HDCN News Archive -- Hypertension, CV Disease |
Mar06 |
Novel ablation technology to treat atrial fibrillation. |
Oct23 |
Taking antihypertensives at bedtimes lowers cardiovascular risk. |
Aug13 |
SPRINT substudy shows that intensive BP control lowers rate of white matter brain lesions. |
Jul09 |
Predicing serum K from the EKG trace measured by an Apple watch. |
Apr28 |
CDC issues alert re warfarin coagulopathy and synthetic cannabinoids |
Jan11 |
Lp(a) in the news in the New York Times |
Jan04 |
J-curve in BP studies is an artifact - similar to dose targeting bias in HEMO. |
Aug11 |
NEJM: Idarucizumab effective for reversal of dabigatran effects. |
Apr18 |
High salt diet makes subjects drink less and eat more !? |
May29 |
Smoking increases risk of CKD progression in African Americans |
May24 |
CRIC study shows a high urinary sodium excretion in CKD linked to higher CV risk. |
May20 |
SPRINT shows lower than 120 BP systolic target in elderly results in improved outcomes |
Mar30 |
AC6 gene therapy improves cardiac function in patients with heart failure. |
Feb27 |
Treatment of BP below 140 systolic in persons with diabetes may be counterproductive. |
Feb14 |
Second salty taste receptor more fully characterized in humans. |
Feb02 |
Flu vaccine lowers risk of atrial fibrillation |
Dec14 |
Even more news on the new HDCN Facebook page! |
Dec14 |
A bright future is predicted for renal denervation devices. |
Dec14 |
Primary aldo screening for resistant hypertension cost effective? |
Dec01 |
Higher serum Mg associated with decreased risk of sudden death in dialysis patients. |
Nov10 |
L-DOPA may delay onset of age-related macular degeneration by 8 years. |
Nov10 |
Sprint Blood Pressure Trial article link at NEJM |
Nov10 |
Sprint study presented at the AHA Scientific Sessions and published in NEJM. |
Sep25 |
Giving BP meds at bedtime particularly effective in lowering diabetes risk |
Sep11 |
SPRINT RCT data support an even lower BP target (120 systolic) for the elderly. |
Aug31 |
Spanish style mid-day "siestas" linked to lower blood pressure and better heart structure. |
Aug31 |
Fimrenone, a selective MRA antagonist from Bayer shows promising heart failure effects. |
Aug27 |
FDA approves 2nd PCSK9 inhibitor, Repatha, to lower LDL cholesterol |
Aug18 |
Doctors will be able to look at your beating heart or at your colon in 3-D virtual reality. |
Jul16 |
Using salt microspheres to reduce sodium intake |
Jul08 |
Valsartan combined with sacubitril (neprilysin inhibitor) improves heart failure patient survival. |
Apr23 |
Long coding RNA found that regulates brown fat production |
Apr08 |
Short stature linked to increased cardiovascular risk |
Feb26 |
Medtronic to launch new phase II trial of renal nerve ablation (Symplicity device) |
Feb26 |
Dabigatran has higher bleeding risk than warfarin in dialysis patients |
Feb05 |
BMJ study: Intensify BP treament when SBP > 150, but do it promptly. |
Jan09 |
Monthly dose of PCSK9 inhibitor lowers serum cholesterol |
Sep01 |
PCSK9 inhibitor arilocumab lowers cholesterol and cardiovascular events |
Aug30 |
Novel heart failure drug shows great promise. |
Jul16 |
New concerns about the safety of niacin. |
Jul14 |
Hydrogen sulfide generating compound protects stressed mitochondria. |
May21 |
ZS Pharma presenting data on it's GI potassium sorbent in patients taking RAAS inhibitors at ASH |
May18 |
Urine fibrinopeptide B can be used to detect venous thromboembolism. |
May18 |
Benzodiazepine use for sleep markedly increase adverse events n heart failure patients. |
May18 |
Aspirin retards wound healing |
May16 |
American Society of Hypertension 2014 Annual Meeting starts in NYC. |
May13 |
Health benefits of resveratrol via red wine called into question by study from Italy |
May10 |
Leadless pacing shows promise. |
May07 |
FDA and the Heart Association and other agencies fight over aspirin |
Apr22 |
Salt controversy back in the New York Times. |
Apr22 |
Have we found the cure for atherosclerosis? D-PDMP a potential candidate. |
Mar30 |
No ischemic EKG changes plus very low cardiac high-sensitivity troponin T levels rule out MI. |
Mar30 |
Symplicity trial discussed by Drs. Gersh and Lerman. |
Mar29 |
Negative SYMPLICITY HTN-3 trial results published in NEJM |
Mar29 |
Evolocumab lowers LDL cholesterol by more than 50% (NEJM) |
Mar29 |
SYMPLICITY HTN - 3: Renal artery fails for resistant hypertension |
Mar29 |
Prophylactic rosuvastatin lowers risk of contrast kidney injury. |
Mar29 |
New class of anticholesterol drugs lowers LDL by 50% |
Mar17 |
Large meta-analysis exonerates saturated fat in terms of elevated CV risk. |
Feb28 |
Beta-blockade found to benefit ESRD patient survival and CV risk |
Feb16 |
Apple working on heart attack prediction device based on wearable sensor. |
Jan14 |
New device informs treatment of sleep apnea. |
Dec23 |
Portable retinal scanner developed for early detection of eye disease. |
Dec18 |
Blood pressure target in the elderly changed from less than 140 to less than 150. |
Dec14 |
How HDL cholesterol reduces inflammation via the ATF3 gene. |
Dec14 |
Tall people have lower amounts of coronary artery plaque. |
Dec14 |
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy measures heart energy levels; predicts prognosis. |
Nov25 |
FDA removes certain restrictions from Avandia. |
Nov23 |
Abstracts from the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2013 |
Nov19 |
New study of spironolactone in heart failure fails to show improvement in many hard outcomes. |
Nov19 |
Advanced CT imaging as good as angiography to detect CAD blockages. |
Nov19 |
Gene therapy shows long-lasting benefits in patients with heart failure. |
Nov19 |
Eveolocumab lowers LDL cholesterol in patients with marked hypercholesterolemia. |
Nov18 |
VA NEPHRON D Sttudy in NEJM: Combination ACE-I and ARB treatment for diabetic nephropathy with proteinuria found to be harmful. |
Nov18 |
CORAL study reports negative results in the NEJM re stenting of renovascular HTN. |
Nov18 |
Controversy over heart disease risk formula being applied as an indication for statins. |
Nov18 |
AHA Scientific Sessions: Daily News |
Oct27 |
New K-absorbing compound prevents hyperkalemia with spironolactone. |
Oct20 |
Diuretics and ACE inhibitors protect against dementia; beta-blockers and CCBs do not. |
Oct20 |
Gene silencing PPMO antibacterials developed to combat Acinetobacter infections. |
Oct13 |
2013 ESH/ESC guidelines for hypertension management (PDF) |
Oct13 |
European Hypertension Guideline update helps fill U.S. void while waiting for JNC8 |
Sep21 |
Remote ischemic conditioning using blood pressure cuff in acute heart attack |
Sep18 |
Childhood obesity quadruples risk of later hypertension. |
Aug20 |
Kaiser able to control 87% of subjects with hypertension |
Aug16 |
Remote ischemic preconditioning via BP cuff increases heart surgery survival. |
Aug07 |
Ultrasound patch helps heal long standing venous skin ulceration of the legs. |
Aug07 |
Long-term use of calcium channel blockers linked to increased breast cancer risk. |
Jul11 |
Rare mutation triggers race to develop new cholesterol drugs. |
Jul05 |
Brown fat activation may be responsible for accelerated atherosclerosis in winter. |
Jul05 |
DHA (in fish oil) reduces inflammation via maresin in macrophages. |
Jul05 |
Blocking CD36 might affect inflammation-induced atherosclerosis |
May16 |
American Society for Hypertension annual scientific meeting in progress in San Francisco. |
May14 |
Institute of Medicine questions 1.5 g/day sodium limitation recommendations. |
Apr30 |
Atherosclerosis found in mummified remains of humans from preindustrial civilizations. |
Apr24 |
Gut bacteria, lecithin, TMAO, and atherosclerosis in the NEJM. |
Apr16 |
Drinking beet juice lowers blood pressure by 10 mm Hg. |
Apr07 |
New theory implicating red meat in risk for atherosclerosis involves carnitine, intestinal bacteria, and TMAO. |
Apr05 |
Walking as good as running to lower heart disease risk. |
Apr05 |
Chronic pain commonly associated with ischemic stroke. |
Apr05 |
New meta analysis suggests benefits of salt reduction and dietary K increase. |
Apr05 |
New meta analysis suggests benefits of salt reduction and dietary K increase. |
Apr05 |
New meta analysis suggests benefits of salt reduction and dietary K increase. |
Apr03 |
Cholesterol-lowering eyedrops improve macular degeneration in mice. |
Mar20 |
High potency statins increase risk of acute kidney injury (slightly). |
Mar17 |
Cholecalciferol treatmen of African Americans with hypertension good. |
Mar09 |
Niacin drug plus antiflushing compound had substantial side effects. |
Mar08 |
New study validates anti-aging effects of resveratrol. |
Feb16 |
Cure for Chagas disease found? |
Feb16 |
Another study shows increased cardiovascular risk in women with high calcium intake. |
Feb16 |
ADAMTS7, thrombospondin, genetics, and arterial plaque. |
Jan21 |
Regular aspirin use associated with risk of age-related neovascular macular degeneration. |
Jan10 |
Data mining approach shows that a diuretic + ACEI or ARB + NSAID is bad for the kidney |
Jan10 |
Sodium excretion by weekly and monthly cycles in men revealed by astronaut testing. |
Jan10 |
Gene therapy reprograms scar tissue in damaged hearts. |
Dec26 |
Elevated levels of C-reactive protein associated with depression. |
Dec26 |
Blood transfusion associated with increased risk of heart attack. |
Dec16 |
Gut bacteria may protect against atherosclerosis by making carotenoids. |
Dec13 |
Endothelin antagonist sitaxentan good for CKD with heart disease. |
Dec06 |
Aspirin tablet coatings may give rise to aspirin pseudoresistance. |
Nov26 |
Heartbeat gives off more than 10 times the energy needed to power pacemakers. |
Nov26 |
Genes controlling cortisol and aldosterone found to be implicated in human hypertension. |
Nov26 |
Firms race to develop renal denervation catheters to treat hypertension. |
Nov05 |
Pacemakers can self-recharge using the energy from a beating heart. |
Nov05 |
Randomized trial shows benefit for chelation therapy for heart disease. |
Nov05 |
NEJM: Coronary revascularization better than percutaneous procedures for diabetic patients. |
Nov05 |
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012 News - Sunday |
Nov05 |
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2012 News - Saturday |
Nov01 |
Prolonged QRS and PR intervals in atrial fibrillation predict poor outcome. |
Nov01 |
High blood resistin levels increase LDL cholesterol and impair efficacy of statins. |
Oct09 |
Neuroprotectant drug effective in maintaining brain function after aneurysm surgery. |
Oct09 |
Bariatric surgery gives disappointing results in terms of sleep apnea. |
Oct04 |
Subcutaneous implantable defibrillator avoids the need for intravenous leads. |
Sep25 |
New CDC report based on NHANES data focuses on prevalence of hypertension in US. |
Sep19 |
Cost-effectivenes study of renal sympathetic denervation published. |
Sep12 |
Fish oil supplement meta-analysis in the news (found no benefit) |
Sep07 |
CDC MMWR emphasizes poor control of hypertension in the United States. |
Sep07 |
Nonalcoholic red wine reduced blood pressure better than regular red wine. |
Aug27 |
Renal denervation for advanced heart failure |
Aug16 |
CD4 T cells linked to immunologically-mediated atherosclerosis; vaccine may be possible. |
Aug03 |
Diacetyl, an artificial butter flavor used in popcorn, linked to Alzheimer's disease worsening. |
Jul21 |
Patient weight gain after change of acid concentrate supplier with same nominal dialysate sodium level. |
Jul21 |
New body shape index, based on height, BMI, and waist circumference, predicts mortality risk. |
Jul18 |
In frail elderly, higher blood pressures associated with increased survival. |
Jul12 |
Post-menopausal hormone therapy linked to risk of high blood pressure. |
Jul03 |
Large waist gives survival advantage in heart failure patients. |
Jun28 |
Favorable early results after renal denervation in CKD. |
Jun27 |
Atkins diets increase rate of calories burned, but also increase cardiovascular risk in women. |
Jun20 |
Higher urinary sodium output in the PREVEND trial linked to higher BP, uric acid, and albuminuria. |
Jun03 |
Salt intake skepticism in the Sunday New York Times. |
Jun02 |
World Congress of Cardiology poster presentation abstracts (186 page pdf file) |
Jun02 |
World Congress of Cardiology oral presentation abstracts (83-page pdf file) |
Jun01 |
Soft drink consumption linked to high blood pressure, but it may not be via fructose. |
Jun01 |
Alcohol may trigger serious palpitations in heart patients with atrial fibrillation. |
Jun01 |
Study vindicates Atkins type diet in terms of kidney function. |
May24 |
Another study suggests cardiovascular risk increase from calcium supplements. |
May22 |
New guidelines suggest to NOT give aspirin or warfarin to heart failure patients. |
May19 |
Short-term azithromycin treatment associated with increased cardiovascular death risk. |
May19 |
Study of HDL genetic variants casts doubt on the beneficial impact of higher HDL levels. |
May19 |
Air pollution reduction during Beijing Olympics associated with decreased platelet activation marker levels. |
May19 |
Renal denervation shows encouraging results for resistant hypertension. |
May10 |
White coat vs. white dress hypertension |
May10 |
HDL cholesterol that contains ApoC-III is bad for you. |
May10 |
LARIAT to tie off left atrial appendage for atrial fibrillation treatment vs. warfarin. |
May04 |
Mechanism of increased CV risk with NSAIDs explained. |
May04 |
Aspirin and warfarin equally effective in heart failure patients. |
May01 |
Renal denervation devicemakers in the news: Covidien and Maya medical. |
May01 |
Avastin and Lucentis similarly effective in treating wet age-related macular degeneration. |
May01 |
High uric acid levels a risk factor for hypertension in teenagers. |
Apr26 |
FDA issues safety warning about using aliskiren plus an ACEI or ARB in diabetes or CKD. |
Apr17 |
Twice the sodium in some fast foods sold in the US or Canada vs. France or UK. |
Apr10 |
Fish oil benefits questioned for heart attack and stroke survivors. |
Apr10 |
Selective renal nerve denervation benefits persist for at least 3 years afterwards. |
Mar27 |
LDL antibodies reduce LDL cholesterol by 70% in patients already taking statins. |
Mar20 |
Antiplatelet therapy in CKD patients with heart disease called into question. |
Mar20 |
With climate warming, U.S. residents face risk of contracting Chagas disease. |
Mar13 |
Eating red meat associated with health risks and shorter life expectancy. |
Mar08 |
FDA considering making many drugs over the counter. |
Mar08 |
Animal studies suggest that nitric oxide gas inhalation after stroke improves brain perfusion. |
Mar03 |
Selective renal denervation lowers LVMI from 112 to 95 g/m2 over a 6 month period. |
Mar02 |
FDA: Statins and protease inhibitors taken together can increase risk of muscle injury. |
Feb28 |
FDA adds diabetes, memory loss warning to statins. |
Feb26 |
Nicotine may cause vascular injury |
Feb22 |
FDA advisory panel votes to approve weight loss drug Qnexa (phentermine/topiramate) |
Feb14 |
Stem cells can reduce scar tissue after heart attacks. |
Feb09 |
Coronary artery disease in British males linked to common Y-chromosome haplogroup. |
Feb03 |
Triglyceride levels predict stroke risk in postmenopausal women. |
Feb03 |
Clopidogrel with aspirin does not prevent smaal subcortical strokes; increases bleeding risk |
Jan17 |
Renal denervation surgery now available in Toronto, Canada. |
Jan12 |
What is irisin and how does it regulate brown fat tissue? |
Jan12 |
Routine aspirin may cause harm |
Jan10 |
Dabigatran linked to risk of acute coronary events. |
Dec15 |
Chewsing khat is bad for you if you have heart disease. |
Dec13 |
Statins reduce plaque by affecting the CCR7 chemokine receptor on macrophages. |
Dec06 |
Self-absorbing drug-eluting heart scaffold stent implanted in Montreal. |
Nov28 |
McMaster study published in JAMA suggests a U-shaped relation between sodium intake and CV risk. |
Nov28 |
Similar effects of beer and wine on risk of cardiovascular disease. |
Nov21 |
Higher blood 25-D levels (> 100 ng/dL) linked to new onset atrial fibrillation. |
Nov16 |
Stem cell treatment improves severe CHF in Lancet study. |
Nov16 |
ASN; PRIMO study shows no benefits of paricalcitol on LVH in patients. |
Nov16 |
Higher dose statins reduce coronary artery plaque. |
Nov16 |
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions website. |
Nov16 |
Niacin may not improve hard outcomes. |
Nov16 |
CETP inhibitor more than doubles HDL cholesterol levels. |
Nov16 |
Ain't necessarily so dept: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy associated with long life. |
Nov09 |
Extra-carotid to internal carotid artery bypass surgery of limited value after ministroke. |
Nov01 |
Am Heart Assoc High BP Research Council Fall 2011 Meeting abstracts |
Oct28 |
Medtronic launches clinical trial of its renal denervation device. |
Oct26 |
Apixaban better than warfarin for atrial fibritllation. |
Oct26 |
Taking at least one BP med at bedtime lowers cardiovascular risk. |
Oct20 |
CDC via MMW publishes usual sodium intakes of US individuals, 2005-2008. |
Oct18 |
St. Jude Medical announces first clinical use of renal denervation technology. |
Oct18 |
BNP biomarker-guided therapy of heart failure markedly lowers complication rate. |
Oct14 |
ASN Renal Week 2011 abstracts now available. |
Oct14 |
MMWR (CDC): Incidence of heart disease in the U.S. declining from 2006 - 2010 (pdf) |
Oct14 |
Bacteria-derived bile acids linked to efficacy of statins. |
Oct11 |
Thiazides may be especially useful to treat hypertension from calcineurin-inhibitor drugs. |
Oct11 |
Link between FGF23 and LVH strengthened by studies in mice, rats, and patients. |
Oct04 |
Salt institute requests that U.S. agencies remove salt restriction from new dietary guidelines. |
Sep27 |
Plaque disruption explains heart attacks in women with normal coronary angiograms. |
Sep21 |
Exposure to vehicle exhaust fumes from traffic can trigger heart attacks with a 6-hour window. |
Sep21 |
cMyBP-C protein may be new diagnostic marker for acute heart attack. |
Sep15 |
Cryoablation treatment of atrial fibrillation shows promise. |
Sep15 |
NEJM: Apixaban better than warfarin to treat atrial fibrillation. |
Sep13 |
Body clock found to regulate platelet function |
Sep03 |
Poor sleep quality increases risk of high blood pressure. |
Aug30 |
Will the chocolate-eating craze impact oxalate load in patients with CKD? |
Aug30 |
European Society of Cardiology 2011 symposium home page |
Aug30 |
Donor heart arrives warm and beating in experimental organ transfer device. |
Aug30 |
Higher salt intake and low activity linked to increased risk of dementia in the elderly. |
Aug30 |
European registry tracks outcomes with ablation therapy for atrial fibrillation. |
Aug30 |
Weight-loss simulatino tool allows prediction of efficacy of dietary interventions for obesity. |
Aug30 |
Adoption study underlines role of genetics in causation of heart disease. |
Aug23 |
New computed tomography heart scan exposes patients to 90% less radiation. |
Aug19 |
High serum phosphorus may accelerate CKD progression, block effects of ramipril. |
Aug03 |
4-D Substudy suggests that low homoarginine levels associate with sudden death. |
Jul21 |
FDA approves ticagrelor (Brilinta) to treat acute coronary syndrome. |
Jul21 |
Stress cardiomyopathy is real and affects a broad range of elderly patients. |
Jul19 |
Intravenous ribose helps recovery from heart attack. A potential dialysate additive to prevent stunning? |
Jul19 |
Carvedilol found to improve intradialytic hypertension in pilot study. |
Jul12 |
Kv7.4 potassium channel in blood vessels linked to control of blood pressure. |
Jul12 |
Therapeutic hypothermia betters outcome post cardiac arrest - why not a dialysis system? |
Jul12 |
FDA approves trial of renal artery SNS ablation by catheter using Ardian/Medtronic system. |
Jul12 |
Higher sodium and lower potassium intake independently link to mortality in NHANES |
Jul07 |
American Heart Association maintains its guidance about 1.5 g/day max sodium intake. |
Jul07 |
Cochrane Library review questions benefits of salt reduction in terms of hard outcomes. |
Jul07 |
Either excessively high or low sodium intake in pregnant rats adversely affects nephron number and kidney function in their offspring. |
Jul05 |
Anti-smoking drug varenicline may have adverse cardiovascular effects. |
Jul05 |
NSAIDs associated with increased risk of atrial fibrillation. |
Jul05 |
Alpha-tocotrienol, a form of vitamin E, may protect brain cells after a stroke. |
Jun28 |
Collagen-binding protein allows dental S. mutans bacteria to attach to heart valves. |
Jun28 |
Visceral fat decreased by increased intake of soluble fiber and exercise. |
Jun28 |
New hybrid minimally invasive surgical procedure to treat atrial fibrillation |
Jun21 |
Shorter pause between stopping CPR and administering electroshock linked to higher survival. |
Jun09 |
FDA-mandated labeling change for simvastatin regarding risk of higher dosages. |
Jun09 |
Pretreatment of mice with thymosin beta 4 induces cardiac repair after induced infarct. |
Jun09 |
SHARP trial (simvastatin plus ezetimibe in CKD) results published in the Lancet. |
Jun09 |
FDA: Myopathy risk of high-dose (80 mg) simvastatin close to 50%; limitations to use recommended. |
Jun01 |
Histone deacetylase inhibitor reverses LVH in a mouse model. |
May31 |
Higher fat, lower carb diets pose little cardiovascular risk over the short term. |
May28 |
MGmin-LDL identifed as a subtype of LDL associated with cardiovascular disease. |
May28 |
Chronic estrogen exposure may increase blood pressure via superoxide; reversed by resveratrol. |
May26 |
Addition of niacin to simvastatin fails to protect the heart and may increase stroke risk |
May25 |
Nineteen percent of young adults found to have high blood pressure. |
May22 |
Epleronone reduces the incidence of atrial fibrillation in class 2 heart failure. |
May19 |
Deuterium-enriched vitamin A slows rate of age-related macular degeneration in a mouse model. |
May19 |
Dairy consumption does not elevate cardiovascular risk in Costa Rican study. |
May19 |
L-arginine-rich foods lower risk of pre-eclampsia. |
May17 |
FDA advisory panel will convene to reconsider approval of fenofibrate |
May16 |
IDOL, inducible LKL receptor degrading molecule, may be target for cholesterol lowering. |
May16 |
KLF14 gene may be a regulator of body fat, obesity, and cholesterol. |
May15 |
