patients use more cardioprotective drugs after MI and live longer. |
F13 |
University of Groningen study (PREVEND) emphasizes utility of treating hypertension in proteinuric patients. |
J24 |
Researchers cast doubt on UK's universal screening program for CKD. |
J18 |
Canadian study suggests drinking 4 liters of water per day can cause proteinuria; reversible when water ingestion reduced. |
O12 |
FDA advisory meeting next Tuesday to study use of phosphate binders in pre-ESRD - Genzyme, Shire, Fresenius will all be present. |
S12 |
JAMA paper shows no benefit of lowering homocysteine in CKD |
J16 |
Kibow to test probiotic in stage III and IV CKD |
M02 |
Editorial review of Brunori et al paper: (Late start dialysis in the elderly) |
M02 |
Early start? How about very late start in patients over 70 with very low protein diet? |
M03 |
MMWR reports on NHANES survey and CKD; prevalence appears to be increasing. |
F08 |
Rate of CKD due to type 2 diabetes soaring in Canada. |
F01 |
Biotrends report of Dec 2006 survey on use of ESAs and phosphate binders. |
D02 |
India's Society of Nephrology prepares first report on CKD in India - socioeconomic problems highlighted. |
N26 |
HDCN: Search index updated for audiofiles, slide/audio talks, articles, and abstracts |
N16 |
Reanalysis of TNT study presented at AHA: Suggests high-dose atorvastatin lowers stroke, CV risk in CKD patients. |
N14 |
National Kidney Foundation launches new phase of KEEP - to help patients in early stages of CKD. |
O18 |
NABI announces positive results from PhosLo in stage 4 CKD |
O18 |
Cockcroft Gault equation (modified) better than MDRD for adjusting vancomycin dose in the elderly. |
S18 |
Low blood levels previously thought to be safe linked to risk of CV death |
S11 |
NKDEP program to standardize serum creatinine measurements |
S11 |
NKDEP GFR estimation summary |
A25 |
NKDEP launches creatinine standardization program |
J31 |
Primary care doctors failing to diagnose and refer chronic kidney disease |
J16 |
CARI (Australasian) Clinical Practice Guidelines published (53 free full text review papers!) |
J08 |
Is the Mayo Clinic GFR estimating equation better than MDRD for predicting CV risk? |
M26 |
Art Buchwald is still alive - a testimony to conservative management |
M12 |
JASN paper: Obesity triples risk of CKD (pdf) |
M13 |
High-dose atorvastatin (Lipitor) improves kidney function in CKD patients in large clinical trial. |
F26 |
New Zealand kidney foundation launches a campaign for people to drink water vs. soft drinks. |
F06 |
Survey of UK dialysis units focuses on late referral, AV fistula use, MRSA. |
J02 |
UCSF study in Annals suggests that obesity increases risk of kidney failure. |
D15 |
Bifidobacterium infantis now available for IBS: Does it benefit ESRD pts? |
D15 |
Both BNP and NT-proBNP useful to deteck CHF in persons with CKD. |
D05 |
Sally Burrows-Hudson, RN to head up business development for CORA. |
N16 |
Pioglitazone reduces heart attack rate in type 2 diabetics by 28%. |
N13 |
ASN: Sulodexide phase 2 trial shows good results in diabetic nephropathy. |
N05 |
MMWR: Progression in diabetics stabilizing or slowing in recent years. |
N02 |
JASN: USRDS predicts 713,000 prevalent ESRD patients by 2015. |
O31 |
Dialysis patients often have family members who are also on dialysis. |
O27 |
Roche suspends Tamiflu shipments to the U.S. |
O27 |
JASN Express: Pravastatin lowers CV death risk in diabetics with CKD. |
O26 |
ASN Renal Week 2005 abstracts now available on-line. |
O12 |
JAMA: ESRD incidence, prognosis improving in diabetics. |
O11 |
USRDS: US rates of kidney failure stabilize, ending a 20-year climb! |
O09 |
JASN: Glycosylated Hb in non-diabetic CKD pts. increases mortality risk. |
S09 |
Spironolactone added to ACEI/ARB gives added renoprotection in diabetics. |
A16 |
Analgesic drug use linked to high blood pressure in women. |
A03 |
JASN articles focuses on poor medical care received by CKD patients. |
J28 |
JASN: ADMA strongly predictive of CKD progression |
J23 |
UK CKD guidelines |
J22 |
CDC reports less lead, cotinine in U.S. population; cadmium still of concern. |
J08 |
Illinois Public Health directed by governor to establish CKD detection program. |
J08 |
Ruboxistaurin lowers proteinuria in diabetic GN by 24%. |
J07 |