Telemedicine monitoring of heart failure patients strikes out. |
May12 |
Losartan might protect against disuse muscle atrophy (in mice). |
May03 |
Link to EPOGH study in JAMA on urinary sodium and CV death risk. |
May03 |
Ain't necessarily so: Observational study suggests lower sodium intake increases risk of death from heart attack and strokes.. |
Apr29 |
Work more than 8 hours a day? You may be setting yourself up for a heart attack. |
Apr26 |
25D blood level differences explain 40% of difference in blood pressure between blacks and whites. |
Apr25 |
The cardiologists weigh in on how to treat blood pressure in the elderly.` |
Apr25 |
Oops! High levels of omega-3s, as indicated by DHA, associated with high-grade prostate cancer. |
Apr22 |
Prolongation of the QT interval on sudden standing a marker for sudden death risk. |
Apr22 |
ACE inhibitors may trigger recurrence of breast cancer: an unexpected finding |
Apr20 |
Intensified ultrafiltration in an attempt to control blood pressure linked to more access complications. |
Apr20 |
Calcium supplements linked to increased heart attack risk in older women. |
Apr12 |
On-sitne heart attack response team provides median door to angioplasty balloon time of 47 minutes |
Apr12 |
Vitamin D improves flow-mediated vasodilatation in overweight African American subjects. |
Apr12 |
25D levels below 15 mcg/L linked to increased risk of age-related macular degeneration |
Apr07 |
Ciliary neurotropic factor delivered by encapsulated cells may help age-related macular degeneration |
Apr06 |
Implanted neck baroreceptor buzzer lowers blood pressure in controlled study. |
Apr06 |
Gut bacteria may convert choline to pro-atherogenic compounds. Caution re supplements. |
Mar29 |
Large study using ambulatory BP monitoring shows that many cases of apparent resistant hypertension are really white coat readings. |
Mar29 |
Small, randomized trial of renal denervation shows benefit in treating resistant hypertension. |
Mar29 |
Whole fiber breakfeast cereat consumption associated with lower blood pressure. |
Mar24 |
Ok, you know about FGF23. But FGF19 may be even more important in glucose metabolism. |
Mar23 |
So if we cut out fruits (potassium) and whole grains (phosphate), we also cut out fiber. Is that a good thing? |
Mar17 |
Cardiac injection of autologous stem cells markedly improves heart failure. |
Mar12 |
Disruption of circadian cycle can lead to fatty liver. |
Mar12 |
Coffee drinking linked to reduced stroke risk in women. |
Mar12 |
Wnt1 can stimulate new blood vessel formation and also improve blood flow. |
Mar02 |
Glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3B) antibody lowers blood pressure in animals. |
Mar02 |
NSAID use linked to erectile dysfunction |
Feb28 |
Abnormal cubilin gene linked to albuminuria |
Feb28 |
Gut bacteria can affect hepatic lipid metabolism |
Feb24 |
Like pecan pie? |
Feb22 |
Routine measurement of central blood pressure becoming more practical. |
Feb18 |
Where the sodium comes from: sauces, bacon, bread, milk, and cheese |
Feb17 |
New aldosterone-related gene mutation linked to severe hypertension |
Feb11 |
Apixaban may prevent strokes more efficiently than aspirin in atrial fibrillation. |
Feb11 |
New genetic cause of primary hyperaldosteronism identified, and it's not rare. |
Feb09 |
Salt and diet soda ingestion linked to increased risk of cerebrovascular events |
Feb07 |
Pivotal discoveries in age-related macular degeneration. |
Jan31 |
New USDA sodium guidelines recommend sodium intake < 1.5 g/day for individuals with CKD, HTN, or DMj |
Jan21 |
Hickey paralyzes woman (seriously) |
Jan15 |
National Library of Medicine's Daily Med website for quick access to drug package inserts. |
Jan14 |
American Heart Association calling for sodium reduction to 1.5 g/day for everyone. |
Jan14 |
Let me tell you one thing about nurses who eat blueberries... |
Jan12 |
JAMA: Candesartan linked to better survival in heart failure than losartan. |
Jan12 |
Common painkillers linked to increased risk of vascular complications. |
Jan12 |
NEJM: Cholesterol efflux capacity from macrophages, a new measure of HDL action, linked to carotid intima-media thickness. |
Jan11 |
Stem Cell treatment of age-related macular degeneration on the horizon. |
Jan10 |
Statins may be harmful after hemorrhagic stroke. |
Jan06 |
Extended-release clonidine now available for sale in the United States. |
Dec28 |
FDA clears Novartis' triple antihypertensive drug for marketing. |
Dec18 |
FDA approves Medtronic cryoablation device to treat atrial fibrillation. |
Dec17 |
Beetroot juice may increase walking distance in the elderly. |
Dec15 |
Ain't necessarily so: No link between serum 25-D levels and cardiovascular mortality. |
Nov30 |
Source of protection against saturated fat (Angptl4) found, and 3% of people don't have it. |
Nov17 |
Radiofrequency zapping of renal nerves in CKD lowers blood pressure substantially. |
Nov17 |
NEJM: New CETP inhibitor anacetrapib shows promise in affecting LDL and HDL levels |
Nov16 |
Nevada doctor in hot water for prescribing BP pills over the phone without seeing the patient. |
Nov16 |
Xarelto and other warfarin alternatives about to hit the U.S. market. |
Nov14 |
AHA 2010 abstracts: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in High-Risk Populations: Diabetes and Kidney Disease |
Nov14 |
AHA 2010 abstracts: Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Chronic Kidney Disease |
Nov14 |
AHA 2010 Abstracts: Cardiorenal syndrome: pathophysiology |
Nov14 |
AHA Scientific Sessions ongoing in Chicago, Nov 13-17. |
Nov14 |
Large RCT has good news and bad news for nesiritide (Natrecor). |
Nov11 |
Brass, even in modern plumbing fixtures, continues to cause lead-contamination of drinking water. |
Nov08 |
Cerebral microbleeeds common with aging. |
Oct22 |
Salt sensitivity linked to vasopressin via induction of brain protein synthesis. |
Oct18 |
Susceptibility to hypertension in Blacks may be related to too much aldosterone. |
Oct18 |
Fenretinide reduces the risk of transformation of dry to wet macular degeneration. |
Oct15 |
American Heart Association position paper on smokeless tobacco products. |
Oct13 |
One in five West Virginia 5th graders may have high blood pressure. |
Oct13 |
Want to lower blood pressure? Eat more watermelon for it's L-arginine precursors (but watch the K !) |
Oct12 |
Pharmacy benefits group attempts to predict drug non-compliance at an early stage. |
Oct12 |
International Society for Hypertension in Blacks recommends aggressive treatment. |
Oct09 |
More on FDA-mandated withdrawal of Meridia (sibutramine) from the U.S. market. |
Oct05 |
NIH adds more patients over 75 to SPRINT blood pressure goal trial. |
Oct04 |
New evidence suggests that dietary intake of saturated fats has limited risk of CV disease. |
Sep25 |
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement associated with markedly improved survival. |
Sep22 |
CMS releases new proposed qualiity measures developed by Arbor Research (1.5 mb pdf file) |
Sep15 |
Defective ABCB4 gene impedes cholesterol excretion into the bile. |
Sep09 |
FDA issues new safety alert re gadolinium-containing contrast agents and NSF. |
Sep07 |
Vegetable-based low-carbohydrate diets better than those rich in animal protein |
Sep02 |
NEJM: Increased cardiovascular risk from weight loss drug sibutramine. |
Sep02 |
AASK trial analysis suggests lower BP targets may benefit African Americans with proteinuria. |
Aug31 |
Large study debunks notion that statins may be associated with cancer. |
Aug31 |
Apixaban reduces stroke risk more than aspirin in patients with atrial fibrillation. |
Aug26 |
Analysis of large claims-based dataset suggests heart risks for rosiglitazone and pioglitazone are similar. |
Aug26 |
New NICE hypertension in pregnancy guidelines issued; recommend daily aspirin |
Aug26 |
Back to the future: Renin profiling claimed to be useful in predicting response to RAAS inhibitors or beta-blockers. |
Aug26 |
Naringenin from grapefruits shows promise as a treament for type 2 diabetes |
Aug24 |
Randomized trial shows that drinking water before a meal reduces calorie consumption. |
Aug20 |
Binge drinking markedly increases death risk in subjects with hypertension. |
Aug20 |
Adding fish oil to low fat diet helps metabolic syndrome. |
Aug15 |
ALLHAT long-term follow-up study confirms advantages of diuretics. |
Jul30 |
Calcium supplements increase the risk of heart attack in postmenopausal women. |
Jul24 |
Marcrophage fatty acid synthase a new target to prevent atherosclerosis. |
Jul20 |
FDA approves generic version of transdermal clonidine. |
Jul16 |
APOL1 gene increases risk of kidney disease in African Americans. |
Jul15 |
ACCORD (NEJM): HbA1c target < 6% and combo statin/fenofibrate Rx better for retinopathy. |
Jul12 |
Abstracts from 2010 World Congress of Cardiology - Posters (274 page .pdf) |
Jul12 |
World Congress of Cardiology 2010 oral presentation abstracts (100 page .pdf) |
Jul08 |
Cholesterol can exit the blood via the liver into the intestine while bypassing bile. |
Jul06 |
Got a thick neck? Might not be so good if you're a child. |
Jul06 |
Cocoa flavanols increase angiogenic cell number. |
Jul06 |
INVEST study published in JAMA: No benefit of targeting BP < 130/80 in diabetics vs. 130-140 |
Jul06 |
How water drinking increases blood pressure and sympathetic activity. |
Jul02 |
Olive oil consumption downregulates gene activity associated with atherosclerosis. |
Jul02 |
Sugary drink consumption raises risk of hypertension. |
Jun30 |
NEJM: Is computed tomography safe? |
Jun29 |
Can't decide if rosiglitazone is safe for the heart? Ask Consumer Reports. |
Jun29 |
Video presentation summary of ACCORD trial results. |
Jun29 |
KDOQI CKD guideline of BP < 130/80 is being questioned. |
Jun29 |
Beetroot juice in the news as a means of lowering blood pressure and CV risk. |
Jun29 |
New study shows no increased cardiovascular risk due to rosiglitazone. |
Jun24 |
Selective estrogen compound activates cell-surface receptors only, may confer vascular protection. |
Jun22 |
European Soc Hypertension 2010 meeting abstracts - June 21st. |
Jun22 |
European Soc Hypertension 2010 meeting abstracts - June 19th. |
Jun22 |
European Soc Hypertension 2010 meeting abstracts - June 19th. |
Jun22 |
ENDO 2010 "abstracts 2 view" |
Jun22 |
Daily new reports of ENDO 2010 meeting |
Jun22 |
Genetic septet in control of platelet stickiness. |
Jun18 |
Blood pressure of 110 and above in teenage boys presages HTN. |
Jun13 |
Lancet study suggests that ARBs may be associated with a higher rate of lung cancer. |
Jun11 |
Short stature increases risk for heart disease: an important confounder for BMI |
Jun10 |
Bipolar disorders linked to hypertension |
Jun10 |
Allopurinol markedly slows progression of CKD in small randomized trial. |
Jun10 |
Why did heart attacks go down by 24% in Northern California's Kaiser patients? |
Jun10 |
Continuous aspiration thrombectomy helps return brain function post major strokes. |
Jun10 |
Ghrelin acting on MC4 receptors in the brain shown to affect serum cholesterol levels. |
May30 |
The politics of salt reduction: the food industry fights back. |
May29 |
Abstracts of the High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia 31st Scientific Meeting. |
May26 |
Drinking fewer sugar-sweetened beverages may lower blood pressure. |
May26 |
B cell genes characterize transplant patients who do well after stopping immunosuppressives. |
May26 |
High levels of HDL cholesterol do not always protect. |
May21 |
Use of Viagra associated with long-term hearing loss. |
May18 |
Pregnenolone sulfate may reduce inflammatatory mediator production by blood vessels. |
May18 |
Higher blood pressure found in people living in urban areas |
May12 |
Working overtime increases heart risk |
May06 |
Having a TIA? Eat some dark chocolate. |
May06 |
New atherosclerosis gene gives promising results. |
May05 |
Mitochondrial DNA strongly linked to stroke risk |
May04 |
American Society of Hypertension program book (see RSS feed for audiofile link) |
Apr30 |
SHR (spontaneously hypertensive rat) genome sequenced - 788 mutations found! |
Apr30 |
New gene link to scleroderma found |
Apr28 |
Anabolic steroid use in healthies impairs left ventricular relaxation by 50% and also ejection fraction. |
Apr28 |
RCT shows that high-dose B vitamins associated with increased risk of progression and CV events in diabetics. |
Apr20 |
About 6 kg of weight loss in obese subjects markedly reduces pro-inflammatory immune dysfunction. |
Apr20 |
Institute of Medicine sodium report - full text |
Apr20 |
FDA Statement on Institute of Medicine sodium report |
Apr20 |
Institute of Medicine, Harvard researchers call for rules for sodium reduction in food |
Apr20 |
Diets high in added sugar raise heart disease risk. |
Apr19 |
Bad news and more bad news: Gene that makes you fat melts your brain. |
Apr19 |
Gamma prime fibrinogen levels in the top quarter equals a 7-fold increase in MI risk |
Apr14 |
Bariatric surgery lowers pregnancy complication risk in obese women |
Apr13 |
High glycemic index carbs increase heart risk in women. |
Apr11 |
Generic losartan and losartan + HCTZ now available |
Mar30 |
Eating 1 small square of chocolate per day lowers CV risk by 39% |
Mar23 |
High-fructose corn syrup associated with liver scarring in patients with NAFLD. |
Mar22 |
Inventor of beta-blocking drugs, Scottish scientist Sir James Black, dies. |
Mar22 |
NDT early: Hemodialysis causes microemboli to enter the circulation. |
Mar22 |
Fibrillin-1 and TGF beta linked to scleroderma |
Mar22 |
High fructose corn syrup = table sugar in terms of fructose content, but not in terms of obesity. |
Mar19 |
JACC paper: Rosuvastatin in CKD subgroup of the JUPITER trial |
Mar19 |
High-dose rosuvastatin reduces mortality in CKD patients by 44%. |
Mar15 |
Valsartan and nateglitidine of no use in reducing CV death in prediabetics. |
Mar15 |
Level of myeloperoxidase strongly associated with CAD mortality. |
Mar15 |
ACCORD trial combination fibrate plus statin results (NEJM, pdf) |
Mar15 |
ACCORD trial lower BP target results (NEJM, .pdf) |
Mar15 |
ACCORD trial results released at ACC: BP lower than 120 or addition of fibrates have no benefit in diabetics. |
Mar12 |
Plavix gets new FDA warning regarding reduced efficacy in 3% slow activators. |
Mar12 |
Spikes in blood pressure predict stroke risk better than high average readings. |
Mar11 |
NEJM: Thyroid hormone analogue lowers LDL cholesterol in statin-treated patients. |
Mar04 |
NEJM: Glycated hemoglobin linked to CV death risk in nondiabetic adults. |
Mar02 |
3 different diets equivalent in terms of improving carotid artery atherosclerosis. |
Mar01 |
Leukocyte biology suggests that simvastatin may increase infection risk. |
Feb23 |
AHA/ACC issue Science Advisory re heart risk and thiazolidinedione drugs. |
Feb23 |
New cardiac CT scanners with 320 detector rows expose patients to 90% less radiation. |
Feb22 |
Mutations in gene encoding K channel KCNN3 associated with atrial fibrillation. |
Feb12 |
Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) a drug already used in humans, prevents diastolic heart failure in mice. |
Feb10 |
Statins associated with a 40% reduction in risk of cataracts |
Feb09 |
Even mild hypokalemia in heart failure patients with early-stage CKD associated with increased mortality. |
Feb08 |
What is "third-hand smoke" and why is it potentially dangerous? |
Feb04 |
New metaanalysis debunks link between saturated fat intake and heart disease. |
Jan27 |
ASH 25th Annual Scientific Meeting to be held May 1-4, 2010 in New York City. |
Jan27 |
Think you know how platelets are made? Guess again. |
Jan27 |
New software allows 3D imaging during coronary angiography. |
Jan26 |
AJKD: Comments on AURORA study results on use of statins in CKD patients. |
Jan25 |
MMWR: Prevalence of abnormal lipid levels among youths |
Jan21 |
NEJM study quantitates benefits of salt reduction on CV outcomes. |
Jan14 |
Alzheimer's disease might be detectable by a retinal exam. |
Jan13 |
BPA (bisphenol A) linked to cardiovascular risk. |
Jan12 |
Intranasal and intracranial TGF-alpha restores motor function after stroke in rats. |
Jan11 |
CV and kidney progression risk tied to proteinuria may be affected by race. |
Jan07 |
UCLA study shows metformin to be safe in patients with diabetes and advanced heart failure. |
Dec29 |
Inner ear organs can alter brain blood flow, affect postural hypotension, dizziness. |
Dec29 |
Renal sympathetic nerve ablation being tested in the UK to treat hypertension |
Dec23 |
American Heart Association's selection of top 10 research advances |
Dec23 |
Aggressive BP treatment in patients over 80 may result in increased mortality. |
Dec21 |
24-h BP monitoring disturbs sleep in some, artifactually affecting the amount of nocturnal BP dipping. |
Dec21 |
Genetic studies clarify differing European and West African components of inheritance in African Americans |
Dec07 |
NEJM: Dabigatran as good as warfarin for venous thromboembolism prevention. |
Dec04 |
Blood clot risk increased up to 70 times as long as 6 weeks after surgery. |
Dec02 |
Heart failure linked to gene variant affecting vitamin D activation. |
Dec01 |
TLR2 (toll-like receptors) linked to inflammatory damage in atherosclerotic plaque. |
Nov27 |
Stress-related blood pressure linked to phosducin. |
Nov26 |
Instead of looking to get omega-3s from fish, look to the algae. |
Nov25 |
Feeding time a major factor on gene induction circadian variability |
Nov25 |
High salt intake linked to risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. |
Nov25 |
Nexilin mutations identified as a cause of dilated cardiomyopathy. |
Nov19 |
Workers exposed to secondhand smoke in outdoor environments have elevated blood levels of cotinine. |
Nov19 |
Cigarette smoke found to be contaminated with many pathogenic bacteria. |
Nov18 |
Niacin plus statin no better than niacin alone in elderly patients with CAD. |
Nov18 |
NEJM: IV iron improves functional capacity and QOL in heart failure patients with iron deficiency |
Nov17 |
Scientific sessions of the American Heart Association portal |
Nov17 |
FDA: Omeprazole and clopidogrel drug:drug interaction reducing efficacy of clopidogrel |
Nov17 |
NEJM: Continuous flow LV assist devices markedly improve survival in severe heart failure. |
Nov15 |
NEJM: Editorial regarding the HALTS trial (ezetimibe vs. niacin) |
Nov15 |
NEJM: Extended-release niacin better than ezetimibe (Vytorin) for atherosclerosis reduction |
Nov14 |
ASTRAL study published in NEJM: No benefit of revascularization in renovascular hypertension. |
Nov14 |
Children with CKD often have undetected hypertension that is associated with LVH. |
Nov14 |
Excessive ingestion of selenium supplements can increase cholesterol by 10% |
Nov14 |
Getting fat recently? Maybe too many Firmicutes bacteria in your gut. |
Nov10 |
Obesity and hypertension are independent risk factor for left atrial enlargement with aging. |
Nov06 |
CJASN: Higher phosphorus levels in preESRD patients linked with coronary artery calcification. |
Nov04 |
Off-pump bypass surgery comes up short in RCT against older method |
Nov03 |
Role of aspirin in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease being questioned. |
Nov03 |
Statins may protect against deep venous thrombosis |
Oct29 |
NIH launches SPRINT RCT to study systolic BP target effect on progression into CKD. |
Oct26 |
Blue-light filtering increases macular pigment, may protect against dry macular degeneration. |
Oct13 |
Melanocytes in the heart? Protecting against atrial fibrillation? |
Oct06 |
Cochrane review finds that B-vitamins of no benefit in preventing CV complications. |
Oct06 |
Minocycline protects against ischemic stroke in animal models. |
Oct01 |
JASN: Pioglitazone prevents age-related decline in renal morphology and function. |
Sep24 |
Vitamin D deficiency in premenopausal women associated with hypertension later in life. |
Sep24 |
200g/day fructose supplement increases systolic BP by 6 mm Hg, prevented by allopurinol. |
Sep24 |
AJKD issues containing KDOQI guidelines now freely available as .pdf files |
Sep17 |
Vitamin K deficiency may be widespread, according to a new theory. |
Sep14 |
Implantable defibrillators may not benefit women. |
Sep01 |
European Soc Cardiol 2009 meeting website |
Sep01 |
Addition of valsartan lowers CV mortality in Japanese patients in the Kyoto heart study. |
Sep01 |
Early stage CHF patients benefit from cardiac resynchronization therapy. |
Sep01 |
How much DHA is enough for an anti-atherosclerotic effect? 200 mg |
Sep01 |
Prophylactic use of aspirin in asymptomatic atherosclerosis of no benefit in RCT. |
Sep01 |
CO linked to increased CV risk; might this explain the higher CKD risk as well in urban areas? |
Sep01 |
Hormonal therapy for prostate cancer associated with increased cardiovascular risk. |
Aug30 |
NEJM: Ticagrelor better than clopidogrel as an anti-platelet agent post acute coronary syndrome. |
Aug30 |
NEJM: Free full text paper on dabigatran vs. warfarin for stroke prevention in atrial fib. |
Aug30 |
Pradaxa (dabigatran) outperforms warfarin by a mile for stroke prevention with a. fib. |
Aug28 |
About 1/3 of people don't activate clopidogrel very well due to gene variants. |
Aug28 |
Should pregnant women avoid mushrooms? Ergothioneine levels high in pre-eclampsia |
Aug28 |
New gene controlling formation of adipocytes identified. |
Aug28 |
Warfarin use associated with increased stroke risk in hemodialysis patients with a. fib. |
Aug24 |
Mice eating a low-carb diet show increased atherosclerosis and decreases in vascular progenitor cells. |
Aug24 |
Is reduction in liver fat the key to the benefits of an alternate-day diet? |
Aug24 |
FDA announces ongoing monitoring of liver injury associated with Orlistat. |
Aug21 |
Excess cholesterol can affect heart rhythm via potassium channels |
Aug21 |
When vitamin D levels low, macrophages get overloaded with cholesterol. |
Aug20 |
Oxycholesterol an important new heart disease risk; high in fried fatty foods. |
Aug19 |
Klotho gene reduces blood pressure and extends lifespan. |
Aug18 |
Whole grain cereals have polyphenol content similar to fruits and vegetables. |
Aug06 |
Blood transfusions in cardiac patients associated with markedly increased mortality. |
Aug06 |
Hypertension associated with VEGF-inhibitors linked to nitric oxide. |
Aug03 |
Millions of U.S. children low in vitamin D |
Aug03 |
TV viewing time associated with higher blood pressure in children. |
Aug03 |
Evidence mounts for cardioprotective effects of fish oil. |
Jul31 |
Lecithin found to have beneficial effects on fat metabolism via PPAR-alpha |
Jul31 |
Monocytes from spleen involved in recovery from myocardial infarction |
Jul28 |
NIH halts trial of sildenafit in patients with sickle-cell disease and pulmonary hypertension. |
Jul28 |
Like chocolate: Low-cal variety on the way (but watch out for the oxalate). |
Jul26 |
Diets high in linoleic acid associated with increased risk for inflammatory bowel disease. |
Jul21 |
In diabetics with heart failure, HbA1c levels of 7.1 to 7.8 at lowest risk of death; tighter control bad. |
Jul13 |
Citrus-derived flavonoid prevents obesity and metabolic syndrome in mice. |
Jul08 |
Is PEDF "the" link between obesity and type 2 diabetes? |
Jul08 |
Study examines effects of stress on weight gain in US population |
Jul08 |
Cochrane review suggests no benefit of lowering blood pressure below 140/90 |
Jul08 |
Anti-ageing effects of rapamycin in mice in the news. |
Jul05 |
Aldosterone regulates ENac levels via Per1 - a protein mediating circadian rhythms. |
Jul02 |
U.S. obesity problem intensifies. |
Jul02 |
Enalapril or losartan markedly slow progression of eye damage in type 1 diabetics. |
Jun30 |
Genetic study suggests that relationship between C reactive protein and CV disease is not causal. |
Jun26 |
FDA to regulate tobacco. |
Jun24 |
Analysis of large number of bariatric surgery patients shows the procedure to be relatively safe. |
Jun19 |
Clopidogrel may increase risk of death in patients with diabetic nephropathy. |
Jun17 |
Annals: Stents of no benefit in treating renal artery stenosis |
Jun13 |
Higher vitamin D levels associated with successful weight loss in obese subjects on a diet. |
Jun05 |
Aldosterone levels found to be increased in chubby teenage boys. |
Jun01 |
Modified lycopene extract (ateronon) reduces harmful oxidation of fats. |
May30 |
Results from 8 late-breaking clinical trials at Heart Failure 2009 |
May29 |
Risks of aspirin outweight benefits for primary prevention of stroke, MI in those with normal kidney function. |
May26 |
Simplified chart may aid in diagnosing hypertension in children. |
May25 |
Search all abstracts from the World Congress of Nephrology 2009 |
May25 |
Gene variant found that increases risk of both severe periodontitis and myocardial infarction. |
May22 |
Fenofibrate reduces amputation risk in diabetics. |
May18 |
Heart disease patients who are overweight do better and live longer. |
May15 |
Use of CT angiography in the emergency room to help diagnose chest pain found to be cost-effective. |
May15 |
JASN early release: Low 25-D levels associated with coronary artery calcification progression |
May15 |
High triglyceride levels associated with diabetic neuropathy |
May15 |
Interventional study in mice links cytomegalovirus infection to high blood pressure. |
May14 |
Monotherapy with DARA, an endothelin and angiotensin I receptor antagonist, lowers BP a lot. |
May14 |
ALLHAT follow-up study confirms benefits of chlorthalidone. |
May11 |
UMOD gene, associated with Tamm-Horsfall protein production, linked to kidney disease. |
May11 |
Cyclophilin may play a key role in arterial damage associated with atherosclerosis. |
May11 |
Vitamins C and E block improvement of insulin sensitivity with exercise. |
May08 |
Low BP associated with strokes and MI in patients with coronary artery disease. |
May08 |
Combining dieting with exercise while standing/sitting/kneeling on a vibration plate machine lowers abdominal fat. |
May04 |
8th Annual Prevention in Renal Disease Conference, September 25-26, 2009 in Toronto. |
Apr30 |
Urine screening test seems to predict presence of atherosclerotic disease. |
Apr26 |
Statins may reduce prostate inflammation and reduce risk of prostate cancer |
Apr26 |
Sodium in prepared foods frustrates attempts to implement low sodium diet in CHF patients. |
Apr26 |
Prostaglandin 2-alpha may be new target for control of blood pressure and atherosclerosis. |
Apr23 |
Low-sodium vegetable juice may help reduce body fat in patients with metabolic syndrome. |
Apr22 |
Alzheimer beta-amyloid can be degraded, and some drugs can increase breakdown rate 7-fold. |
Apr18 |
New stem cell treatment for age-related macular degeneration in development. |
Apr17 |
New discoveries on how collagen activates platelets may lead to new treatments to prevent clotting. |
Apr16 |
Heart risk in diabetics may be exaggerated. |
Apr16 |
Endothelin A receptor antagonist darusentan shows promising results in resistant hypertension. |
Apr14 |
Aspirin and similar drugs associated with brain microbleeds in the elderly. |
Apr12 |
CXCL5, secreted by white adipose tissue, may be the link between obesity and inflammation and insulin resistance. |
Apr11 |
Three papers on brown adipose tissue in this week's NEJM. |
Apr11 |
One thousand 2007-2009 audiofiles and slide/audio talks added to HDCN's 20 topic-related channels. |
A07 |
Chemokine CXCL5, produced by fat cells, linked to inflammation and insulin resistance. |
A06 |
Chlorthalidone increases SNS activity, spironolactone does not |
A01 |
Yeast-powered fuel cells (for implantable devices) derive energy from glucose in human blood. |
M30 |
GNSOR-deficient mice markedly resistant to heart attacks. |
M30 |
Lipoic acid supplements markedly lower triglycerides in an animal model. |
M30 |
AURORA study confirms the 4D study: Statins of no benefit in dialysis patients. |
M30 |
Radiofrequency ablation of renal sympathetic nerve activity results in sustained improvement in refractory hypertension. |
M30 |
NEJM: Ventriculoplasty of no benefit when added to CABG in patients with CAD and heart failure. |
M29 |
Link to slide/audio and audio symposia on HDCN |
M29 |
American College of Cardiology 2009 - Day 3 newsletter |
M29 |
American College of Cardiology 2009 - Day 2 newsletter |
M29 |
American College of Cardiology 2009 - Day1 newsletter |
M29 |
Crestor (rosuvastatin) lowers risk of venous thromboembolism by 34%. |
M28 |
Corking shut the atrial appendage markedly reduces risk of stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation. |
M26 |
AHA supports a lower sodium intake limit (1.5 g Na/day) for most Americans. |
M26 |
Testing for endothelial function using a finger device that evaluates reactive hyperemia linked to CV outcomes. |
M26 |
Preliminary data show potential benefits of catheter-based thrombolysis for stroke. |
M26 |
Cholesterol crystals linked to arterial plaque disruption and heart attack. |
M22 |
Ten genes associated with prolonged QT syndrome and risk of sudden cardiac death. |
M22 |
Correct warfarin dose determined by 3 genes only. |
M20 |
FDA panel gives nod to alternative to warfarin |
M18 |
Another statin (Crestor, rosuvastatin) fails to show a benefit (rumor has it) in dialysis patients. |
M17 |
Endothelial lipase linked to levels of good cholesterol |
M12 |
HDL levels and glucose sensitivity linked to neck circumference. |
M12 |
New anti-clotting compound derived from magnolia trees shows encouraging results in phase II safety study. |
M09 |
Eating fish associated with increased intelligence in Swedish teens. |
M04 |
Reduction of stroke risk associated with green/black tea drinking appears consistent and linear. |
F26 |
Cornell researchers develop and market a point-of-care urinary sodium test strips to monitor salt intake. |
F25 |
NEJM: Randomized trial of 4 different diets (low fat, low CHO, etc.) fails to find a single winner. |
F23 |
Genes controlling atrial natriuretic peptide expression linked to hypertension. |
F18 |
NEJM: Genetic testing helps predict warfarin dose. |
F17 |
Ain't necessarily so series: oxidative stress may prolong, instead of shorten, life (worm study) |
F11 |
Very high doses of candesartan effective in further reducing proteinuria. |
F10 |
Vigorous exercise (running) may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration. |
F10 |
American Heart Association focuses on the high risk of stroke in women |
F09 |
LSR, lipolysis-stimulated lipoprotein receptor, found to be deranged in type 2 diabetes with obesity. |
F03 |
Short-term growth hormone treatment attenuates muscle loss after bariatric surgery. |
F03 |
FOXO3A gene variants associated with living beyond 100 in multiple parts of the world. |
J30 |
Epoxide hydrolase inhibitor reduces heart failure in animal model |
J30 |
Sulfenic acid may be reason for potent anti-oxidant effect of garlic. |
J30 |
FDA mandates detailed hyperkalemia warning for Aldactone (spironolactone) |
J28 |
The new study that caused the fuss about clopidogrel and proton-pump inhibitors. |
J28 |
FDA cautions on combined use of clopidogrel and proton-pump inhibitors until more info is obtained. |
J26 |
Animal study suggests benefit of statins in preventing stroke in patients with cerebral cavernous angioma or malformation. |
J20 |
Randomized (DRIP) trial reports benefits of dry weight reduction in dialysis pts. on 24-h blood pressures. |
J19 |
Three new genes linked to childhood obesity identified. |
J19 |
Trial of stem cell treatment to treat stroke patients approved for recruitment. |
J19 |
Indian subcontinent heart disease gene identified. |
J17 |
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario issues "alert" against combined use of ACEIs and ARBs. |
J15 |
Source of endogenous salicylic acid identified as benzoic acid found in fruits and vegetables. |
J12 |
High sodium to potassium ratio in the urine increases cardiovascular event rate. |
J09 |
New anti-anginal drug acts by working on sodium channels. |
J01 |
New Year's Resolution? Quit smoking. American Lung Association support info. |
J01 |
MMWR: Lower acute MI rates after city implements smoke-free ordinance |
D29 |
Study of Amish identifies a new gene linked to sodium control and hypertension |
D18 |
JASN early: First morning urine better than spot urine to detect microalbuminuria |
D15 |
FDA approves premounted renal stent system manufactured by Boston Scientific |
D14 |
Study in the Amish links APOC3 gene mutation, triglycerides, and resistance to heart disease. |
D13 |
New study shows links between 30 genes and cholesterol and triglyceride levels. |
D13 |
Should nephrologists give beta-blockers to their patients with CKD? |
D11 |
CJASN: Rosiglitazone may benefit patient with FSGS |
D09 |
Statins adversely affect placental development in an in vitro model. |
D04 |
NEJM study shows that irbesartan of no benefit to patients with diastolic heart failure. |
D04 |
Liver fat, rather than abdominal fat or shape, may be main cardiovascular risk. |
D03 |
NEJM: ACEI plus amlodipine better than ACEI plus a thiazide in terms of cardiovascular events. |
D02 |
Depression increases risk of subsequent visceral fat gain in longitudinal study. |
D02 |
Consumer Reports investigates sodium content of foods: salt is present where one may not expect |
D02 |
Cardiologists debate NEJM study comparing coronary CT scans with percutaneous angiography. |
D01 |
Canadians publish best practice recommendations for stroke care. |
N27 |
New studies confirm importance of sirtuin pathway in mammalian ageing; attention focuses on resveratrol. |
N26 |
Binge drinking may damage the heart via acetaldehyde activation of macrophages. |
N21 |
Do your CKD patients still smoke? Who is still smoking in the US by state. |
N18 |
New microRNA compound protects mice against heart failure. |
N14 |
Renal Week: Relative vitamin K2 deficiency linked to vascular calcification in ESRD |
N13 |
Catheter thermoablation of atrial fibrillation far superior to drug treatment. |
N13 |
FDA: Review of atrial fib - bisphosphonate data suggests a weak or no relationship. |
N11 |
Sleep apnea associated with increased risk of sudden death. |
N11 |
AHA Scientific Sessions 2008 in New Orleans, LA: Daily News, Nov 8 -12. |
N09 |
Rosuvastatin given to patients with normal cholesterol levels but high CRPs markedly lowers CV risk. |
N04 |
Intraocular anti-VEGF drugs to treat retinal proliferative disoders may have a dark side. |
N04 |
New SIRT1 activating drug may protect against diet-induced obesity. |
O30 |
MYH9 gene variations linked to CKD in African Americans - researchers to present new data at Renal Week 2008. |
O29 |
Grapes protect the hearts and blood pressure of rats fed a salty diet. |
O28 |
VEGF-based screening test for pre-eclampsia foreseen based on new research. |
O28 |
French company develops a next generation totally implantable artificial heart. |
O28 |
Plavix (clopidogrel) may be inactivated by some calcium channel blockers. |
O27 |
Runners burn more calories at rest than sedentary persons, and it's due to changes in the mitochondria. |
O27 |
Risks of irregular heartbeat and atrial fibrillation increased with fosamax and other bisphosphonates. |
O27 |
Pregnant women consuming flaxseed oil have a high (4x) risk of premature birth. |
O27 |
Pentoxifylline lowers proteinuria alone or in addition to an ACE inhibitor. |
O23 |
Hydrogen sulfide may be a key regulator of blood pressure. |
O23 |
European watchdog agency suggests not using diet drug rimonabant due to depression side effects. |
O23 |
New diet drug tesofensine appears to be remarkably effective. |
O22 |
Journal of Renal Nutrition publishes composition of common salt substitutes. |
O16 |
Fructose feeding induces high triglycerides and leptin resistance in rats. |
O15 |
Resveratrol prevents liver fat accumulation in a mouse model of alcoholic liver disease. |
O14 |
Resveratrol found in dark chocolate and cocoa. |
O14 |
B vitamins of no help in slowing progression of Alzheimer's disease. |
O13 |
Book Review: Clinical Guide to Use of Antithrombotic Agents in CAD |
O13 |
Are you nuts about nuts? Nuts! One study fails to shell out any benefit. |
O13 |
A series of abstracts presented at CRF meeting suggesting that triple anti-platelet therapy (adding cilostazol) improved outcomes. |
O09 |
Retinylamine markedly slows age-related macular degeneration in an animal model. |
O09 |
New physical activity guidelies: 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 times per week; |
O08 |
A single dose of EPO injected after a heart attack can limit apoptosis and thereby reduce heart cell damage. |
O07 |
Farnesyl transferase inbitior (tipifarnib) reverses cardiovascular effects of progeria. |
O07 |
Study illustrates importance of inflammatory macrophages in obesity; insulin resistance reversed by killing these cells. |
O07 |
Even occasional smoking can impair arterial function for a prolonged period. |
O07 |
Complement pathway and the innate immune system implicated in age-related macular degeneration. |
O06 |
One-dollar-a-month polypill containing ASA, thiazide, ACEI, and statin to undergo clinical testing. |
S30 |
Lancet: New genes found that link to gout. |
S26 |
Aptly named horny goat weed found to be a source of specific phosphodiesterase inhibitors. |
S25 |
In humans, as opposed to lab animals, caloric restriction does not lower IGF-1, but protein restriction does. |
S22 |
Darapladib slows atherosclerosis in a pig model. |
S22 |
Secondhand smoke exposure increases risk of peripheral artery disease in women. |
S19 |
High-salt diet contributes very substantially to resistant hypertension. |
S18 |
Are statins ineffective for protection against cardiovascular risks in women? |
S18 |
New mechanism for cardiac arrhythmia discovered. |
S18 |
Listening to Mozart lowers high blood pressure (really) |
S16 |
NHANES data analysis links elevated urine bisphenol levels to diabetes, cardiovascular disease. |
S16 |
Conbining thiazides with potassium-sparing diuretics markedly lowers cardiovascular mortality. |
S15 |
Carvedilol and alprenolol, but not other beta-blockers, stimulate cellular protective pathway in the heart. |
S12 |
Cardioprotective effects of alcohol ingestion may be due to aldehyde dehydrogenase. |
S10 |
NEJM early release: Benefits of tight glucose control persist in type 2 DM at 10 years |
S10 |
NEJM early release: Tight BP control has to be continued in type 2 diabetics; otherwise benefits are not maintained. |
S05 |
Photographing what they eat helps dieters stick to weight-loss plans and identifies bingeing. |
S02 |
Want to live longer? Take the stairs instead of the elevator. |
A29 |
Singh and Furberg editorialize against use of thiazolidinediones due to CV risk and lack of CV benefit. |
A29 |
100g/day of dark chocolate lowers blood pressure by 3 mm Hg. |
A27 |
Debate flares: Can obese patients be healthy? |
A26 |
Allopurinol lowers blood pressure in hypertensive adolescents |
A26 |
Newer gated CT scans diagnose coronary artery disease and obviate need for angiography. |
A22 |
Some evidence that Vytorin is, or maybe is not, associated with an increased cancer risk; FDA gets involved. |
A21 |
AMAG receives fast track designation from FDA for ferumoxytol as an MRI contrast agent. |
A19 |
Lowering homocysteine with folic acid and B vitamins fails to reduce CV events in heart disease patients. |
A19 |
Obesity epidemic due to increased food intake, and not decreased activity level. |
A15 |
When is a potential heart donor really dead? NEJM report raises some ethical questions. |
A15 |
Lancet: ONTARGET study shows mixed results for combined ARB/ACEI therapy; greater reduction of proteinuria but a higher renal event rate. |
A15 |
Bariatric surgery - induced weight loss helps, but does not cure, sleep apnea. |
A13 |
Enhancing lysosomal receptors for chaperone molecules prevents aging of mouse livers. |
A12 |
MicroRNA specific to endothelial cells associated with blood vessel branching, survival after cardiac infarction. |
A08 |
FDA issues warning about risk of rhabdomyolysis when simvastatin is used with amiodarone. |
A08 |
AHA issues recommendations for ambulatory BP monitoring is certain children and adolescents. |
A05 |
IV calcium channel blocker wins FDA approval to treat acute hypertension. |
A05 |
Baroreflex device to treat hypertension. A pipe dream? 200 million dollars raised so far says maybe not. |
J31 |
Two new drugs have profound effects on exercise conditioning in mice. |
J30 |
Does adiponectin have a dark side? Study associates it with increased cardiovascular risk. |
J29 |
New study highlights risk of losing bone density while following a low-calorie diet for weight loss. |
J29 |
Rember, a drug that is really a blue dye that prevents tau tangles, appears to slow Alzheimer's disease. |
J29 |
Testosterone changes associated with perimenopausal increase in metabolic syndrome risk. |
J29 |
Observational study suggests that statins may lower risk of senile dementia very substantially. |
J24 |
Complement activation is increases in patients with age-related macular degeneration. |
J24 |
In acute study, fructose increases lipogenesis relative to glucose. |
J23 |
NEJM: Genetic mutation associated with most patients who develop myopathy on high-dose statins. |
J22 |
Ezetimibe plus simvastatin drug trial shows no effect on aortic valve stenosis progression. |
J19 |
Human blood vessels grown in mice |
J17 |
Genetic variant identified that increases risk of elevated triglycerides fourfold in Asian Americans. |
J17 |
U.S. population keeps getting fatter; esp. Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. |
J17 |
AHA to launch new journal focusing on cardiovascular outcomes trials and methodology. |
J16 |
Doctors hopeful that improved blood thinners are on the horizon: Three new candidates. |
J16 |
Annals: Low molecular weight heparin for 7 days better than stockings after arthroscopic knee surgery. |
J12 |
Pioneering heart surgeon Michael DeBakey dies at age 99. |
J10 |
Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors protect ischemic tissue from injury. |
J08 |
Farm-raised tilapia fish has relatively low levels of omega-3 fatty acids. |
J08 |
Fish oil plus red yeast lower cholesterol to the same extent as statin therapy. |
J08 |
Overweight patients trying to lose weight lose twice as much if they keep a food diary. |
J03 |
Statins spur glial progenitor cells to develop into oligodendrocytes. |
J01 |
Caffeine intake increases rate at which muscle replenishes glycogen stores after exercise. |
J01 |
Doxycycline-inhibitable protease activity increased in SHR rats; this also may explain various aspects of metabolic syndrome. |
J30 |
AHA publishes cookbook focusing on healthy soul food recipes |
J30 |
Sudden hearing loss associated with increased risk of future stroke. |
J30 |
AHA launches hearthub.org, a website for patients. |
J30 |
Prevalence of silent cerebral infarction in healthy (mean age 62) people at 11% in MRI study. |
J26 |
Fructose, but not glucose, increases visceral adipose tissue and triglycerides, and lower insulin sensitivity. |
J25 |
African Americans excrete less potassium in the urine, and it's not all due to dietary intake. |
J25 |
Obesity drug rimonabant approved for NHS use in England and Wales. |
J23 |
New source of cardiac stem cells found in the epicardium |
J17 |
Big breakfast diet more effective than low-carb diet in maintaining weight loss. |
J12 |
XBP1, stimulated by a high-carb diet, may be a new target for treatment of dyslipidemias. |
J12 |
A subgroup of retinal cells linked to circadian cycle resetting and insomnia. |
J12 |
FDA approves generic form of ramipril made by Lupin pharmaceuticals. |
J11 |
Vitamin D protects heart-failure-prone rats against heart failure when fed a high-salt diet. |
J10 |
One more argument against smoking: Increased risk of age-related hearing loss. |
J10 |
Eating diet rich in oily fish associated with markedly reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration. |
J09 |
115 year old woman found to have essentially normal brain on autopsy, with no evidence of Alzheimer's disease. |
J06 |
Mechanism of action of niacin to increase HDL levels discovered. |
J05 |
Study in mice suggests resveratrol has marked cardioprotective effects. |
J05 |
NEJM: Aliskiren plus losartan lowers proteinuria in diabetics. |
J03 |
Artificial blood vessel creation from smooth muscle cells makes major advances. |
M28 |
Hope for stroke victims. Monkeys control prosthetic arm using brain waves to feed themselves. |
M27 |
New scoring method for coronary artery calcification that takes into account extent of calcium coverage. |
M27 |
Should HbA1c be used instead of plasma glucose to screen for diabetes? |
M22 |
It's official: Home BP monitoring is now the standard of care. |
M21 |
Genetic researchers identify numerous genes involved in synthesis and storage of fat in cells. |
M21 |
After heart attack, bivalirudin better than heparin plus glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors. |
M21 |