Nephroprevention Conference 2005 to be held in Toronto, Sept. 23-24. |
J28 |
Benign prostatic hypertrophy associated with increased CKD risk in Mayo study. |
J23 |
Vitamin D deficiency in CKD - why should we care? |
J17 |
High levels of ADMA associated with renal disease progression in CKD. |
J16 |
Lead exposure from using indoor firing ranges by shooting teams. |
J16 |
APOE allele may slightly increase risk of CKD. |
J13 |
Incidence of diabetes in U.S. ESRD patients falls by 30% |
M18 |
NEJM: Cystatin levels predict mortality better than Scr in the elderly.. |
M09 |
Moderate alcohol consumption helps maintain GFR over time. |
M03 |
Consumer Reports website suggest Best Buys for ACE inhibitors. |
M03 |
Schelling paper that is the basis for the dipstick protein-SC calculator |
M03 |
Schelling-Case Western dipstick proteinuria/specific gravity calculator. |
A27 |
Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee top 3 states in terms of CKD risk. |
A08 |
New kidney protein 'renalase' - regulates heart contraction and blood pressure |
M29 |
New protein identified (KCP) that protects kidneys against injury/progression. |
J15 |
AAKP educational conference series for patients with CKD |
D28 |
NIH, JDRF, CDC announce new genetic data bank for diabetic kidney disease. |
N26 |
Epidemiologic study links high water intake to proteinuria. |
O26 |
KDIGO.org website now up for international kidney disease guidelines |
O14 |
U.S. NKF announces availability of nephrologist toolkit for CKD |
O07 |
MMWR; United States CKD prevalence rates double from 1990-2001. |
S24 |
Even mild kidney disease raises risk of heart disease and death |
S15 |
Concern over children's exposure to lead in the U.K. |
J29 |
Smoking increases CKD risk by 50% |
J26 |
Long-term acetaminophen use may harm kidneys |
J15 |
New NIH initiative aims to reduce kidney failure in African Americans |
M01 |
Taiwan tops the world in percentage of dialysis patients |
J23 |
Prevention in Renal Disease: 3rd Annual Conference in Toronto, Oct 1-2, 2004 |
D14 |
New Medicare law gives boost to disease management programs |
N20 |
NKF screens 10,000th patient in Washington DC area for CKD |
N17 |
Kidney failure linked to patients with severe gout and uromodulin gene defect |
N15 |
ASN: Heavy use of aspirin or acetaminophen associated with ESRD |
N14 |
Baxter announces launch of CKD research program |
S09 |
Smoking reduces monamine oxidase levels in the kidney and other organs |
J17 |
NKF CKD guideline summary published in Annals |
J27 |
Bone morphogenic protein (BMP-7) slows scarring, progression in mouse CKD |
J12 |
NIH Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) study begins to enroll patients |
M29 |
Athlete sues university, doctors, for failing to predict kidney failure |
M23 |
Gene that helps kidneys eliminate protein linked to progression |
A25 |
Mechanism of adverse effect of a high-protein diet on the kidney proposed |
F11 |
UK dialysis resources being strained by increased patient load |
J26 |
Gates foundation offers 200 M for research in global health |
J25 |
Anemia in CHF: True anemia or hemodilution? |
J12 |
HDCN: CKD channel talk links updated |
O15 |
HDCN: CKD - primary care providers vs. nephrologists (audiofiles) |
S29 |
Estimation of CrCl in patients with unstable renal function without urine |
S25 |
Try our upgraded MDRD GFR calculator - See how BUN / Albumin affect the GFR |
S03 |
View ASN-produced video on CKD (for general public) |
J04 |
JASN paper emphasizes risk of ESRD in African Americans |
A30 |
Mercury exposure in dentists linked to memory, kidney problems |
A19 |
CKD guidelines in full posted at www.kdoqi.org |
A02 |
CMS targeting pre-diabetes screening |
M28 |
New NIH-ADA guidelines urge testing of all over 45 for pre-diabetes |
M21 |
K-DOQI guidelines for CKD in full text on AJKD website |
F27 |
Smoking speeds kidney decline in diabetics |
F15 |
JCAHO launches Disease-Specific Certification, starts with diabetes, CHF, asthma |
F11 |
Executive summary of CKD KDOQI guidelines now available (.pdf) |
F05 |
NKF releases K-DOQI guidelines for CKD |
J24 |
NIH CRIC prospective observational study of CKD begins operations |
D19 |
Aspirin and acetaminophen linked to renal insufficiency |
O27 |
K/DOQI expands to form a CV disease workgroup |