Modest red wine (but not beer) ingestion actually may lower risk of NAFLD - non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. |
M20 |
Small adrenal masses found incidentally on computed tomography almost exclusively benign. |
M19 |
Vaccine targeting amyloid beta protein prevents Alzheimer's disease in mice. |
M19 |
American Society of Hypertension Annual Meeting (May 14-17) - abstracts at this link |
M16 |
Small molecule found that can disassemble amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer's disease. |
M16 |
New NHANES analysis finds CV mortality increased in patients following a lower salt intake. |
M15 |
Lower-dose tissue plasminogen activator treatment improves survival in patients with hemorrhagic stroke. |
M15 |
Biopterin derivative may be effective treatment for severe heart failure. |
M13 |
Preop beta blockers reduce heart attack risk but markedly increase total mortality. |
M13 |
Prism eyeglasses expand view for patients with stroke-induced hemianopia. |
M12 |
CPR rescuers do not need to stop compression while administering defibrillator shocks. |
M12 |
Preeclampsia-like condition develops in mice with knockout of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene |
M09 |
Darapladib lowers the activity of inflammatory enzyme associated with vascular plaque. |
M07 |
S100A1 protein found in heart, blood vessels; linked to heart damage and to hypertension. |
M07 |
Women at high risk for CV events are not benefitted by homocysteine-lowering regimen of B vitamins (JAMA). |
M05 |
ASN Renal Week abstract archives 2003-2006 now available on-line in .pdf format. |
M04 |
Nature genetics: More obesity genes found |
M02 |
New ACE 2 activator compounds lower blood pressure in rats and also reduce cardiac and renal fibrosis. |
M01 |
Obesity linked to heart failure and inflammatory mediator elevation in observational study. |
A30 |
Scientists synthesize molecule capable of releasing hydrogen sulfide over extended periods - possible role in donor organ preservation? |
A29 |
High blood theobromine levels (presumably from eating chocolate) may protect against pre-eclampsia. |
A28 |
Hypertension seen in the emergency department frequently misattributed to trauma, stress, and not followed up. |
A25 |
First ever activator of ENAC sodium channel developed. |
A23 |
High adiponectin levels linked to kidney dysfunction and albuminuria. |
A22 |
FDA approves compact heart assist device from Thoratec. |
A21 |
International study of chemicals in urine links blood pressure to diet and gut bacteria. |
A21 |
Chocolate lowers LDL cholesterol by 5% in RCT. |
A17 |
Low serum 25D levels associated with incrased peripheral arterial disease risk. |
A15 |
Archives Int Med: Loop diuretics associated with lower bone density in men. |
A15 |
Nurses' Health Study shows that women who follow DASH - type diet have lower risk of heart attack. |
A09 |
NEJM: ACEI = ARB, and ACEI + ARB no better than either ACEI or ARB, in high risk patients with diabetes or vascular disease. |
A09 |
Two enzymes associated with acetylation linked to heart muscle contraction. |
A09 |
New Lifton study shows that some Bartter and Gitelman mutation heterozygotes are not rare, and are protected against hypertension. |
A09 |
JAMA RCT shows American Indian tye 2 diabetics with LDL lowered to 70 have lower carotid IMT and LV mass than those with LDL lowered to 100. |
A08 |
Slight modification to atrial fibrillation surgery improves the results. |
A08 |
American Heart Association issues new guidelines for treatment of resistant hypertension. |
A03 |
Daily dose of caffeine protects rabbit brains from high serum cholesterol. |
A03 |
New Merck heart failure drug rolofylline gives encouraging results in Phase III trial. |
A02 |
Treating hypertension in patients more than 80 years of age reduces death rate by 20%. |
A02 |
Adenosine receptor antagonist shows promise in heart failure. |
M30 |
NEJM: Ezetemibe lowers LDL cholesterol when added to simvastatin, but no effects on carotid artery thickness. |
M27 |
Pretreating animals with high-dose folate lowers infarct size. |
M27 |
NEJM: Prognostic value of coronary artery calcium content confirmed in large study. |
M25 |
Archives study emphasizes heritability of early-onset hypertension in men. |
M16 |
Blood vessel protein Robo4 reverses diabetic and age-related macular degeneration in mouse model. |
M15 |
PR, QRS, and QT intervals on ECG are increased in apparently normal elderly persons over age 80. |
M13 |
CMS: Medicare will continue to pay for CT cardiac scans for coronary artery calcification detection. |
M12 |
New macrophage-related protein implicated in inflammatory disease. |
M10 |
Mutated thrombin enzyme may be useful to treat heart attacks and strokes. |
M07 |
Angiotensin vaccine moderately effective in lowering blood pressure |
M06 |
7th Annual Prevention in Renal Disease Conference, Toronto, Sept. 19-20, 2008. |
M04 |
Activating PPAR-delta suppresses inflammation in vascular tissues. |
M04 |
Retinopathy may begin at lower blood glucose levels than expected. |
M04 |
CAPON gene linked to QT interval and heart rhythm abnormalities. |
F27 |
African American teenagers show a high prevalence of microalbuminuria. |
F27 |
Up to 20% of persons taking aspirin show no effect on their platelet function. |
F26 |
Heart attack rates fall in France following institution of national smoking ban in public places. |
F26 |
FDA: Medication guide must be given to patients with each rosiglitazone (Avandia) prescription. |
F23 |
New techniques for detecting air bubbles in blood vessels. |
F21 |
Study suggests that Medicare part D patients use more cardioprotective drugs after MI and live longer. |
F21 |
Salt-rich diet linked to obesity in children via sugar-containing soft drink consumption. |
F20 |
New study confirms increased risk of kidney failure and mortality with aprotinin. |
F15 |
Level of airborne particulates affects microvascular function. |
F13 |
India in the middle of a catastrophic smoking epidemic |
F13 |
University of Groningen study (PREVEND) emphasizes utility of treating hypertension in proteinuric patients. |
F13 |
Genomic studies suggest that CETP (cholesteryl ester transferase protein) mutants protected against coronary effects of cigarette smoking. |
F12 |
New blood test claims to identify pre-eclampsia reliably. |
F12 |
Nocturnal noises raise blood pressure in sleeping subjects. |
F11 |
Declining coronary artery disease rates made a U-turn in 2000, and now are rising. |
F11 |
Reversible, but substantial, memory problems in a subset of women taking Lipitor. |
F11 |
Very high Ang II levels found in chorionic villi of women with pre-eclampsia. |
F09 |
Paradigm shift: Non-osmotic, inflammation-generating accumulation of sodium in the skin |
F09 |
Death of waitress after acute asthmatic attack on entering workplace full of cigarette smoke. |
F09 |
Calcium channel blocker treatment for HTN associated with 23% lower risk of Parkinson's disease. |
F06 |
More on the halted NHLBI diabetes trial arm. Role of rosiglitazone use in the intensive treatment arm unclear. |
F06 |
Beetroot juice found to lower blood pressure because of its high nitrate content. |
F05 |
Richard Lifton, pioneer in the genetics of hypertension, receives Wiley Prize |
F01 |
FDA warns about depressed mood, suicidal ideation in patients taking smoking cessation drug Chantix (varenicline) |
J31 |
Sweetened soft drinks and fruit juices linked to increased risk of gout in men. |
J29 |
Intravascular thrombolytic therapy effective against deep vein thrombosis. |
J29 |
Diuretics produce better outcomes than other anti-hypertensive drugs in treating metabolic syndrome. |
J25 |
Cox-2 inhibitors can cause arrhythmias by affecting potassium channels in the heart. |
J22 |
Aspirin resistance increases risk of heart attack or stroke. |
J16 |
Calcium supplements raise risk of heart attacks and stroke in elderly women. |
J13 |
Pumping rat heart created by seeding a scaffolding with baby rat myocytes. |
J09 |
Higher cholesterol levels linked to improved muscle mass with exercise in the elderly. |
J09 |
Cannabinoid receptor blocking drug effective in causing weight loss. |
J08 |
Risk of cardiovascular events markedly increased when 25-D levels below 15 ng/mL. |
J07 |
Oxygen meter molecule, PHD1 knockouts survive hypoxia - potential application to early transplant viability, heart disease |
D27 |
Aspirin increases liver enzymes in patients taking flutamide for prostate cancer. |
D26 |
Triglycerids and non-HDL cholesterol linked to risk of stroke. |
D25 |
Higher levels of HDL in diabetes may inhibit NO via myristic acid binding - outcome effects unknown. |
D17 |
Drug that stimulates thyroid hormone beta receptors effective in lowering LDL cholesterol |
D14 |
January JASN paper reports that PROActive (pioglitazone) associated with lower CV mortality in diabetics. |
D12 |
More heart risks identified for Avandia. |
D11 |
Physicians unaware of guidelines to treat patients with CV risk factors and metabolic syndrome. |
D04 |
Different anticoagulant regimens after percutaneous coronary intervention yield identical results. |
D04 |
Waistline growth on high-carb diets linked to liver gene. |
D04 |
Renin-angiotensin linked to obesity and insulin-resistance in a gene knockout animal model. |
N27 |
Glucose-insulin-potassium infusion after ST-elevated MI increases risk of heart failure. |
N26 |
MRI documents second-hand smoke injury to the lungs. |
N26 |
Nitrosyl cobamide shows promise as an NO-donor type of drug for hypertension or heart disease. |
N12 |
Interleukin-1 receptor blocker rilonacept effective in treating chronic gouty arthritis. |
N09 |
Simplified anti-hypertensive drug protocol seems to be more effective than more complex approach. |
N08 |
MMWR: CDC reviews smoking prevalence in the U.S., and the results are not good. |
N08 |
Skeletal muscle damage due to statins may operate through atrogin-1 and thus may be preventable. |
N08 |
New nonsteroidal natriuretic hormone identified in human urine. |
N07 |
Perioperative beta-blocker therapy shows mixed results in large RCT. |
N07 |
Simvastatin, but not pravastatin, associated with sleep disturbances. |
N07 |
Prazosin appears to block some glucocorticoid effects. |
N07 |
AHA 2007 Scientific Sessions newsletter - Nov 7th. |
N06 |
AHA 2007 Scientific Sessions Newsletter - Nov 6th. |
N06 |
AHA 2007 Scientific Sessions Newsletter - Nov 5th. |
N06 |
AHA 2007 Scientific Sessions Newsletter - Nov 4th. |
N05 |
Large VA study identifies seasonal difference in blood pressure. |
N03 |
Metabolites of flavonoid (quercetin) present in onions found to be anti-inflammatory. |
N02 |
U.S. AHRQ releases report claiming equal efficacy for ACE-I vs. ARB in controlling blood pressure. |
N02 |
WNK kinases identified as key regulators of blood pressure. |
O25 |
Bayer issues additional guidance to physicians about Trasylol (aprotinin). |
O25 |
Genzyme launches cholesterol-binding drug (Cholestagel) in Europe for patients with primary hypercholesterolemia. |
O25 |
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty may help some patients with obstructive sleep apnea. |
O23 |
Global extent of obesity epidemic in the news. |
O22 |
Chewing gum shown to help curb appetite and reduce cravings. |
O19 |
Sudden hearing loss associated with erectile dysfunction drugs. |
O12 |
Is fructose really that bad? |
O12 |
Statins help preserve lung function during aging. |
O08 |
FDA to warn of ultrasound cardiac imaging drug risks |
O03 |
Mini-strokes (MRI study) linked to higher uric acid levels. |
S25 |
New, synthetic version of heparin is patented. |
S21 |
Study links TGF-beta and cholesterol to progression of atherosclerosis. |
S20 |
Thiazide diuretics exacerbate fructose-induced metabolic syndrome. |
S20 |
Post-reperfusion heart damage largely prevented by hydrogen sulfide. |
S12 |
JAMA paper shows no benefit of lowering homocysteine in CKD |
S10 |
Protein carbamylation, reflected by homocitrulline levels, strongly associated with atherosclerosis. |
S07 |
Low vitamin D levels during early pregnancy associated with a fivefold increase in risk of pre-eclampsia. |
S06 |
FDA approves first generic versions of carvedilol (Coreg). |
S05 |
New ESC-ESH hypertension treatment guidelines from ESC 2007 (webcast) |
S03 |
European Society of Cardiology 2007 meeting: Clinical Trials Updates |
A27 |
Obesity rates climb in most states. |
A27 |
Patient implanted with baroreceptor stimulating devise to treat refractory hypertension. |
A22 |
Celecoxib - may reduce stent restenosis - overall safety in heart disease still remains to be deteremined. |
A22 |
Hypertension frequently underdiagnosed in adolescents. |
A22 |
Lack of benefit of vitamin E on heart disease may have been due to underdosing. |
A20 |
Mechanism of adenovirus-induced obesity clarified. |
A17 |
FDA warning letter issued emphasizing pharmacogenomic variability in warfarin metabolism among patients. |
A13 |
New study confirms that vitamin C, E, and beta carotene, singly or in combination, of no benefit in heart disease patients. |
A10 |
New research shows skeleton to be an endocrine organ via osteocalcin. |
A08 |
Annals: New study questions the increased heart attack risk with Avandia; original NEJM meta-analysis claimed to have been flawed. |
A06 |
Trial of anti-hypertensive therapy in the very elderly, more than 80 years of age, stopped early because of positive results. |
J26 |
Diesel fume pollution linked to arterial inflammation and atherosclerosis. |
J25 |
Obesity spreads among friends, study concludes. |
J24 |
Soft drinks, including diet soft drinks, linked to 50% higher risk of metabolic syndrome. |
J20 |
Cancer risk linked to CT scan for cardiac calcification (JAMA paper) in the news. |
J19 |
Large VA study shows 50% reduction in Alzheimer / Parkinson risk with simvastatin, but not other drugs in the same class. |
J19 |
Weight loss pill rimonabant associated with increased suicide risk. |
J13 |
Scleroderma Outlook Improves as Survival Increases |
J12 |
Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) may be protective against developing type 2 diabetes. |
J12 |
Serum levels of retinol-binding programs indicate level of visceral fat. |
J12 |
Viagra may save lives in patients with pulmonary hypertension. |
J11 |
Modified herpes virus keeps arteries free-flowing following procedures |
J09 |
CCJM: A different approach to resistant hypertension, emphasizing hemodynamics and the physical examination. |
J05 |
Alteplase may have pro-inflammatory effects - mitigated by cromoglycate. |
J05 |
High sodium in many sandwiches in the news. |
J05 |
Dark chocolate lowers BP slightly, raises levels of nitric oxide. |
J02 |
How stress and high-calorie intact interact to increase weight and change body fat distribution. |
J29 |
Particulates released during renal artery angioplasty can impair kidney function. |
J22 |
FDA clears "computerized medication box" (EMMA) for U.S. market. |
J19 |
FDA approves ambrisentan for treatment of pulmonary artery hypertension. |
J19 |
Hypertension vaccine against angiotensin II shows positive results. |
J15 |
Europ Soc Hypertens releases new, updated hypertension treatment guidelines. |
J13 |
Link between restless legs syndrome and hypertension discovered. |
J11 |
Isradipine slows Parkinson's disease development in mice |
J07 |
New compound similar to aMSH, causing satiety, may be effective in controlling weight in the obese. |
J07 |
Lipid chaperone protein ap2 may be a key to type 2 diabetes and its complications. |
M31 |
Link between mercury and vascular disease involves phospholipase D. |
M25 |
NEJM: Full text of meta-analysis that found an increased risk of myocardial infarction with rosiglitazone. |
M25 |
Non-caffeine components of coffee lower serum uric acid levels. |
M21 |
FDA issues safety alert for Avandia (rosiglitazone) over possible increased heart attack risk. |
M21 |
Statins might have a role in management of hepatitis C. |
M17 |
MMWR publishes regional stroke incidence data for the United States (2005) |
M17 |
Debunking the slavery hypothesis of African American hypertension |
M14 |
Effect of polyphenols (from apples, onions, green tea) on fat catabolism. |
M14 |
Study shows unsuspected immunomodulatory effects of glucosamine. |
M07 |
Liver, kidney damage in people taking large amount of green tea polyphenol supplements. |
M07 |
Centrally acting ACE inhibitors may cut dementia risk in the elderly. |
M07 |
Inactivation of ACAT2 enzyme protects fat-eating mice from atherosclerosis. |
M04 |
Common gene variation associated with markedly increased risk of heart attack. |
M03 |
Nicotinamide riboside, found naturally in milk, dramatically extends lifespan in yeast via sirtuins. |
M02 |
Study highlights gender differences in susceptibility to kidney injury. |
M01 |
Antithrombotics (e.g., aspirin) increase hemorrhagic stroke risk in the elderly. |
A30 |
Activating PPAR-delta may burn fat and reduce metabolic syndrome risk. |
A24 |
AGEs and food preparation may play an important role in chronic disease. |
A20 |
New BMJ study on adverse effects of higher salt intake in the news. |
A19 |
Fewer heart patients need antibiotics prior to dental procedures. |
A18 |
Animal study suggests that changing to a low-fat diet can induce stress. |
A15 |
JAM-1 protein acts in the brain to cause hypertension. |
A07 |
Arthritis patients with CVD who take ibuprofen plus aspirin may greatly increase their cardiac risk. |
A05 |
Think that eating only once a day will make you lose weight? Nope. |
A05 |
Hatfield-McCoy family feud may be linked to bad temper due to heritable pheochomocytomas. |
A02 |
High-prevalence hemachromatosis gene linked to increased risk of stroke. |
M30 |
NEJM: Torcetrapib markedly elevates HDL cholesterol, but shows no benefit |
M27 |
Implanted carotid artery baroreflex stimulator lowers BP by 16-20 mm Hg. |
M27 |
New blood thinner may work without bleeding risk |
M26 |
Drugs work as well as stents, study finds. |
M26 |
Tolvatptan improves signs and symptoms in patients with CHF. |
M26 |
Nesiritide safety trial shows neutral effect on mortality in CHF patients |
M26 |
American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting March 24-27: Monday (26) Newsletter (.pdf) |
M26 |
American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting March 24-27: Sunday (25) Newsletter (.pdf) |
M26 |
American College of Cardiology Annual Meeting March 24-27: Saturday (24) Newsletter (.pdf) |
M21 |
Long-term cessation of smoking may reverse arterial stiffness. |
M19 |
Minisub developed to explore the interior of an arterial blood vessel. |
M16 |
Fructose linked to deranged liver metabolism in rats, involving PPARs, leptin, and metabolic syndrome. |
M16 |
Phthalate exposure linked to metabolic syndrome |
M16 |
Chiropractic adjustment of C1 (atlas) markedly lowers blood pressure in randomized controlled trial |
M16 |
Increased angiotensin 1-7 levels after ACE-I treatment may inhibit lung cancer |
M16 |
Chest compressions without mouth-to-mouth better for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest |
M16 |
An apple a day really does keep the doctor away. |
M06 |
FDA approves aliskiren for treatment of hypertension. |
M05 |
Dietary copper in the news after copper supplementation helps prevent heart failure in stressed rodents. |
M05 |
Atkins diet may be the most effective with few obvious adverse effects |
F28 |
Nifedipine found to mobilize liver iron stores in an animal model of hemochromatosis. |
F26 |
Garlic powerless against cholesterol. |
F22 |
Blood pressure across countries linked to level of happiness of its inhabitants. |
F21 |
Apolipoprotein C1 linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes in American Indians. |
F19 |
Relationship between circadian rhythm clock and blood pressure identified. |
F19 |
CRP liver protein induces hypertension. |
F16 |
MMWR reports on geographic variation in prevalence of heart disease in the U.S. |
F14 |
Neutrophil-derived peptidase enzyme found to be a key player in development of aortic aneurysms. |
J30 |
Need a new aortic valve? No problem. We'll put one in percutaneously. |
J30 |
One third of young people who died suddenly and inexplicably had genetic arrhythmic heart defects. |
J29 |
Health benefits of fruits and vegetables apply to their juices as well. |
J29 |
Major link in brain-obesity puzzle found. |
J27 |
Stroke victims who suddenly lost the urge to smoke identify brain addiction region. |
J22 |
Surprising beneficial effects of losartan on muscle in mouse models of muscular dystrophy or Marfan syndrome |
J19 |
Nintendo Wii videogame use promotes weight loss (n=1). |
J17 |
Strong association between low LDL levels and Parkinson disease identified in small study. |
J17 |
Interesterified fats being used to substitute for trans-fats, but new study shows that they are unhealthy, also. |
J16 |
DNA test to be used to determine warfarin dose. |
J15 |
Pancreatic-polypeptide containing chewing gum - a new potential weapon against obesity |
J15 |
New gene linked to Alzheimer disease |
J09 |
Milk appears to eliminate the cardiovascular benefits of tea |
J02 |
Higher serum uric acid levels associated with cognifitve impairment in the elderly. |
J02 |
Twenty-five best dieting tips ever |
J02 |
Moderate alcohol consumption in hypertensive men associated with lower risk of heart attack. |
D27 |
Green vegetables may lower blood pressure via nitrates. |
D20 |
Friendly microbes could make you fat: Bacteroides vs. Firmicutes |
D13 |
Garlic: Good against vampires, but little protection against cardiovascular risk. |
D12 |
Diet resulting in 10% body weight loss leads to measurable loss in bone density over 1-year period. |
D12 |
Man eats pastrami and cheesecake, has heart attack, sues Atkins company, unsuccessfully. |
D11 |
FDA proposes rules overhaul to expand access to experimental drugs. |
D10 |
MRI scan used to quantify visceral fat. |
N29 |
Procyanidins identified as cardiovascular protective agents in wines; French, Sardinian wines have the most. |
N28 |
Folic acid, homocysteine, and cardiovascular disease: (Full text article in BMJ) |
N28 |
Meta-analysis published in BMJ supports folate supplementation to reduce heart disease risk. |
N27 |
Statin use in otherwise healthy people of dubious benefit. |
N27 |
Richard Lifton honored by two medical societies for work on hypertension. |
N27 |
Gene linked to wet form of macular degeneration. |
N26 |
HDCN: Search index updated for audiofiles, slide/audio talks, articles, and abstracts |
N16 |
Reanalysis of TNT study presented at AHA: Suggests high-dose atorvastatin lowers stroke, CV risk in CKD patients. |
N14 |
Results of TROPHY prehypertension study suggesting benefit of candesartan are questioned. |
N14 |
Fat cells stimulate the adrenal glands to secrete aldosterone: obesity - hypertension link? |
N14 |
NEJM: No survival benefit to angioplasty done 24 hours after myocardial infarction. |
N13 |
American Heart Association Scientific Sessions daily news: Tuesday, Nov 14 |
N13 |
American Heart Association meets in Chicago: Monday, Nov. 13 news (pdf) |
N13 |
American Heart Association meets in Chicago: Sunday, Nov. 12 news (pdf) |
N13 |
Pioglitazone reduces progression of atherosclerosis in diabetics |
N11 |
Link between low systolic blood pressure and poor outcome in heart failure patients highlighted in nonuremics. |
N07 |
Why do we eat mindlessly and what would induce us to stop? |
N06 |
Lipoic acid may retard vascular stiffening, aging, via ceramide and phosphatases. |
N06 |
Children's belly fat increases by more than 65% since 1990. |
N02 |
Study shows strong link between serum uric acid levels and hypertension in African Americans |
N02 |
Life saving pump lets heart heal |
O30 |
UT Southwestern looking for patients with severe CHF for optimizer device study. |
O25 |
Human tests underway on intravascular stents that dissolve. |
O23 |
FDA approves once-a-day Coreg (carvedilol) CR for 3 cardiovascular indications |
O18 |
Benefits of eating fish outweigh the risks |
O12 |
Get on scale daily to keep off lost pounds. |
O11 |
Most decaffeinated coffee contains substantial amounts of caffeine |
O03 |
Benefits of ultralow LDL cholesterol targets (70 mg/dL) questioned. |
S26 |
H2-blocker (famotidine) appears to have a beneficial effect in heart failure. |
S18 |
Low blood levels previously thought to be safe linked to risk of CV death |
S18 |
ESRD patients with implantable defibrillators at higher risk of arrhythmia. |
S14 |
MMWR documents rising tide of obesity in the United States. |
S14 |
Pioglitazone shows benefits in terms of cardiovascular outcomes. |
S13 |
More bad news in JAMA paper about CV and kidney risks of COX-2 inhibitors and NSAIDS |
S12 |
New class of pain relievers may help, not hurt, the heart |
S11 |
Want to fight fat? Eat brown seaweed! |
S07 |
Pre-eclampsia breakthrough hope (NEJM) |
S05 |
Pioglitazone reduces secondary stroke risk by 50%. |
S05 |
Carbon monoxide cytoprotective effect may explain lower risk of pre-eclampsia in smoking moms. |
S05 |
U.S approves humanitarian use of Abiocor permanently implanted total artificial heart. |
S05 |
Good one-year control of BP with aliskiren (Rasilez) presented at World Congress of Cardiology |
A21 |
Red and white wine may be equally good for the heart |
A18 |
Role of BMI as a measure of obesity and cardiovascular risk questioned. |
A18 |
Genetic clues to cardiomyopathy and sudden death found in mice - emphasis on the right ventricle |
A18 |
CDC: New U.S. blood lead survey data results: prevalence of elevated blood lead levels slowly improving. |
A17 |
FDA approves use of clopidogrel for ST-segment elevating MI treated medically. |
A08 |
Duke randomized trial favors Atkins style diet over low-fat diet. |
A02 |
Gout increases the risk of heart attack |
J31 |
Scripps research scientists test anti-obesity vaccine |
J28 |
Nanotech used to concentrate angiostatin-like drugs in vascular plaques. |
J25 |
Digitalis relatively safe treatment for diastolic heart failure. |
J20 |
Mayo Clinic researchers discover a genetic cause of atrial fibrillation. |
J15 |
Retinal blood vessel width may be a good indicator of coronary artery disease risk. |
J29 |
NHLBI offers DASH diet eating guide |
J28 |
UK NHS recommends against beta-blocker use for initial treatment of hypertension. |
J22 |
New fat-burnng gene linked to metabolic syndrome. |
J20 |
AHA issues new dietary recommendations; saturated and trans-fat intakes further limited |
J16 |
CARI (Australasian) Clinical Practice Guidelines published (53 free full text review papers!) |
J14 |
Feeding monkeys a high trans-fat diet markedly adds to abdominal fat. |
J08 |
Benefits of potassium-enriched salt on CV mortality in elderly men |
J07 |
Congenital malformations with first-trimester ACE-inhibitor therapy. |
J05 |
Isis Pharma gets orphan drug status for familial hypercholesterolemia drug. |
J05 |
International trial to see whether or not niacin can prevent heart attacks and strokes |
J02 |
Heart attack risk with COX-2 broadened to include most NSAIDs |
M30 |
It's the magnesium, stupid! |
M24 |
Gum-disease bacterium can infect human arterial cells - is this the hypothesized periodontitis - CVD link? |
M22 |
Study suggest that thiazides may have an adverse effect on CRP. |
M22 |
Trandolapril / verapamil lowers risk of diabetes in Hispanic patients |
M22 |
Ethanol- and smoking-induced upper digestive tract cancers linked to acetaldehyde; preventable via oral l-cysteine |
M18 |
QTc interval and magnesium deficiency: Treatment with Mg Lactate |
M17 |
Chocolate good? Coffee is too! Enjoy. |
M15 |
75% of Irish taxi drivers have hypertension |
M15 |
Moderately increased BMI in the elderly associated with reduced mortality |
M15 |
Tacrolimus-derivative drugs protect animal brains against stroke-induced damage. |
M13 |
Up to 40% of hypertensives in China have diabetes. |
M13 |
FDA approves novel medication (varenicline) for smoking cessation |
M11 |
Common (15%) gene variant affecting fatty acid breakdown increases CAD risk by 50%. |
M05 |
Coffee consumption not associated with heart disease risk. |
M03 |
Diuretics more effective in preventing heart failure in hypertensives when used as first-line drug. |
M03 |
Mayo: 20 g sodium, 50% saturated fat diet improves BP, lipids in obese. |
M01 |
Obesity rates in the U.S. underestimated by 50% due to inaccurate patient self-reporting. |
M01 |
Common nerve cell gene plymorphism linked to QT interval changes, sudden death. |
A28 |
Magnesium deficiency and metabolic syndrome re-emphasized |
A28 |
Does chamomile tea interact with warfarin? |
A26 |
FDA approves first generic pravastatin. |
A25 |
Fatty acid binding protein aP2 gene variant associated with atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, in humans. |
A25 |
Anti-oxidant selenium offers no heart disease protection in first large randomized controlled trial. |
A19 |
An integrin-family platelet receptor found to be defective in thrombasthenia, with general implications for blood clotting. |
A13 |
CNTF can overcome leptin resistance to fight obesity. |
A08 |
AMBI (Tarrytown company) gets exclusive rights to Finland's PANSALT distribution in the U.S. |
A08 |
Losartan can prevent progression of Marfan syndrome (in mice) via inhibition of TGF-beta |
A04 |
Epicardial fat and adipocytes around coronary arteries may contribute to CAD. |
A04 |
Lack of sleep linked to hypertension risk |
M30 |
Manipulation of intracardiac catheters by externally applied magnetic fields to cure a. fib. |
M30 |
Apparent CV protective effect of alcohol intake may be due to a statistical fluke. |
M24 |
Study focuses on bread as a major cause of higher salt intake. |
M24 |
Benefits of eating oily fish seem to be slip-sliding away. |
M17 |
Virus blamed for obesity epidemic. |
M16 |
Glycemic index is bupkus. |
M15 |
Specially formulated salt substitute cuts hypertension. |
M14 |
ACC Scientific Meeting, Atlanta: Tuesday, March 14th Newsletter (.pdf) |
M14 |
ACC: Early treatment of pre-hypertension may postpone onset of true hypertension |
M13 |
Diuretics, and especially, K-sparing diuretics, markedly lower risk of Alzheimer's disease. |
M13 |
American College Cardiology Meeting: Monday, March 13th newsletter (.pdf) |
M13 |
High dose statin therapy causes regression of coronary atherosclerosis. |
M13 |
High-dose atorvastatin (Lipitor) improves kidney function in CKD patients in large clinical trial. |
M13 |
Another take on B vitamins, homocysteine, and vascular risk. |
M13 |
NEJM: B vitamins for homocysteine lowering: Fewer strokes, but more unstable angina. |
M13 |
NEJM: Homocysteine lowering by B-vitamins of no benefit post MI - trend toward increased risk. |
M13 |
American College of Cardiology (Atlanta) Sessions: Sunday highlights. (.pdf) |
M13 |
American College of Cardiology (Atlanta) Sessions: Saturday highlights. (.pdf) |
M13 |
NEJM study casts doubt on efficacy of Plavix over aspirin - and higher bleeding risk cited. |
M10 |
Blood pressure is falling globally, and no one knows why! |
M10 |
Major WHO study concludes calcium supplements can reduce severity but not incidence jtd of preeclampsia. |
M08 |
Diabetes drug Byetta (exenatide) gaining attention as weight loss aid. |
M07 |
Heavy coffee drinking plus gene variant tied to heart attack risk in Costa Ricans |
M03 |
Serotonin may play a role in hardening of the arteries. |
F28 |
Stress may trigger heart attacks by increasing number of blood platelets. |
F22 |
Genetic tests developed to test for salt-sensitivity of blood pressure. |
F20 |
Mars chocolate maker to introduce foods with flavonol-rich chocolates. |
F17 |
Fat in liver connected to high blood pressure risk. |
F12 |
WHO report identifies relatively high hypertension rates in males from India. |
F10 |
IU scientists using stem cells to treat severe peripheral arterial disease. |
F10 |
Blood levels of aldosterone linked to preservation of hearing with aging. |
F07 |
Low fat diet benefits for women less than expected. |
F05 |
Basic gender difference identified in coronary artery disease. |
J31 |
AHA Scientific Statement: Dietary approaches to treat hypertension |
J30 |
Certain adenovirus infections linked to obesity on animals and humans |
J28 |
FDA approves first ever inhaled insulin for the treatment of diabetes. |
J26 |
Aprotinin (Trasylol) linked to increased risk of kidney failure, heart attack and stroke. |
J24 |
Alagebrium (a collagen cross-link breaker) softens arteries - and that's good for you. |
J24 |
Study of Kuna indians is good news for chocoholics - procyanidin in cocoa lowers BP. |
J23 |
Fermented milk drink reduces high blood pressure. |
J23 |
Fetal form of toponin I, with a histidine for alanine substitution, has cardioprotective effects. |
J22 |
AHA review casts doubt on cardiovascular health benefits of soy-based foods. |
J21 |
British study shows that work stress linked to both heart disease and metabolic syndrome. |
J19 |
Heart-healthy compound in chocolate identified - it's epicatechin. |
J17 |
Aspirin protects men against myocardial infarcts and women against ischemic strokes. |
J17 |
US FDA considering two new drugs that fight obesity. |
J17 |
Activated blood coagulation factor VIIa under study to treat intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke. |
J16 |
Tomato extract seems to have a large effect on lowering blood pressure. |
J16 |
Annals: More exercise associated with 30-40% reduction in risk of dementia. |
J15 |
Acetazolamide reduces sleep apnea severity in heart failure patients. |
J15 |
Hypothalamus has a fatty acid sensor that may regulate food intake |
J12 |
Caloric restriction appears to make the heart more elastic. |
J10 |
Mid-life obesity increases mortality and cardiovascular risk. |
J09 |
Smoker? Drink tomato juice (or drink bloody Marys) to ward off emphysema. |
J04 |
Adenosine receptor antagonist completes phase 2 trials for congestive heart failure. |
J02 |
UCSF study in Annals suggests that obesity increases risk of kidney failure. |
J02 |
U.S. weighs obesity surgery options |
D28 |
Researchers discover molecular link explaining why high-fat diet can cause type 2 diabetes. |
D27 |
Do low birth weight babies like saltier food? Study on birth weight stirs up salt wars. |
D26 |
Diabetes, CHF home patient monitors taking off in the UK. |
D23 |
JAMA: Air pollution and high-fat diet combine to cause atherosclerosis in mice. |
D20 |
Allergic reactions from drug-eluting stents |
D15 |
Both BNP and NT-proBNP useful to deteck CHF in persons with CKD. |
D07 |
Fructose may be cause of obesity epidemic; also raises uric acid. |
D05 |
Heparin antibodies pose risk in heart surgery patients. |
D03 |
Random testing shows high lead levels in some imported Chinese plums. |
D03 |
CV benefits of lower intakes of alcohol called into question. |
N29 |
Why trying to make couch potatoes exercise may be difficult. |
N29 |
New AHA CPR guidelines: 30:2 compressions, cooling to 90 degrees. |
N29 |
Fatty liver being seen increasingly in obese patients. |
N28 |
High-carb diet linked to diabetic hypertension. |
N28 |
Nabi's nicotine vaccine shows promise in helping smokers quit. |
N24 |
Osteoporosis associated with six-fold increase in risk of heart disease. |
N23 |
Sweat is a good indicator that a heart attack may be coming. |
N22 |
Percutaneous laser myocardial revascularization no better than placebo. |
N22 |
AHA: Late-breaking clinical trial abstracts (.pdf) |
N21 |
Roller coaster rides can provoke arrhythmias. |
N19 |
Researchers zero in on possible viral cause of Kawasaki disease. |
N17 |
AHA: CV mortality benefits of diuretics linked to alpha-adducin genotype. |
N16 |
Low-carb diet better than low-fat for improving metabolic syndrome. |
N16 |
Collagen crosslink breaker alagebrium can soften arteries. |
N16 |
AHA: Autologous stem cell infusions show promise in severe CAD. |
N16 |
AHA: Aliskiren (renin inhibitor) adds to anti-HTN effects of irbesartan. |
N16 |
Drinking decaffeinated coffee increases pro-atherosclerotic ApoB levels. |
N16 |
Trichostatin may reduce premature atherosclerosis in lupus patients. |
N16 |
High HDL level is pro-atherosclerotic in lupus patients. |
N16 |
Pioglitazone reduces heart attack rate in type 2 diabetics by 28%. |
N16 |
AHA meeting in Dallas: Wednesday newsletter. |
N15 |
GRK5 involved in arterial restenosis lesions. |
N15 |
AHA Meeting in Dallas: Tuesday daily newsletter (.pdf) |
N15 |
AHA Meeting in Dallas: Monday daily newsletter (.pdf) |
N13 |
AHA Scientific Sessions open in Dallas: Sunday daily newspaper. |
N12 |
Risk-stratified analysis proposed to analyze RCTs to detect harm. |
N12 |
Statins overcome learning disabilities in mice with neurofibromatosis 1. |
N10 |
Fizzy cola consumption associated with HTN in women. |
N09 |
No link between coffee drinking and hypertension in women. |
N06 |
New FDA-supported website lists latest approved drug labels for all meds. |
N05 |
Waist-hip ratio better than BMI to predict CV risk. |
N01 |
Diabetic blacks have less coronary artery disease than diabetic whites. |
O28 |
Botox injections effective in treating stroke spasticity. |
O28 |
Air pollution linked to ischemic stroke risk. |
O28 |
HDL cholesterol involved in immunity against parasites. |
O27 |
Bone marrow stem cells may help heal hearts years after heart attack. |
O27 |
JASN Express: Pravastatin lowers CV death risk in diabetics with CKD. |
O26 |
ASN Renal Week 2005 abstracts now available on-line. |
O25 |
Got high BP? Just zap your PAG - but make sure it's the front part! |
O23 |
JAMA: Increased mortality after bariatric surgery. |
O23 |
JAMA: Article detailing CV risk increase with Pargluva (muraglitazar) |
O19 |
Lancet study questions efficacy of beta-blockers for hypertension. |
O18 |
Role of prolonged bedrest to manage hypertension in pregnancy questioned. |
O18 |
Researchers closing in on Na-K-ATPase inhibitor hormone; role in preeclampsia? |
O17 |
Dopamine receptor gene found to play a role in blood pressure inheritance. |
O16 |
JAMA: Cholesterol levels in U.S. inhabitants continue to drop. |
O11 |
Fatty foods can fight inflammation, induce satiety, via CCK. |
O11 |
Surgical menopause can trigger salt-sensitive hypertension. |
O11 |
Microsvascular changes in the retina linked to strokes, even with normal BP. |
O11 |
Study questions measurement of C-reactive protein to assess cardiovascular risk. |
O10 |
RBC secretion of s-nitrosothiol regulates vascular (esp. pulmonary) tone. |
O09 |
JASN: Glycosylated Hb in non-diabetic CKD pts. increases mortality risk. |
O09 |
Hypertension prevalence 25% or higher in middle-aged Beijing residents. |
O09 |
SEPS 1 gene on chromosome 15 plays key role in inflammation. |
O07 |
Lancet: Pioglitazone lowers risk of heart attacks and strokes in diabetics. |
O06 |
Soy compound, genistein, found to inhibit amyloid plaque formation. |
O05 |
Generic form of amlodipine approved by the FDA |
O04 |
Addition of amiloride to HTN drug regimens helps, esp. in African Americans. |
O04 |
90% of Framingham cohort over 60 years of age now overweight. |
S28 |
Toprol (metoprolol)/Topamax/Tegretrol look-alike names prompt FDA alert letter. |
S28 |
beta-2-adrenergic receptor genetics determines survival after MI. |
S26 |
AHA issues dietary recs for children and adolescents. |
S26 |
Lancet study suggests wider use of statins in higher dosages may be beneficial. |
S26 |
Smoking appears to double the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. |
S26 |
Lead exposure plus high blood pressure may impair mental ability. |
S25 |
Genes on chromosome 2 linked to resistant hypertension. |
S23 |
Panic disorder may increase risk of coronary artery disease. |
S22 |
NEJM: Efficacy of various strategies to raise HDL cholesterol. |
S22 |
Surprisingly high cancer, heart death rates in 1-4 cig/day smokers. |
S20 |
Novartis oral renin inhibitor aliskiren shows good results in phase III trial. |
S17 |
Fat cells linked to production of CRP via resistin. |
S13 |
Pioglitzaone improves cardiovascular outcomes in diabetics. |
S13 |
Low-dose aspirin might protect against cardiac effects of COX-2 inhibitbors. |
S09 |
MMWR: Cholesterol screening rates increasing, but only modestly. |
S06 |
Eur Soc Cardiol 2005 Congress website |
S06 |
CV outcomes better with amlodipine / perindopril than with atenolol / diuretic. |
S06 |
Calcium scans can predict heart disease in healthy men. |
S06 |
ESC 2005: Fondaparinux safer than enoxaparin, and as effective |
S06 |
Soy protein-rich diet may help prevent fatty liver of diabetes. |
S06 |
Folic acid, B vitamins lower homocysteine, but show no heart protective effects. |
S01 |
JCI: New kidney hormone identified that metabolizes catecholamines. |
A29 |
Coffee is number one source of antioxidants in U.S. diet. |
A29 |
Prompt statin therapy after heart attack cuts mortality risk in half. |
A26 |
Metabolic syndrome doesn't exist, diabetes groups claim. |
A24 |
TFAH releases report on obesity in America - we're all getting fatter. |
A24 |
The American Society of Hypertension ditches AmJH for JCH. |
A22 |
Scios announces recommended use initiative for Natrecor. |
A19 |
Research promising for chocolate lovers. |
A19 |
Jury awards widow 253 million in Vioxx suit against Merck. |
A19 |
Myogen announces phase 2 trial results of darusentan in resistant hypertension. |
A17 |
Bluetooth scanner stroke hope. |
A16 |
Analgesic drug use linked to high blood pressure in women. |
A16 |
After overeating we don't compensate by eating less. |
A16 |
PLEKHA1 gene linked to age-related macular degeneration. |
A13 |
NEJM: Retinoid X receptors - new targets to treat metabolic syndrome. |
A11 |
Following clinical guidelines in elderly can lead to polypharmacy. |
A09 |
Modified form of digitalis finds role as a cancer killing drug. |
A09 |
Salt restriction lower BP and urine protein in Blacks. |
A04 |
Prehypertension triples heart attack risk. |
J28 |
JASN: ADMA strongly predictive of CKD progression |
J28 |
Propanolol may be useful in erasing traumatic memories in PTSD patients. |
J25 |
Cocoa flavonoids: Eat two chocolate bars and call me in the morning. |
J25 |
How estrogen via its alpha receptor may be bad for women's hearts. |
J23 |
TGF beta receptor mutations linked to aortic dissections. |
J22 |
NEJM: Statins had no effect on hard outcomes in diabetic ESRD patients. |
J20 |
JASN early release: Short daily HD lowers LVH by 30%, also CRP. |
J19 |
Annals: If Medicare were to provide ACE-I for free, it would be cost effective. |
J19 |
Natrecor (nesiritide) safety summary (Scios) |
J19 |
ALLHAT suggests that diuretics rule, even in Blacks with metabolic syndrome. |
J19 |
Dark chocolate and blood pressure in the news (watch the oxalate!). |
J17 |
Mutations in NOTCH1 gene linked to aortic valvular disease. |
J17 |
Faulty ENPP1 gene linked to diabetes and obesity. |
J15 |
Ruboxistaurin reduces vision loss in diabetics with macular edema. |
J14 |
NEJM op-ed piece attacks continued use of nesiritide. |
J11 |
Walking on cobblestones reduces blood pressure, improves balance. |
J11 |
Hageman clotting factor linked to atherosclerosis. |
J06 |
Therapeutic robotics offers new benefits for stroke patients. |
J06 |
Expanding definitions of disease: economic consequences |
J06 |
Vitamin E supps do not protect women from heart attack, stroke, or cancer |
J04 |
Implanted stomach stimulator used as an alternative to stomach-stapling surgery. |
J30 |
Gastric bypass surgery lowers CRP by 50%. |
J30 |
CRP receptor in endothelial cells identified. |
J30 |
ALLHAT subanalysis shows diuretics lower CV risk in diabetics as well as ACEI |
J29 |
Consumer reports announces "best buy" calciuim channel blockers. |
J29 |
Singing exercises for throat muscles target snoring, sleep apnea. |
J28 |
Pfizer review claims no link between Viagra use and blindness. |
J26 |
Gene hunters flock to Amish country. |
J24 |
FDA refuses to approve broader use of Abiomed artificial heart. |
J24 |
US FDA approves BiDil for African Americans with CHF. |
J23 |
AHA: Public access defibrillator study doubles survivals: Policy statements. |
J22 |
Initial FDA review of Abiomed artificial heart is mixed. |
J17 |
FDA advisory panel recommends approval of BiDil for CHF in Blacks. |
J17 |
High levels of ADMA associated with renal disease progression in CKD. |
J17 |
John Laragh raises concern about MD conflicts of interest at the Am Soc HTN. |
J17 |
Study sheds light on why diabetes drugs (thiazolidinediones) cause edema. |
J16 |
BMJ: Should everyone over 50 be taking a daily aspirin? |
J14 |
FDA examines application of BiDil (two vasodilators) to treat CHF in Blacks. |
J14 |
Viagra effective in treating pulmonary arterial HTN in kids. |
J13 |
Highlights from Am Soc Hypertens Meeting (via the ESH) |
J13 |
Compression stockings markedly cut risk of DVT on airplane flights. |
J07 |
Plasma BNP distinguishes restrictive myopathy from constrictive pericarditis |
J07 |
Low vitamin B12 levels common, associated with high homocysteine levels. |
J05 |
Gene therapy reverses pulmonary hypertension |
J04 |
JASN Express: Crit-line blood volume monitoring fails to reduce hospitalizations |
J04 |
CDC defends its position about obesity and increased mortality risk. |
M31 |
Off-pump, on-pump cardiac bypass methods give comparable results. |
M27 |
Adverse impact of second-hand smoke stronger than previously believed. |
M25 |
Atherosclerosis linked to inefficient mitochondria in vascular endothelial cells |
M24 |
Crestor (rosuvastatin) associated with higher adverse event risk. |
M24 |
Higher milk intake associated with lower CV, stroke risk. |
M21 |
Am Soc Hypertension writing group comes up with new definition of hypertension. |
M20 |
American Society of HTN 2005 meeting abstracts |
M19 |
Am J Nephrol: Carnitine therapy associated with decreased hospitalizations |
M18 |
NEJM: Cystatin levels predict mortality better than Scr in the elderly.. |
M18 |
Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis Vasc Biology abstracts, 2005 (pdf) |
M18 |
ASH: New onset diabetes 23% higher with amlodipine vs. valsartan. |
M12 |
Animal studies suggest thyroid hormone may help failing hearts. |
M12 |
Active vaccine prevents prion disease from developing in mice. |
M10 |
Am Soc Hypertension focuses on Hispanic hypertension. |
M10 |
Threefold increase in sudden cardiac death from certain non-cardiac drugs. |
M09 |
Pioglitazone reduces carotid artery thickness in diabetics. |
M07 |
Immune gene with 20% prevalence linked to CAD, rheumatism, and MS. |
M06 |
Madison and Montreal researchers study genetics of HTN in French Canadians. |
M06 |
Pegaptanib shows promising results in treating diabetic macular edema. |
M05 |
Overexpressing catalase in mice mitochondria extends lifespan by 20%. |
M03 |
Consumer Reports website suggest Best Buys for ACE inhibitors. |
M03 |
Schelling paper that is the basis for the dipstick protein-SC calculator |
M03 |
Schelling-Case Western dipstick proteinuria/specific gravity calculator. |
M02 |
Is it raining nanobacteria and if so, is this an important health problem? |
M02 |
FGF-21 finds itself as a new therapy for type 2 diabetes. |
M02 |
Transcendental meditation may expand lifespan in 18 year randomized trial. |
A29 |
ACAT2 cholesterol transforming enzyme a key player in atherosclerosis. |
A28 |
Potassium channel gene linked to how much sleep different persons need. |
A27 |
Combo Vytorin (ezetimibe + simvastatin) lower CHO better than atorvastatin alone |
A21 |
Could an adenovirus be responsible for recent epidemic of obesity? |
A21 |
My.pyramid.gov - new U.S. government website with dietary guidelines |
A21 |
Studies in mice tie sleep disturbances to metabolic syndrome. |
A20 |
Obesity death risk overstated; modestly obese have higher survival rate. |
A20 |
Nesiritide associated with an increased death rate in CHF patients. |
A18 |
Melbourne researchers develop safer and more effective "aspirin". |
A17 |
Exercise has trivial effect, and only on DBP, in older adults. |
A14 |
Heart ring fixes two problems at once. |
A13 |
Heart valve ring reverses damage from congestive heart failure, easing symptoms |
A11 |
New gene found in 20% of people may be behind CV-inflammatory syndrome. |
A08 |
New kidney protein 'renalase' - regulates heart contraction and blood pressure |
A08 |
Liver may be source of 'good' cholesterol |
A07 |
Excimer laser angioplasty used to reduce renal artery stent restenosis. |
A06 |
Table of contents for new K/DOQI cardiovascular guidelines |
A06 |
NKF guidelines relating to cardiovascular disease published. |
A06 |
JAMA: ALLHAT results suggest diuretics best for both Whites and Blacks with HTN. |
A06 |
Kidney transplant can markedly improve patients with severe heart failure. |
A04 |
Viagra benefits hypertensive pregnant mother and fetus in animal study |
A04 |
Cholesterol lowering drugs may lower IC calcium and inhibit proliferation. |
A03 |
Garlic ingredient allicin protects against pulmonary HTN in rats. |
A03 |
Cranberry juice improves blood vessel relaxation. |
A02 |
Subintimal angioplasty offers new hope for peripheral vascular disease pts. |
A01 |
Best buy recommends best value beta-blockers. |
A01 |
Implanted medical device aims to lower blood pressure. |
M31 |
NEJM: Higher dose aspirin better than warfarin in secondary stroke prevention. |
M29 |
Uric acid not a good predictor of coronary disease in meta-analysis. |
M29 |
Production of inflammatory mediators by fat cells linked to metabolic syndrome. |
M29 |
Study in rats shows that acupuncture can markedly lower blood pressure. |
M21 |
Nesiritide associated with risk of reduced kidney function in CHF patients. |
M14 |
Finland gene mapping project identifies 300 new hypertension genes. |
M11 |
Impedance cardiac output utility to guide HTN treatment featured. |
M11 |
CCB/ACEI better than BB/diuretic for HTN in terms of hard outcomes. |
M10 |
Clopidogrel after acute MI shown to increase survival. |
M07 |
Urine mediators help diagnose pre-eclampsia. |
M07 |
Laughter may cause endothelium-mediated vasodilatation. |
M07 |
TIA symptoms may portend impending stroke. |
M07 |
Low-dose aspirin shows only mild benefit in preventing strokes in women. |
M07 |
Hyponatremia a marker of poor outcome in heart failure |
M05 |
Pfizer working on new drug that raises HDL cholesterol. |
M02 |
FDA posts warning: Reduce starting dose of Crestor in Asians. |
F24 |
Consumer group sues FDA demanding that salt in foods be regulated. |
F22 |
Probably trigger of diabetic kidney disease uncovered (CD36) |
F15 |
MMWR: Blacks and Hispanics less aware of high cholesterol problems. |
F15 |
COX-2 inhibitors associated with blood pressure elevation. |
F14 |
Hypertension awareness among Hispanics found to be critically low. |
F11 |
Bad news can really break hearts |
F09 |
Hypertension in African Americans linked to two genomic regions |
F06 |
Stopping aspirin therapy associated with markedly increased stroke risk. |
F03 |
Air pollution exposure linked to atherosclerosis. |
F03 |
Fidgeting important to help avoid obesity. |
F03 |
Microdosing used to study pharmacokinetics of new renin inhibitors. |
F02 |
Blood pressure soars on Mondays. |
F01 |
Statin use associated with 30% lower mortality in dialysis patients. |
F01 |
More heart attacks occur on Mondays in non-dialysis patients. |
J25 |
In retrospect, Vioxx may have caused many heart disease deaths. |
J20 |
NEJM: Aspirin/esomeprazole better than clopidogrel for CV risk prevention. |
J20 |
New SARS-like coronavirus linked to Takayasu's disease. |
J18 |
New research shows that all COX-2 inhibitors may have CV health risks. |
J18 |
U.S. launches diabetes campaign aimed at seniors. |
J18 |
Large doses of folate may stave off high blood pressure. |
J18 |
California researchers discover new fat gene. |
J17 |
FDA requires handout be given to patients receiving amiodarone. |
J16 |
Pediatricians now recommend that BP screening start at age 3. |
J15 |
FDA panel rejects OTC sale of statin drug made by Merck |
J15 |
MMWR: Latest prevalence data for HTN by race in the United States. |
J14 |
One third of world population expected to have HTN by 2025. |
J13 |
Study shows how angiotensin II can lead to muscle wasting and CHF. |
J11 |
Insufficient sleep linked to obesity. |
J11 |
Death in patient taking Crestor who had rhabdomyolysis. |
J10 |
New generation of video games/muscle trainers may fight obesity. |
J06 |
NEJM: LDL cholesterol and CRP each strong, independent, predictors of CV risk. |
J05 |
BMC: Middle-aged Germans, not Blacks, have highest incidence of HTN (.pdf) |
J05 |
JAMA: RCT of various weight loss diets shows that no one diet is clearly better. |
J05 |
JAMA: Low urinary placental growth factor in women with pre-eclampsia. |
J04 |
Benefits of diuretics in the elderly outweigh the risks. |
D31 |
Fast food intake linked to obesity, insulin resistance. |
D30 |
Heart failure patients treated with insulin have increased mortality |
D28 |
India spice curcurmin more effective against Alzheimer's than any meds. |
D28 |
JAMA: Editorial on arthritis medicines and CV risk |
D28 |
AHA: Top 10 advances against CV disease for 2004. |
D28 |
Chocolate: A boon for libido and for the heart. |
D28 |
NIH, JDRF, CDC announce new genetic data bank for diabetic kidney disease. |
D22 |
Aspirin underused by people with diabetes. |
D22 |
Exercise before a fatty meal may curb bad effects on vasculature, triglycerides. |
D22 |
FDA statement regarding CV risks related to naproxen. |
D22 |
New AHA guidelines emphasize home monitoring of BP. |
D22 |
LDL vaccination reduces amount of coronary artery plaque. |
D21 |
Naproxen linked to increased risk of heart attack, stroke. |
D17 |
Polymeals containing super-healthy nutrients, might extend life. |
D16 |
NEJM: Infection (bronchitis, cystitis) increases heart attack risk fivefold. |
D14 |
Thiamine supplementation lowers CV risk in diabetics. |
D14 |
Anti-HTN drug combo that included a CCB showed higher death risk in women. |
D14 |
MIT scientists get working heart tissue from cultured myocytes. |
D13 |
European salt producers fight back against low-salt trend with website. |
D08 |
Amlodipine/perindopril vs. HDCN/atenolol (ASCOT) trial halted early |
D07 |
Penn study shows differences in mortality between Vioxx and Celebrex |
D07 |
Lack of sleep may make you fat via ghrelin and leptin. |
D05 |
Vascular effects of selective COX-2 inhibitors (.pdf) |
D05 |
Risk of obesity-related deaths in the U.S may have been overstated. |
D02 |
Milk protein may reduce high blood pressure. |
D02 |
High body fat may impair natriuresis in African Americans. |
D02 |
Exercise training does not work for everyone. |
D01 |
Gene transfer shows AT type 2 receptors protect against LVH. |
D01 |
Drinking tap water could be beneficial to patients with low blood pressure. |
N29 |
Panama's heart-healthy Kuna Indians suggest that chocolate may be a health food |
N26 |
More muscle means better regulation of blood pressure |
N26 |
New findings link IL-10 to atherosclerosis, identify intermediary molecule. |
N18 |
Don't like wine? Try Concord grape juice to lower inflammatory markers. |
N18 |
NEJM: Ultrasound plus tPA helps dissolve stroke-causing clots |
N18 |
Cox-2 inhibitors may work against estrogen and promote hardening of arteries |
N14 |
Was Atkins right all along? Higher fat diets lower CV risk in elderly women. |
N13 |
Exercise may protect the heart by stimulating VEGF |
N11 |
N EJM: No CV benefit of ACE-I in patients with stable CAD |
N11 |
NEJM: Isosorbide dinitrate and hydralazine in heart failure works in Blacks |
N11 |
Acetaminophen-pretreated dogs show astounding reductions in heart infarct size |
N10 |
Pfizer COX-2 inhibitor also doubles risk of heart complications |
N09 |
Hydralazine plus isosorbide dinitrate markedly benefit Blacks with heart failure |
N09 |
Walnut and flaxseed oil lowers inflammatory markers |
N09 |
Progress with tissue-engineered blood vessels for coronary bypass |
N09 |
ACE inhibitors of little benefit for patients with stable heart failure |
N09 |
DHEA may reduce abdominal fat in the elderly and improve insulin sensitivity |
N07 |
Elastic wrap for the heart give 75% improvement in severe heart failure |
N07 |
AHA: Heart disease slidesets |
N07 |
Genetic testing can identify ischemic vs. nonischemic heart failure |
N07 |
Air pollution may cause and speed up heart disease |
N05 |
Outcome benefits of atenolol questioned |
O31 |
ASN: Coronary angiography or bypass underutilized in dialysis patients |
O30 |
The amyloidogenic role of apolipoprotein E in Alzheimer disease clarified |
O29 |
New theory links low NAD/NADH ratio to diabetic organ damage |
O28 |
Salt retention gene CYP3A5 polymorphisms vary with distance from equator |
O26 |
KDIGO.org website now up for international kidney disease guidelines |
O26 |
Immunization retards plaque growth in animal model of Alzheimer's disease |
O26 |
Transthyrethrin protects mouse brains against experimental Alzheimer's disease |
O24 |
AHA African American media kit (patient guidesheets) (.pdf) |
O24 |
FDA approves Syncardia temporary artificial heart |
O21 |
Mitochondrial mutation linked to high blood pressure |
O19 |
Minimally invasive surgery highly successful in reversing atrial fibrillation |
O19 |
CD36 gene polymorphisms tied to heart disease in diabetics |
O18 |
European Soc Cardiol guidelines for prevention of CV disease |
O18 |
Kaiser Permanente adult diabetes management guidelines |
O18 |
KDOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for treating hypertension in CKD |
O16 |
Ephedrine linked to sudden death in a coronary compromised dog model |
O16 |
MMWR: Focus on health disparities, diabetes in Hispanics (.pdf) |
O15 |
Eur Soc Hypertension guidelines for treating arterial hypertension |
O13 |
Statins reduce brain amyloid plaques in an Alzheimer's disease animal model |
O11 |
High folate intake associated with lower blood pressure in women |
O11 |
Insulin resistance in teens raises BP risk as adults |
O11 |
Obesity in children, adolescents is focus of new IOM report |
O06 |
JAMA: Hormone replacement therapy doubles blood clot risk |
O06 |
Many benefits of exercise may be mediated by interleukin-6 |
O05 |
Pyridostigmine effective in combatting orthostatic hypotension |
O04 |
External counterpulsation trousers used to treat refractory angina |
O03 |
Serum CRP and other inflammatory markers higher in coffee drinkers |
S30 |
Carp heart doesn't need oxygen; fish converts its lactic acid to ethanol |
S24 |
NCQA reports that half of patients get bad care, esp. HTN management is poor |
S24 |
Even mild kidney disease raises risk of heart disease and death |
S15 |
Beta-blocker use associated with lower risk of bone fractures |
S13 |
Clonidine may act partly via imidazoline receptors in the brain |
S12 |
Chronic hyperphosphatemia elevates fibroblast growth factor levels |
S08 |
In women, fitness level, better than obesity, predicts cardiovascular risk |
S06 |
Heart disease incidence related to gene mutation controlling vascular EC matrix |
S01 |
Farm-raised salmon fed vegetable oil don't cardioprotect |
A30 |
High incidence (7%) of subclavian stenosis can confound BP measurement |
A24 |
Prevalence of high blood pressure in US markedly increased |
A23 |
Activation of leukotriene pathway increases aortic aneurysm formation in mice |
A18 |
Snake venom reveals undesirable partial agonism of integrin receptor blockers |
A14 |
Mutant gene discovered that affects dietary cholesterol absorption |
A09 |
Doctors warned on single high blood pressure reading |
J31 |
Angiotensin (1-7) peptide appears to inhibit growth of lung cancer |
J30 |
Financial breaks speed adoption of cardiovascular health guidelines |
J29 |
Trial testing isosorbide dinitrate + hydralazine in Blacks with CHF halted |
J26 |
Drinking tea associated with lower blood pressure |
J21 |
Eating oily fish reduced risk of atrial fibrillation by 1/3 |
J16 |
Medicare to cover some obesity treatments |
J13 |
Governments drafting laws, policies, to tackle obesity |
J12 |
Updated NCEP Panel III Cholesterol Treatment Guidelines |
J12 |
NCEP updated cholesterol guidelines for adults; lower levels targeted |
J07 |
Aspirin of no benefit, and of potential harm, in heart failure |
J05 |
Ginseng lowers warfarin potency for anti-coagulation |
J30 |
Antioxidant controversy: Scientists seek measurement standards |
J30 |
Passive smoking risk greater than previously thought |
J28 |
Liposorbtion growing as a means of treating very high cholesterol levels |
J25 |
New virtual reality system may aid in stroke recovery |
J25 |
Computer-aided brain retraining increases field of vision in stroke victims |
J25 |
New form of physical therapy restores arm function after stroke |
J25 |
Almost half of stroke patients may be aspirin resistant |
J09 |
Slightly elevated levels of lead, cadmium linked to peripheral arterial disease |
M29 |
L-arginine plus exercise may have synergistic effect on CAD (in mice) |
M24 |
US issues updated guidelines for treating hypertension in kids |
M21 |
FDA approves troponin T test to help dx acute coronary syndrome |
M19 |
Are "vasculotoxic" nanobacteria alive? |
M16 |
New approaches to treating atrial fibrillation presented at conference |
M06 |
Self-contained Abiocor heart implanted in Louisville, KY |
M06 |
New inflammation-related gene linked to heart attacks |
M04 |
Could vitamins increase levels of bad cholesterol? |
M04 |
Coffee intake may increase HTN risk in minority adolescents |
A19 |
Strict diet has dramatic effect on reducting heart disease |
A14 |
Having a close friend can reduce the risk of heart disease |
A09 |
Anticytokine therapy fails to help patients with chronic heart failure |
A09 |
New calcium channel drug stops sudden cardiac death in animals |
A08 |
NEJM: New class of drug successfully increases HDL cholesterol levels |
A04 |
Calcium-activated K-channel mutation linked to severe diastolic hypertension |
A04 |
Novel MRI technique provides clear images of blood flow |
M31 |
NEJM: Icelandic study shows that CRP has only moderate predictive value for CAD |
M29 |
Carbenoxolone may have beneficial effects on memory |
M24 |
Activity of calcium-handling gene linked to cardiac arrhythmias |
M17 |
Blood test may detect strokes with high sensitivity |
M17 |
BHS-IV guidelines for hypertension management : summary |
M17 |
British Hypertension Society publishes its guidelines |
M15 |
Canola oil-fed cows produce milk with healthier fat profile |
M12 |
Musical biometric feedback helps in stress management |
M11 |
Aspirin resistance - more than just a laboratory curiosity? (pdf) |
M11 |
Estradiol-eluting coronary stents show promising, early results (pdf) |
M11 |
ACC 2004 conference daily news summaries |
M11 |
Urocortins act on heart, may benefit congestive heart failure |
M09 |
Forgetfulness tops list of reason for non-compliance with cardioprotective meds |
M09 |
Pepine and Laura Bush on women and heart disease (ACC 2004 Ann Mtg) |
M08 |
Cholesterol reduction: the lower, the better |
M07 |
Folate fortification of flour may have resulted in marked fall in CV disease |
M02 |
NIH stops estrogen-alone study because of increased stroke risk |
F21 |
FDA approves implantable defibrillators with internet monitoring system |
F21 |
Plant sterols added to food effective in lowering cholesterol |
F17 |
Cheap four-drug combo lowers mortality risk by 90% post MI |
F11 |
Institute of Medicine recommends 1.5 g/day sodium for all, even less for elderly |
F09 |
Iceland genome project finds new gene linked to heart attacks |
F09 |
New guidelines to prevent heart disease and stroke in women |
F09 |
Eating mercury-contaminated fish while pregnant can cause child brain damage |
F05 |
Bat saliva drug offers promise in treating acute stroke |
F01 |
Moderate-fat diet results in better lipid profiles than low-fat diet |
J31 |
Modified vitamin E molecule increases antioxidant activity 100-fold |
J31 |
Scientists eye pills to unclog arteries |
J27 |
Placental growth factor - a new biomarker of atherosclerotic plaque instability |
J27 |
C-reactive protein linked to buildup of fatty plaque in arteries |
J27 |
Statins, ACE-inhibitors, improve outcomes in patients after leg bypass surgery |
J20 |
Melatonin may affect nocturnal blood pressure |
J16 |
Coronary artery calcium scores useful in intermediate risk patients |
J16 |
Italian pharma company to provide red wine ingredients in a pill |
J12 |
Walking 1.5 miles per day can help prevent weight gain |
J09 |
Long QT syndrome mutations may be much more common than previously thought |
J08 |
High salt intake linked to stomach cancer risk in Japan |
D31 |
Novel estrogen-like compound may obviate estrogen risks |
D31 |
NEJM: 5-lipoxygenase gene tied to atherosclerosis |
D18 |
JNC 7 Full text (.PDF format) |
D16 |
New information links obesity and inflammation |
D06 |
DHEA may increase number of plaque-forming foam cells, upping CV risk |
D04 |
Can statins cause amnesia? |
D01 |
RSNA meeting: New standards proposed for coronary artery calcium screening |
D01 |
Apheresis for hypercholesterolemia in the news in the UK |
N29 |
Keryx announces sulodexide open access research collaboration with U. Mich. |
N28 |
Cleveland Clinic researchers identify heart attack gene |
N25 |
Qualitative HDL cholesterol test (pro- or anti-inflammatory) predicts CV risk |
N20 |
T-type calcium channels involved in coronary relaxation |
N13 |
AHA: Cholesterol - how low should you go? |
N13 |
Guinness beer may reduce risk of blood clotting |
N12 |
AHA Scientific Sessions: Daily Newspaper: Wednesday Nov 12 |
N11 |
AHA Scientific Sessions newspaper: Tuesday Nov 11 |
N11 |
Tetrahydrobiopterin, an NO co-factor, may be novel anti-hypertensive agent |
N11 |
Apoptosis of endothelial cells linked to heart risk in lupus patients |
N10 |
AHA Meeting Sessions daily newspaper: Monday, Nov 10
(PDF) |
N10 |
AHA Meeting Sessions daily newspaper: Sunday Nov 09 (PDF) |
N10 |
AHA: Vasopressin blocker tolvaptan decreases fluid retention in heart failure |
N04 |
Injected megaHDL cholesterol rapidly improves
atherosclerosis in people |
O31 |
Liquid putty used to treat cerebrovascular aneurysms |
O30 |
FDA: Early thrombosis warning of Cordis Cypher coronary stents |
O30 |
NEJM: Ximelagatran as good as warfarin for preventing DVT |
O29 |
Resveratrol red wine antioxidant lowers inflammatory mediators in COPD |
O29 |
Aspirin withdrawal may pose risks to coronary patients |
O28 |
Lowering blood pressure immediately after a stroke can be harmful |
O22 |
Clot retreiving wire holds promise for treating acute stroke |
O17 |
Nitric oxide blocks exocytosis, thereby preventing inflammation |
O15 |
Supersized cholesterol carriers the key to a long life? |
O08 |
Pfizer Inspra (epleronone) wins FDA approval to treat CHF |
O02 |
Stroke risk not related to dietary fat intake in men |
S30 |
Does stress impair pressure-induced natriuresis and thereby cause kidney damage? |
S30 |
Icelander genetic screening identifies stroke-risk gene |
S30 |
Icelanders find that one gene that makes you fat or thin |
S26 |
New cardiac inotropic hormone from coronary endothelium - apelin |
S26 |
Low sodium diet has no adverse effect on blood lipids |
S22 |
Disorder of ciliary transport linked to learning disabilities, obesity |
S19 |
Azithromycin of no help in secondary prevention of coronary events |
S18 |
NEJM: Herpesvirus 8 linked to primary pulmonary hypertension |
S18 |
Hyperkalemia and creatinine increases on ACE-I: What should one do? |
S16 |
Calcium channel blockers affect iron transport into the heart |
S16 |
Cancer drug HDAC (histone deacetylase) halts LVH in lab animals |
S15 |
K/DOQI dyslipidemia guidelines |
S14 |
Do statins have a primary role in prevention? A conservative viewpoint. |
S09 |
Smoking reduces monamine oxidase levels in the kidney and other organs |
S09 |
Saponins in red wine may account for some beneficial CV effects |
S04 |
NEJM: PYY hormone cuts appetite by athird |
S03 |
Chilli pepper receptors responsible for heart attack pain |
S02 |
DNA-repair gene protects some smokers against lung cancer |
S02 |
DNA-repair gene protects some smokers against lung cancer |
S01 |
Intracardiac autologous stem cell injection may eliminate need for heart tx |
S01 |
ESC: Perindopril lowers mortality in post-MI patients |
S01 |
Abstract search page: Eur Soc Cardiol 2003 Meeting |
S01 |
European Society of Cardiology meeting: Highlights and reports |
S01 |
European Society of Cardiology meeting: Highlights and reports |
A30 |
Will handheld ultrasound device supplant the stethoscope? |
A28 |
Health benefits of chocolate: the darker, the better |
A27 |
VA cooperative study on homocysteine in CKD in progress |
A26 |
CAD death reath linked to EBCT coronary artery calcium scores |
A24 |
Resveratrol identified as life extending ingredient in red wine |
A23 |
Three patients with Jarvik 2000 heart pump now at home |
A23 |
Artificial heart muscle being developed at Leeds |
A22 |
Hyperkalemia in CHF patients treated with ACE-I and spironolactone |
A21 |
NEJM: Primary angioplasty better than fibrinolysis, even after transfer |
A20 |
Obesity, depression, tied to CRP levels in men |
A19 |
U.S. approves Viagra rival Levitra from Glaxo, Bayer |
A18 |
New educational video on CV disease for African American women |
A16 |
Study finds new approach to unclogging arteries |
A13 |
Antioxidant vitamins help vasculature in kids with high cholesterol |
A10 |
Endothelin converting enzyme new target for heart disease drugs |
A09 |
US Preventive Services Task Force says to screen all adults for high BP |
A05 |
US Natl Stroke Assoc launches patient education campaign |
J31 |
Tangle enzyme Pin1 protects against Alzheimer disease |
J29 |
Thyroid receptor compound effects weight loss, lowers cholesterol |
J28 |
Push aims to lower hidden salt in food |
J27 |
LOX-1 gene linked to heart attacks, cardiac arrest |
J25 |
Content of addictive form of nicotine, free-base, varies widely among cigarettes |
J24 |
Mandibular advancement splint helps patients with sleep apnea |
J23 |
Ape diet lowers cholesterol as efficiently as do drugs |
J21 |
Clinical chemist association weighs in on routine CRP testing |
J21 |
Tomato-eating reduces heart disease risk by 30% |
J20 |
Study backs do-it-yourself blood pressure checks |
J19 |
FDA approves PLAC test to detect CV risk |
J16 |
Pulmonary vein ablation method improves survival in atrial fibrillation patients |
J16 |
paper puts troponin T and CRP tests for dialysis patients in the news |
J13 |
MMWR: Cardiomyopathy and pericarditis following civilian smallpox vaccination |
J13 |
Patients demand sirolimus-eluting CYPHER stent by brand name |
J09 |
U.S. hypertension rates rising |
J09 |
FDA approves pravastatin / aspirin combo pill |
J05 |
Singer Barry White dies of hypertension, kidney failure at age 58 |
J27 |
COMET trial results show 17% lower mortality with carvedilol vs. metoprolol |
J26 |
Hypothetical benefits of polypill - aspirin, folate, statin, ACE, touted in BMJ |
J22 |
Brits identify genes linked to hypertension on 4 separate chromosomes |
J18 |
HDL may increase half-life of endothelial NO synthase |
J18 |
Genetic locus strongly linked to atrial fibrillation found on chromosome 6 |
J18 |
Pfizer unveils new anti-smoking drug |
J16 |
Cardiovascular benefits of vitamin E and carotene questioned |
J16 |
Cardiovascular benefits of moderate exercise challenged |
J13 |
Patient recovers after LVAD bridges failing heart due to viral myocarditis |
J13 |
Eur Soc Hypertension (ESH): New hypertension guidelines on-line |
J11 |
Aspirin as effective as ticlodipine in African American stroke prevention |
J10 |
MRI angiogram identifies stroke-prone carotid plaque |
J05 |
New drug (mirtazapine) very promising in treatment of sleep apnea |
J04 |
Upper arm AV fistula causes steal syndrome in IMA coronary bypass grafts |
M29 |
E2F decoy soaking of veins used for coronary bypass grafts |
M28 |
Physical activity can rapidly reduce dangerous visceral fat |
M27 |
Fish oil CV protection may be mediated by prevention of sudden death |
M21 |
Atkins diet found to be superior in two controlled trials, one in NEJM |
M21 |
Scripps working on a nicotine vaccine |
M19 |
Potential new benefits for statins |
M19 |
EBCT helps in CAD risk assessment of asymptomatic individuals |
M19 |
ASH: One in three home BP monitors give unreliable results |
M19 |
DASH diet may act as diuretic |
M16 |
Coronary artery disease link to second-hand smoking disputed |
M15 |
CV risk of Chlamydia seropositivity increased when CRP is high |
M14 |
JNC 7 now defines hypertension as pressures above 120/80 |
M14 |
JNC 7 U.S. hypertension guidelines (full text, JAMA) |
M14 |
Am Soc Hypertens 2003 meeting abstracts available here |
M13 |
Chiropractic treatment of the neck can be a risk factor for stroke |
M06 |
ASN, NKF issue joint comment on ALLHAT results re ACE-I and ARBs |
M06 |
Off-pump coronary bypass grafting leads to better outcomes |
M01 |
Klotho gene linked to aging, atherosclerosis |
M01 |
ASH-2003: Abstracts now available on-line |
A26 |
Vascular Compliance talk CME/CE credits now available |
A25 |
Heart disease in women being emphasized in the media |
A25 |
U.S. FDA approves drug-emitting stent for heart disease |
A22 |
Chlamydia related to age-related macular degeneration risk |
A22 |
Multiple lifestyle changes work to lower blood pressure |
A16 |
Progeria gene identified; yields clues to normal aging |
A14 |
Drinking Concord grape juice lower blood pressure in hypertensive men |
A11 |
Coffee plus alcohol shown to limit stroke-related brain damage in animals |
A10 |
Anti-psychotic drug Risperdal linked to increased stroke risk |
A08 |
Verapamil helps control BP in heart patients; associated with good outcome |
A07 |
Key role of HDL emphasized in study presented at ACC-Chicago |
A05 |
American Stroke Association updates urgent stroke care guidelines |
A05 |
Osteoporosis linked to heart disease in women |
A04 |
Dr. Arthur Guyton dies in car accident |
A04 |
Aortic stiffness related to stroke incidence in hypertensive patients |
A03 |
Epleronone improves CV outcome post MI |
A03 |
Ximelagatran may be safer, more efficacious than warfarin to prevent stroke |
A02 |
ACC: Irbesartan, amlodpine show similar rates of CV events in type 2 DN |
A02 |
ACC: Sirolimus-coated stents show reduced restenosis rates |
A01 |
ACC: Search 2003 Meeting abstracts (Am Coll Cardiol) |
A01 |
ACC: Late breaking clinical trials in cardiology |
A01 |
Damage from low-dose X-rays may be greater than previously thought |
M31 |
Drug-eluting stents appear to be cost-effective |
M29 |
MMWR: Cardiac events following smallpox vaccination. USA 2003 |
M27 |
Surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation gaining in popularity |
M25 |
African Americans prone to hypertensive retinopathy |
M25 |
Cells from marros may stick to and worsen coronary artery plaques |
M20 |
ALLHAT principals, NHLBI argue over study result interpretation |
M19 |
NEJM: Soluble CD40 ligand and abciximab in acute coronary syndromes |
M17 |
Cardiovascular disease in CKD: Seminars in Dialysis issue |
M16 |
Stopping hepatic lipoprotein secretion in mice stops atherogenesis |
M16 |
Loneliness and other psychological stress contributes to heart disease |
M12 |
NSAIDs may dissolve Alzheimer plaques |
M11 |
Mitral annular calcification increases risk of myocardial infarction death |
M11 |
Statins may protect CNS myelin, attenuate MS |
M10 |
Full text of new guidelines to manage BP in African Americans |
M10 |
African Americans get high BP guidelines |
M10 |
High blood pressure epidemic seen in Canadian teens |
M04 |
Pre-eclampsia protein identified |
M01 |
170 countries agree to anti-smoking treaty |
F27 |
Phospholamban gene linked to dilated cardiomyopathy |
F27 |
New enzyme - endothelial lipase - controls serum HDL cholesterol levels |
F25 |
Ramipril reduces new onset of heart failure in HOPE trial |
F24 |
Low-dose warfarin prevents recurrent blood clots - NHLBI stops randomized trial |
F22 |
Cookies and cake lead to higher AGE levels |
F22 |
Outcomes with digoxin therapy in CHF: Less is more. |
F21 |
High homocysteine levels increase stroke risk |
F20 |
L-DOPA for Parkinson's increases blood homocysteine levels |
F19 |
Heart failure linked to vitamin D deficiency |
F18 |
Albumin cobalt binding test cleared by FDA to help detect heart attack |
F17 |
Bayer develops automated test for BNP - brain natriuretic peptide |
F17 |
Thiamine derivative prevents diabetic-related eye disease in rats |
F15 |
Gene regulating G-protein signaling (RGS2) implicated in hypertension in mice |
F14 |
French red wines boost NO 3 times better than German reds |
F14 |
Ibuprofen undoes CV protective effect of aspirin |
F13 |
NEJM: Circulating endothelial progenitor cell number linked to CV risk factors |
F12 |
NEJM: Aussies challenge ALLHAT: ACE-I has fewer CV events than diuretics in men |
F12 |
Mitochondrial DNA mutation found in centenarians |
F12 |
Resynchronization pacemaker therapy reduces CHF deaths by 50% |
F10 |
Sleep apnea may contribute to heart failure |
F07 |
Autopsy proves injected stem cells grow, differentiate in infarct-damaged heart |
F06 |
NEJM: Iodixanol (Visipaque) cuts risk of contrast-media renal failure |
F05 |
Ankyrin mutation associated with long QT syndrome |
F05 |
Acetylcysteine protects CKD patient kidney function after contrast dye use. |
F05 |
Statin use delays heart valve calcification |
F05 |
Light drinking may cut stoke risk |
F04 |
Insulin resistance linked to poor memory |
F04 |
HAART therapy protease inhibitors for HIV may be pro-atherosclerotic |
F03 |
Interactions between warfarin and anti-platelet drugs |
F01 |
CDC chemical exposure report: Phytoestrogens (PDF file) |
J31 |
Telomere length linked to longevity |
J28 |
AHA and CDC issue CRP testing guidelines |
J27 |
Exercise delays age-related decline in brain gray matter |
J25 |
Blood flow-mediated benefit of exercise on CV disease |
J22 |
Italian scientists identify migraine gene |
J20 |
Cholesterol breakdown gene linked to Alzheimer's disease |
J20 |
Researchers put DNA to music |
J20 |
Vitamin D deficiency may play a role in heart failure |
J19 |
Carbon monoxide may protect against vascular injury |
J18 |
Bakris (HTN and Renal Disease) CME/CE post-test, credits ready |
J17 |
HDCN: BP, CV channel lecture list, links, updated |
J16 |
ADA 2003 diabetes clinical practice recs in full text |
J13 |
Cox-2 inhibitors increase flow-mediated vasodilation and lower CRP |
J11 |
Am Soc Hypertens - Current Concepts in HTN - full text reviews |
J09 |
CRP linked directly to clot and plaque formation |
J09 |
New clot dissolving substance in vampire bat saliva |
J09 |
NEJM: Low number of nephrons predisposes to hypertension |
J08 |
NEJM: Light to moderate drinking shown to be cardioprotective |
J08 |
ACE DD gene polymorphism linked to obesity |
J06 |
Taurine, allopurinol restore endothelial function in smokers |
D28 |
HSTAT: Review of BP monitoring outside the clinical setting |
D28 |
New cardiomyopathy gene identified |
D26 |
In Japan, soy in men, and fish in women, increase survival |
D24 |
Women with sickle cell disease have more nitric oxide, better survival |
D24 |
HOPE Substudy links CMV virus infection to heart attacks and stroke |
D20 |
Lead in bones linked to pregnancy blood pressure |
D17 |
ALLHAT reports in JAMA: Chlorthalidone as good as lisinopril or amlodipine |
D17 |
ALLHAT reports in JAMA: Pravastatin shows no outcomes benefit |
D16 |
Activated platelets participate in causing atherosclerosis |
D10 |
New obesity gene identified in mice |
D09 |
AHA: Late-breaking clinical trials abstracts |
D09 |
Oral direct thrombin inhibitor useful in preventing recurrent venous thrombosis |
D03 |
Haptoglobin genotype linked to CV risk in diabetics |
D02 |
CRP linked to LVH in ESRD in AJKD study (editorial review) |
D01 |
Special veggie diet cuts cholesterol by 29% |
N27 |
NEJM: Health effects of mercury in fish: conflicting results |
N26 |
Eating nuts in Nurses Health Study protective against diabetes |
N24 |
Sulodexide (from Keryx) shows promise in treating albuminuria in diabetics |
N21 |
FDA approves automated brain natriuretic peptide test to dx CHF |
N21 |
Meta-analysis suggests folic acid may improve CV risk in nonuremics |
N21 |
Do statins deplete coenzyme Q10 and is this clinically important? |
N21 |
High iron stores increase CV risk in young women |
N20 |
Senate passes bill doubling funding for juvenile diabetes research |
N20 |
AHA: Soy nut consumption lowers BP in postmenopausal women |
N20 |
AHA Scientific Sessions Daily News. Wed Nov 20th. |
N19 |
Decaf espresso activates SNS, raises blood pressure, by unknown mechanisms |
N19 |
Gadolinium, avb3 nanoparticles used to image early plaque in coronary arteries |
N19 |
AASK study reports primary results in JAMA: ACE-I better than BB, amlodipine |
N19 |
AHA still cautious about recommending Atkins diet |
N19 |
AHA Scientific Sessions. News (PDF) Tuesday, Nov 19th |
N18 |
AHA Scientific Sessions: Daily Newspaper (PDF) - Monday, Nov 18 |
N18 |
AHA: Atkins diet beats AHA-diet for weight loss, CHO, TRIG, and HDL |
N18 |
AHA: New dietary guidelines focus on omega-3 fatty acids |
N18 |
Galileo has new drug that may lower CRP in ESRD patients by 50% |
N17 |
Genzyme and Diacrin studying muscle cell to heart transplants |
N17 |
AHA: Daily newspaper (PDF) - Sunday, Nov 17 |
N17 |
AHA: Skeletal muscle cell transplants repair damaged heart tissue |
N17 |
AHA: Engineered blood vessels prove durable and clot-resistant |
N17 |
Hostility a strong predictor of heart attach risk |
N17 |
Hospitals that don't follow heart attack guidelines have much higher death rates |
N17 |
Frailty in elderly linked to inflammation, activation of coagulation |
N15 |
Long-lasting erectile dysfunction drug (tadalafil) to go on sale in Europe |
N13 |
Strong evidence links CRP, inflammation, to heart disease |
N11 |
High-heat cooking causes increased serum AGE, CRP levels in diabetics |
N10 |
VEGF related to blood vessel growth in revascularization, tumors |
N09 |
Stroke risk increased in young African Americans, Hispanics |
N09 |
Pandemic of diabetes among latinos gaining media attention |
N07 |
Mediterranean diet could help Asians |
N05 |
Parasympathetic nervous system shown to innervate fatty tissue - function unkown |
N04 |
WHO report in 6 languages, incl. French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic |
N04 |
World Health Organization issues risk reduction and healthy lifestyle report |
N02 |
U.S. FDA approves nicotene lozenge designed to help smokers quit |
O31 |
Risk of recurrent stroke reducedy by systolic BP < 140, diastolic < 80 |
O31 |
Mitochondrial potassium channels may protect against heart attach |
O31 |
Coffee drinking may retard cognitive decline in elderly women |
O31 |
Post-hoc analysis: Digoxin increases mortality in women with heart failure |
O27 |
New drug has potential of halting stroke damage instantly |
O25 |
Non-traditional stroke symptoms found in women |
O24 |
Lacidipine slows coronary atherosclerosis more than atenolol |
O23 |
Sirolimus-coated stent wins tentative approval |
O23 |
ACE linked to calcium growth on aortic valve |
O22 |
Hepatic lipase gene affects tolerance to high-fat diet |
O22 |
Weight loss suppresses angiotensin converting enzyme activity |
O21 |
Beta-blocker use improves survival in ESRD patients |
O21 |
Side effects slow diet drug efforts |
O19 |
Icelandic gene pool analysis identifies new stroke gene |
O18 |
Work stress doubles heart attack risk |
O16 |
Diastolic heart failure in the elderly has a high mortality |
O15 |
U.S. hypertension guidelines updated |
O14 |
Ximelagatran as effective as warfarin for prophylaxis of DVT after total knee |
O14 |
Antibiotics help slow atherosclerosis in people with Chlamydia antibodies |
O14 |
Treating high blood pressure may stave off dementia |
O11 |
Atorvastatin shows large benefit in reducing stroke and MI; trial halted |
O10 |
Alpha- and beta-adrenoreceptor variants in Blacks predispose them to CHF |
O07 |
Feeding heat shock protein to mice suppresses atherogenicity of high-fat diet |
O07 |
Framingham data suggest that MV prolapse more benign than previously thought |
O07 |
AHA: Small randomized trial suggests N-acetylcysteine lowers CV risk in ESRD |
O03 |
Higher levels of endothelin-1 in men and in African Americans |
S30 |
Bakris takes over editorship of Am J Nephrol; journal to focus on basic research |
S30 |
EBCT and CRP synergistic in predicting cardiovascular disease |
S30 |
Epleronone approved by the U.S. FDA for marketing |
S27 |
AHA-HBRC: Ambulatory BP algorithm predicts pre-eclampsia even in first trimester |
S27 |
AHA High BP Conference (and other AHA meeting) abstract viewer |
S26 |
Isosorbide dinitrate spray may reduce diabetic foot pain |
S25 |
Diets rich in dairy products help in achieving weight loss |
S25 |
Losartan lowers CV mortality by 25% vs. atenolol in isolated systolic HTN |
S23 |
Why thiazolidinediones can trigger weight gain |
S23 |
Kin of people with heart disease have tangled clots |
S23 |
Strong statin therapy reverses buildup in arteries |
S20 |
New protein controlling heart growth identified in mice |
S20 |
Muscle damage may occur with statin therapy |
S17 |
Vitamin E fails to slow atherosclerosis |
S16 |
Heart disease gene linked to prostate cancer |
S14 |
ESC: Beta-blockers improve mortality in Afr. Americans taking calcium channel bl |
S14 |
ESC: Folic acid may have cardiovascular benefits in smokers |
S14 |
ESC: Aspirin may negate benefits of ACE-I post infarction |
S09 |
Diabetes among Hispanics at record levels |
S09 |
CRP and oxidized LDL team up to cause atherosclerosis |
S03 |
Eur Soc Cardiol Congress 2002 - Newscasts |
S03 |
Search Eur Soc Cardiol 2002 Congress abstracts |
S03 |
ESC: Magnesium ineffective in high-risk heart attack patients |
S03 |
ESC: Most heart attack victims have glucose regulation abnormalities |
S02 |
Astra Zeneca's rosuvastatin shows good efficacy compared to atorvastatin |
S02 |
Losartan vs. captopril: Similar outcome benefits post-MI in OPTIMAAL trial |
A29 |
APOE=e4 gene associated with "normal' mental decline of aging |
A29 |
Tobacco addiction begins after 2-3 weeks in teenagers |
A27 |
FDA approves wristband glucose monitor for kids |
A26 |
Xenical can delay onset of type 2 diabetes |
A22 |
Abnormal cardiac sodium channel gene puts some Blacks at risk of arrhythmia |
A20 |
Impaired flow-mediated vasodilatation in apparently healthy African Americans |
A20 |
Scientists say unknown microbe may trigger heart disease |
A19 |
Antioxidant properties of honey described |
A19 |
Activation of ENaC channels in some African Americans responds to amiloride |
A18 |
Wild new ideas for monitoring blood glucose presented at Boston symposium |
A16 |
JAMA and Detroit Free Press square off on embargo violation charges |
A15 |
LifeVest wearable defibrillator an alternative to implanted devices |
A15 |
Intermediate molecule linked to long-lasting effects of caffeine identified |
A12 |
Low potassium intake linked to stroke |
A10 |
NIH to fund large controlled trial of chelation therapy |
A08 |
New Pfizer drug can increase HDL levels by 55% |
A08 |
Protective effect of alcohol intake on atherosclerosis reversed in diabetics |
A07 |
Viagra appears to have beneficial side effects in CHF patients |
A06 |
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum heterozygotes at risk for coronary artery disease |
A05 |
Scientists map mouse genome |
A05 |
Beneficial side effects from CV and analgesic drugs |
A04 |
Inflammation now a recognized trigger for heart attacks |
A02 |
Atkins low carb diet increases net acid excretion, lowers urinary citrate |
A01 |
Viagra engorges both * and the nose, possibly leading to nosebleeds |
A01 |
Yohimbine plus L-arginine may help mild to moderate erectile dysfunction |
A01 |
Pediatric hypertension web page - BP calculator for kids |
J31 |
Fish oils soften arteries, may fight heart attack |
J30 |
Air pollution linked to myocardial ischemia |
J28 |
Confounding in statistics: Wine may not have heart benefits after all. |
J25 |
Omega-3 fatty acid diets improve arterial elasticity and compliance |
J22 |
Niacin helps dyslipidemia in diabetics |
J19 |
FDA withholds approval for Vanlev (omapatrilat) due to angioedema concerns |
J18 |
New classes of G-proteins, some glucose-regulating, found in yeast |
J17 |
Diminished inflammatory response linked to protection against atherosclerosis |
J17 |
NEJM: BNP test useful to diagnose CHF in multinational trial |
J16 |
AHA updates CV disease and stroke prevention guidelines |
J15 |
Acetaminophen may protect against heart damage via antioxidant effect |
J11 |
Islet cell transplantation continues to show good results after 2 years |
J09 |
Aspirin given within 48 hours improves outcome in ischemic stroke |
J09 |
Helicobacter pylori linked to strokes |
J09 |
Increased breast cancer, stroke risks, no CV benefit with postmenopausal HRT |
J07 |
Eye ground changes in severe vs. mild hypertension by fluorescein angiography |
J05 |
Simvastatin lowers MI and stroke mortality in wide range of patients |
J03 |
Postmenopausal estrogens may not be cardioprotective |
J01 |
Sulfonylurea-related potassium channels linked to coronary artery spasm |
J30 |
Olanzapine (antipsychotic drug) linked to new-onset diabetes |
J29 |
FDA approves skin test for cholesterol |
J29 |
Angiontensin II type 2 receptor gene mutations and X-linked mental retardation |
J28 |
Topical alprostadil to challenge sildenafil in near future |
J28 |
ISH/ESH: Losartan reduces mortality in diabetics vs. atenolol |
J26 |
Mutated cholesterol hydroxylase gene causes hypercholesterolemia |
J19 |
Increased cardiac sympathetic drive in renovascular hypertension |
J19 |
MRI unravels mystery of angina with normal coronary angiogram |
J19 |
ACE genes linked to heart disease |
J16 |
Progress being made with oral insulin delivery systems |
J15 |
Anti-inflammatory effects of rosiglitazone and their impact on CV complications |
J14 |
Fibroblast growth factor induced angiogenesis improves walking distance in PVD |
J13 |
Trials started of nicotine vaccine: it may help patients stop smoking |
J13 |
Heart failure helped by high-tech pacemaker |
J07 |
1-year folic acid improves flow- but not NTG- mediated vasodilatation |
J07 |
Electrical muscle stimulation helps in stroke recovery |
J06 |
Paraoxonase gene polymorphism affects stroke risk |
J06 |
Role of renin-angiotensin system in diabetic retinopathy to be tested |
J04 |
Nitroglycerin metabolized to nitric oxide in the mitochondria |
J01 |
High homocysteine levels associated with post-angioplasty restenosis |
M24 |
Doctors cast doubt on stress - heart disease link |
M23 |
Three heart attack gene clusters identified |
M20 |
ASH: CONVINCE trial shows verapamil outcomes similar to atenolol/diuretic |
M18 |
ASH: New eplerenone data presented on efficacy in hypertension |
M17 |
ASH: Hypertension worse in dialysis patients with sleep apnea |
M17 |
IL-1 gene variations linked to blood CRP levels |
M17 |
ASH: Impaired sodium excretion during stress in African Americans |
M16 |
Fondaparinux effective against deep vein thrombosis |
M13 |
Cardioprotective effects of aspiring linked to anti-inflammatory action |
M08 |
High salt intake linked to low bone density in post-menopausal women |
M06 |
Heart attack? Drinking tea will increase your survival rate. |
M06 |
Emerging epidemic of type 2 diabetes in children |
M06 |
Emerging epidemic of type 2 diabetes in children |
M02 |
Stroke risk affected by folic acid, smoking, alcohol use |
M02 |
Indian Ayurvedic medicine leads to new cholesterol-lowering compound |
A30 |
Peanuts and cardiovascular health: the good vs. the bad |
A29 |
Atkins diet originator suffers cardiac arrest - cardiomyopathy blamed |
A29 |
Hearing loss linked to cardiovascular disease |
A29 |
High mercury level linked to heart disease risk |
A26 |
Polycystic ovaries linked to cardiovascular calcification |
A25 |
Magnesium information center launched by Cornell Univ. docs |
A24 |
Epidemic presumed viral myocarditis hits Greek schoolkids |
A24 |
Early postnatal consumption of milk/carbs in rats programs them for obesity |
A22 |
Does fish oil protect against diabetes? |
A20 |
Controversy over use of placebo controls in clinical trials |
A20 |
ASH 2002 abstracts available on-line |
A18 |
Gamma radiation effective to prevent stent restenosis |
A17 |
incidence rise in Asian-Americans linked to Western lifestyle |
A17 |
Carotid a. calcifications on dental X-rays are risk for stroke |
A17 |
Losartan reduces QT dispersion |
A16 |
Artificial heart patient returns home |
A16 |
CRP levels linked to sudden death, unstable atherosclerotic plaque |
A16 |
Protein glycosylation linked to insulin resistance |
A16 |
Experimental drug boosts HDL cholesterol by 34% |
A12 |
A new measure of central obesity: the abdominal volume index |
A12 |
Nicorandil reduces heart attack and death risk |
A10 |
to seal off left atrial appendage in atrial fibrillation |
A10 |
Fish consumption lowers risk of coronary artery disease in women |
A05 |
CT angiography permits rapid initial diagnosis of stroke |
A04 |
High leptin levels linked to blood clotting |
A03 |
Patient genotype affects warfarin metabolism |
A02 |
Drug-eluting stent fails to prevent restenosis over time |
A02 |
Leukocytes are activated, coated with adhesion molecules, in sleep apnea |
A02 |
New mechanism of how statins may protect against Alzheimer's disease |
M29 |
Statins inhibit aortic valve calcification |
M27 |
Estrogen's effect on HDL cholesterol differs depending on patient genotype |
M27 |
High pulse pressure associated with increased mortality in dialysis patients |
M26 |
Aspirin resistance associated with cardiovascular death risk |
M26 |
Arsenic levels in well water linked to atherosclerosis |
M26 |
Specific strains of Group A strep linked to rheumatic fever |
M25 |
Hypertension - headache link? It ain't necessarily so ! |
M24 |
AHA chickens out on previous rec to liberalize egg consumption |
M24 |
Possible new role for antibiotics in cardiac care |
M24 |
Java lovers toast study separating coffee drinking from hypertension |
M22 |
JCEM: Insulin may have antithrombotic effects |
M21 |
ACC: Eplerone shown to be cardioprotective, renoprotective, additive to ACE-I |
M20 |
ACC: Losartan vs. atenolol - fewer CV events and strokes with losartan |
M20 |
Ablation of pulmonary vein triggers cures atrial fibrillation |
M19 |
ACC: Serum BNP levels useful in diagnosing heart failure |
M18 |
Cholesterol vaccine trims artery plaque in mice |
M18 |
Cholesterol absorption blocker has additive effects to statins |
M18 |
ACC: Complications after PCI increased in renal disease patients |
M18 |
ACC: Acetylcysteine protection from contrast nephropathy confirmed |
M17 |
ACC sessions start tonight; Abstract search link |
M17 |
Sirolimus-impregnated stents show encouraging early results |
M16 |
High cholesterol levels associated with cognitive impairment |
M12 |
Treatment of periodontal disease lower CRP levels |
M11 |
In heart failure, beta-blockers boost survival in women |
M11 |
Small study suggests that clarithromycin may prevent 2nd heart attack |
M11 |
Study emphasis systolic BP as a predictor of CV risk |
M11 |
11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase -1 inhibitor in phase I trial for diabetes |
M11 |
Streptokinase, TPA may increase risks in elderly when given post MI |
M10 |
New hormone controlling hunger identified |
M08 |
Elevated homocysteine levels linked to cervical artery dissection |
M08 |
Increased folic acid ingestion may have CV benefits in the elderly |
M07 |
Cocaine hypertensive crisis mediated by increase in cardiac output |
M04 |
Low dietary magnesium linked to supravenricular ectopy |
M04 |
Hypoxia inhibits fat cell development |
M04 |
Framingham data extrapolation suggests 90% high BP for boomers |
M01 |
New quality of life score developed for impact of sleep apnea |
F27 |
Blood proinsulin levels predict heart disease risk |
F27 |
High-protein beats high-carb diet for weight loss |
F25 |
Azithromycin improves forearm vasodilatation in Chlamydia-positive patients |
F23 |
Lipid-lowering drugs cut dementia risk |
F21 |
Type 2 diabetes identified in British adolescents |
F20 |
Use of high-sodium tap water to dilute formula causes hypertension in neonates |
F19 |
Raloxifene may reduce CV events in postmenopausal women |
F19 |
Alcohol intake helps prevent PVD |
F19 |
appetite suppressant drug extremely effective in obese
mice |
F18 |
Smoking ups heart risk despite low cholesterol |
F11 |
Abrupt movement can trigger stroke |
F10 |
Annals and NEJM papers highlight diet, exercise role in diabetes |
F08 |
Losing weight lowers CRP levels markedly in postmenopausal women |
F08 |
Telephone-based ECG diagnostic system launched in Europe |
F08 |
Internet-based ECG analysis system approved by the FDA |
F08 |
Citicoline reduces amount of brain damage after stroke |
F07 |
Incidence of strokes from chiropractic neck manipulation debated |
J29 |
New dilated cardiomyopathy gene identified |
J29 |
Elderly who exercise have more supple arteries |
J28 |
ACE gene polymorphisms linked to salt-sensitivity |
J27 |
Implantable microchip sensor can monitor intracardiac pressures |
J25 |
Abiomed artificial heart being modified to lower clotting risk |
J21 |
PPAR-alpha gene variants linked to LVH |
J21 |
Philadelphia artificial heart patient is discharged from the hospital |
J21 |
Cardiovascular benefits of chocolate and tea |
J19 |
Risk benefits of aspirin for cardioprotection analyzed |
J18 |
Are type 1 diabetics magnesium deficient? |
J18 |
ADA clinical practice guideline revisions for 2002 posted |
J17 |
Anti-nuclear antibodies often high in patients with heart disease |
J16 |
FDA approval pending for irbesartan as renoprotective agent in type 2 diabetes |
J15 |
Ma Huang increases risk of heart attack and death |
J14 |
New MR imaging technique to detect DVT |
J13 |
Trials of INGAP Islets Neogenesis Associated Protein start in diabetic patients |
J12 |
Pocket PC becomes the Pocket EKG machine |
J12 |
Blocking brain fatty acid synthase - new strategy for appetite suppression |
J12 |
Market for resynchronization pacemakers growing |
J09 |
Simple sugars in the diet can lower HDL cholesterol levels |
J08 |
Antibiotic trials in progress test role of bacteria in atherosclerosis |
J07 |
Long term stress can increase abdominal obesity |
J04 |
Philadelphia AbioCor heart patient doing well 60 days post-op |
J03 |
Verapamil more effective in women, older patients |
J03 |
AHA 2001 abstracts on-line |
J03 |
Gene responsible for fat cell development cloned |
J03 |
Body can repair heart damage |
D26 |
Fewer cardiac caths? Coronary artery MRA on the horizon |
D25 |
Aircraft noise linked to high blood pressure |
D23 |
'Four' might scare Chinese, Japanese to death |
D21 |
Starting alcohol intake later in life is NOT cardioprotective |
D21 |
High levels of ADMA (asymmetric DM arginine) linked to CV risk in ESRD |
D20 |
High HDL levels in women associated with osteoporosis |
D19 |
Cardiovascular risks of oral contraceptives remain elevated |
D19 |
Ibuprofen blocks the blood-thinning effects of aspirin |
D19 |
Red wine polyphenols inhibit tyrosine kinase, thereby affecting endothelin |
D17 |
High leptin levels associated with heart attack risk |
D17 |
Fish diet lower plasma CRP levels |
D17 |
Low fat, low salt diet lowers blood pressure |
D14 |
ApoB / ApoA1 ratio predicts risk of heart attack |
D14 |
Sudden cardiac death gene spotted, cloned |
D11 |
Triblycerides linked to stroke levels |
D10 |
Factor Xa inhibitor approved by FDA for deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis |
D06 |
IBM and Phase Forward to issue Clinical Trials recordkeeping software |
D05 |
Adding valsartan reduces hospitalizations in patients with heart failure |
D04 |
Glutamate antagonist drug trial for stroke patients halted |
D04 |
Astra Zeneca eyes billions from anti-clot drug |
D01 |
Thrombospondin gene mutations associated with early-onset MI |
N30 |
Severe cutaneous allergic response to captopril detectable by patch test |
N30 |
Peas and beans in the diet protect against heart disease |
N30 |
Louisville artificial heart patient dies |
N29 |
Scientists express concerns about HIPAA effects on research |
N29 |
Texas artificial heart patient dies after coagulopathy and bleeding |
N28 |
Antioxidants (vitamins C, E, etc.) may blunt the effects of statins and niacin |
N28 |
B vitamins lower recurrent stenosis post-angioplasty |
N27 |
Home computer-assisted smoking cessation program posts good results |
N27 |
Hand rehabilitation stimulator for stroke patients approved by the FDA |
N24 |
Potential novel mechanism of hyperuricemic injury to the kidney identified |
N23 |
Genes associated with cardiovascular disease identified in rats |
N22 |
High-altitude dwellers have high expired NO concentration |
N21 |
FDA approves oral endothelin blocker for pulmonary hypertension |
N21 |
High troponins predict benefits of invasive therapy in coronary syndromes |
N20 |
Warfarin, aspirin, equivalent for recurrent stroke prevention |
N20 |
First Abiocor heart patient suffers intracranial bleed after stroke |
N19 |
Crack cocaine may cause aortic dissection in younger people |
N19 |
Framingham data suggests annual BP check desirable |
N19 |
ACR: Rofecoxib may raise blood pressure significantly |
N16 |
AHA: GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors work best in diabetics with acutecoronary syndromes |
N15 |
Mechanical assist device improves survival in severe heart failure |
N15 |
AHA: Nicorandil, ranolazine, may increase survival in patients with angina |
N15 |
AHA: Ranolazine, a new class of heart drug, helps angina, exercise tolerance |
N14 |
AHA: Role of non-functioning kidney can improve HTN control |
N14 |
First Abiocor heart patient (Tools) suffers severe stroke |
N14 |
AHA: Diet plus exercise alone may lower CRP levels |
N14 |
AHA: Use of high-dose aspirin may attenuate benefits of ACE inhibitor post MI |
N13 |
AHA: Simvastatin cuts stroke, heart attack risk , regardless of LDL cholesterol |
N13 |
Allopurinol may be beneficial for heart failure in pilot study |
N13 |
AHA: Aspirin plus beta-blockers improve post-MI survival in ESRD patients |
N12 |
Antithrombotic Rx guidelines for valvular heart disease released |
N12 |
Antithrombotic Rx for atrial fibrillation guidelines released |
N12 |
AHA: Statins less effective than expected in practice - poor compliance? |
N11 |
AHA: Cocoa shows cardiovascular protective effects |
N10 |
Kalahari cactus-derived slimming drug and royalties to South African bushmen |
N08 |
Enalapril reduces exercise-induced myocardial ischemia |
N08 |
Medicare to pay for CPAP treatment of sleep apnea |
N07 |
Natural fatty acid produced by intestine acts as appetite suppressant |
N07 |
NSAIDS may improve Alzheimers by affecting amyloid-beta42 |
N06 |
Fifth Abiomed heart implanted, this time in Philadelphia |
N06 |
Circulating interleukin-6 linked to heart disease in Swedish study |
N02 |
Anti-aging drugs quadruple lifespan of certain mice |
N01 |
FDA approves carvedilol for treatment of severe heart failure |
N01 |
Heart patients appear to benefit from prayer |
N01 |
High-normal blood pressure engenders an increased heart attack risk |
O31 |
Vascular calcifications predict mortality in ESRD |
O30 |
Lecithin in eggs may limit cholesterol uptake |
O30 |
First Abiocor heart patient doing well - discharge from hospital in sight |
O30 |
Silent celiac disease common (4-5%) in young diabetics |
O29 |
Nicotine lozenges effective in helping patients quit smoking |
O26 |
Striking arterial changes in very obese children |
O26 |
Medicare approves ambulatory BP monitoring reimbursement |
O25 |
AGE crosslink-breakers being studied in patients with LVH and HTN |
O23 |
Cereal bar nutritional composition may be less than ideal |
O23 |
GM-CSF stimulates growth of collaterals in heart disease patients |
O22 |
Finger length - heart attack risk link alleged |
O19 |
Most antihypertensive drug classes have similar effects on patient outcomes |
O19 |
Fourth Abiocor heart implanted, this time at UCLA |
O18 |
Lunacy or truth? Cardiac arrests down 6% during new moon period |
O17 |
Hibernation research may aid stroke patients |
O17 |
Novel apolipoprotein gene identified that affects triglyceride levels |
O17 |
Carotid ultransound for diagnosing stenosis found wanting in a practice setting |
O17 |
AHA advises against use of high-protein diets |
O17 |
Marathon running increases levels of inflammatory and clotting factors |
O16 |
Painless heart attacks can be most deadly |
O15 |
SSRI anti-depressants associated with low heart attack risk |
O14 |
Green tea may protect brain after stroke |
O13 |
White coat hypertension also occurs in children |
O13 |
Oral renin inhibitor shows promising results in treating hypertension |
O12 |
Remote transmission pacemaker approved by FDA |
O10 |
Early LV dysfunction and hypertrophy in type 1 diabetics |
O09 |
Beating-heart bypass surgery shows good results |
O07 |
Statins may protect against senile dementia |
O06 |
Some fat in the diet increases weight loss success |
O05 |
Bosentan useful in treating pulmonary hypertension |
O05 |
Elevated serum BNP levels predict death after acute coronary syndrome |
O05 |
Bronchiolitis obliterans in workers making artificial butter flavoring |
O05 |
Stroke rates fall precipitously in some Southern states |
O04 |
Gene affecting triglyceride levels identified in mice and men |
O04 |
Anti-obesity gene that transforms white fat to brown fat identified in mice |
O04 |
Univ of Buffalo to study periodontitis - CV disease link |
O03 |
Breast feeding of infant protects against adult hypertension |
O03 |
Abiocor heart to sell for the price of a Toyota Lexus |
O03 |
CD44 gene found to strongly modify atherosclerosis in mice |
O01 |
Undiagnosed hypertension, diabetes is quite common in Texas study |
O01 |
Low birth weight - hypertension link supported in Spanish research trial |
S30 |
Does Coxsackie virus B4 cause type 1 diabetes? |
S30 |
FDA to sponsor testing antihypertensives in pregnant women |
S30 |
Vardenafil a promising second drug for diabetic impotence |
S29 |
Houston artificial heart patient doing very well |
S28 |
Perindopril/indapamide treatment of HTN reduces stroke risk |
S28 |
Medicare to cover home blood prothrombin time test |
S28 |
Third artificial heart implanted, this time in Houston |
S28 |
Falling blood pressure a marker of poor outcome in the elderly |
S27 |
The dark (pro-oxidant) side of vitamin C with iron |
S27 |
Viagra has effects on pulmonary circulation |
S27 |
Calcium supplementation does not prevent preeclampsia |
S27 |
Trousers make strides for heart patients |
S27 |
Robert Tools (heart implant patient) taking walks in the park |
S26 |
Oral insulin spray shows promising results |
S26 |
Oral renin inhibitor lowers BP in initial clinical trials |
S26 |
PET scans suggest hypertension-induced memory loss |
S25 |
Both Louisville artificial heart patients are doing well |
S25 |
Bayer submits new drug application for vardenafil |
S25 |
Paclitaxel-coated stents have very low restenosis rate |
S25 |
Am Heart Assoc to release new patient guidelines re cardioprotection |
S24 |
Leptin raises blood pressure via the sympathetic nervous system |
S24 |
Genetic marker for hypertension found on Y chromosome among Poles |
S23 |
Coronary revascularization beneficial in an elderly population |
S23 |
ACEI-induced angioedema patients have low serum levels of dipeptidyl peptidase |
S21 |
Does hypertension per se cause inflammation? |
S21 |
Arrhythmias may contribute to progression of heart failure |
S20 |
PPAR-2 receptor genotype affects weight regain after dieting |
S20 |
Cell adhesion molecules linked to cardiovascular mortality |
S19 |
Angiotensin II receptor blockers retard progression of CKD in diabetics |
S18 |
Ankle blood pressure predicts cardiovascular disease |
S16 |
Protease inhibitors cause hypercholesterolemia in kids |
S16 |
Isolated systolic hypertension in the elderly associated with heart failure |
S16 |
Statins mobilize endothelial progenitor cells, may promote vasculogenesis |
S14 |
Patient advocacy groups urge heart safety trial for Vioxx, Celebrex |
S14 |
Treating hypertension during pregnancy improves outcomes |
S14 |
Niacin / lovastating combination pill a promising lipid modifier |
S13 |
Louisville heart surgeons do it again |
S13 |
Air travel clots rare, only found after long flights |
S13 |
90% of type 2 diabetes deemed to be preventable |
S13 |
Enterovirus infection linked to type 1 diabetes |
S13 |
New protein (PGC-1), a regulator of blood glucose levels, is identified |
S12 |
Day /night shift workers have a higher incidence of PVCs |
S12 |
Aspirin reduces all-cause mortality in CAD patients |
S10 |
Light alcohol consumption protects against stroke but shrinks the brain |
S10 |
PPT oral anticoagulation slideset available from the AHA |
S10 |
PPT Lecture slideset on congestive heart failure available from the AHA |
S09 |
Nicotine and cocaine vaccines under development |
S08 |
Most angina patients 75 and older should be offered revascularization |
S08 |
Environmental factors largely responsible for gender differences in CHD mortalit |
S07 |
Fat melting gene found in mice |
S07 |
Oral insulin preparation shows promise |
S06 |
Hyperoxia can impair cardiac function, causing diastolic dysfunction |
S05 |
ANF peptides to be commercialized by develpment company BTG |
S05 |
AGE cross-link breaking drug improves arterial compliance |
S04 |
Slide shows of PROGRESS and other studies from Eur Soc Cardiol |
S04 |
Sirolimus-coated coronary artery stents reduce restenosis incidence |
S04 |
Results of Irbesartan vs. amlodipine in type 2 DM presented at ESC |
S03 |
Promotion of weight loss for obese heart failure patients may be harmful |
S03 |
Large post-marketing study of pravastatin finds no major safety problems |
S03 |
European heart failure treatment guidelines published |
S03 |
Eating chocolate is presumed to be good for you - flavonoid effect on platelets |
S02 |
European registry reports data on coronary radiotherapy for blocked stents |
A31 |
Cause of hypertension in eclampsia linked to platelet AII receptor changes |
A31 |
L-arginine administratrion cuts infection risk post-cardiac surgery |
A31 |
Aspirin may fight diabetes |
A31 |
Cardiac girdle used to support failing heart |
A29 |
AHA and ACC issue pro-statin advisory |
A29 |
FDA approves synchronized pacing device for severe heart failure tx. |
A29 |
Dental X-rays useful to detect carotid artery calcification |
A27 |
Talking to the doctor while BP is being measured increased BP by 19/13 mm Hg |
A27 |
New acrylic coating may enable development of effective insulin pill |
A26 |
Robert Tools, heart transplant patient, talks to NEWSWEEK |
A26 |
Risk of SIDS in Victims' Siblings Tied to Genes |
A25 |
Coronary artery stem cell injection improves cardiac function after infarct |
A24 |
Coffee drinking may increase homocysteine levels |
A24 |
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels predict microalbuminuria |
A23 |
Jugular vein distension, third heart sound, predict poor outcome |
A23 |
Cost study suggests that folate/B12 might be useful in CV prevention |
A23 |
Signs of stroke may be subtle and of gradual onset |
A23 |
Weekend heart attack risk documented in younger males |
A23 |
Clotting gene linked to sudden death |
A23 |
Increase heart attach risk from COX-2 inhibitors suggested |
A17 |
Iron supplements may help ACEI-induced cough, but... |
A16 |
Clopidogrel of additional benefit in acute coronary syndrome |
A15 |
High BP largely untreated in the United States |
A15 |
Nicotine gum no better than ordinary gum in stopping smoking |
A15 |
Statin wars: Bristol-Myers offers free 1-month supply of Pravachol |
A15 |
Brain dopamine receptor defecit linked to obesity |
A11 |
Caspase inhibitors may protect the myocardium after
ischemia |
A10 |
Premature aging (short telomeres) linked to
atherosclerosis |
A10 |
Lifton discovers genes
responsible for pseudohypoaldo type II |
A10 |
Antioxidant vitamins may blunt
effect of statins on HDL cholesterol |
A10 |
AHA teams with APhA to provide patient education in
pharmacies |
A08 |
Bayer pulls its statin (Baycol) from
market due to rhabdomyolysis |
A08 |
NIDDK announces positive results for Diabetes Prevention
Trial |
A07 |
Super mouse can regenerate
heart tissue without scarring |
A06 |
New medical journal (NEJM, Annals) policy re drug company sponsored
research |
A06 |
Gene therapy reduces restenosis post angioplasty in
pigs |
A05 |
Induced hypothermia for stroke shows
promising initial results |
J31 |
Salt restriction lower BP more than does exercise in
postmenopausal women |
J31 |
Statins are forever: Cost implications of
new NCEP cholesterol guidelines |