January 11, 2021
ISHD Hemodialysis University 2019
International Society for Hemodialysis (Chicago, IL; September, 2019)  


Glycemic Management in the Patient with CKD
Mark Molitch, MD

Use of SGLT2 Inhibitors in CKD
George Bakris, MD

Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease 2020
Renal Research Institute (Los Angeles, CA; 2019)  


Remote monitoring of peritoneal dialysis patients: a time-tested approach
K S Nayak, MD

Cardio-protective dialysis
Christopher McIntyre, MD

PD as a treatment option in congestive heart failure
Martin Kuhlmann, MD

Heat stress and kidney failure
Magdalena Madero, MD

Kidney care for undocumented immigrants in US
Mitch Rosner, MD

Dialysis treatment in patients with extreme electrolyte disturbances
Markus Pirklbauer, MD

AKI-D in the outpatient dialysis clinic
Lorien Dalrymple, MD

Management of the failed kidney transplant
Anthony Langone, MD

Concepts and controversies around the new OPTN/UNOS organ allocation schemes
Kenneth Andreoni, MD

Management of anemia in non-dialysis CKD: quo vadis
Roberto Pecoits-Filho, MD

Kidney discards and missed opportunities for transplantation
Sumit Mohan, MD

WILEY PUBLISHING, publishers of many journals and books of interest to kidney disease professionals, including the journals Am J Transplantation, Seminars in Dialysis, and Hemodialysis International.
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Editor's Announcement

The meeting will be held in a VIRTUAL format !

Advances in CKD 2021
April 20-23, 2021.

DIALYSIS ADVANCES IN KIDNEY DISEASE 2021 Program, Abstract, and Registration links


Reserpine substantially lowers blood pressure in patients with refractory hypertension: a proof-of-concept study (Am J Hypertens)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: is a "cure" coming or is it already here? (Am J Med)
Dapagliflozin and cardiac, kidney, and limb outcomes in patients with and without peripheral artery disease in DECLARE-TIMI 58 (Circ)
Single-nephron GFR in patients with obesity-related glomerulopathy (Kidney Int Rep)
Dietary sodium intake and sodium density in the united states: estimates From NHANES 2005-2006 and 2015-2016 (Am J Hypertens)
First in-human experience with inhaled acetylsalicylic acid for immediate platelet inhibition. comparison with chewed and swallowed acetylsalicylic acid (Circulation)
Efficacy and safety of expanded hemodialysis with the Theranova 400 dialyzer (Clin J Am Soc Nephrol)
A single load of fructose attenuates the risk of exercise-induced hypoglycemia in adults with type 1 diabetes on ultra-long-acting basal insulin: a randomized, open-label, crossover study (Diabet Care)
Podocyte stress and detachment measured in urine are related to mean arterial pressure in healthy humans (Kidney Int)
Can we mend the broken clock by timing antihypertensive therapy sensibly? (Clin J Am Soc Nephrol)
Cuffless blood pressure monitoring (Clin J Am Soc Nephrol)
Real-time continuous glucose monitoring during a hyperinsulinemic- hypoglycemic clamp significantly underestimates the degree of hypoglycemia (Diabet Care)
Feasibility of inpatient continuous glucose monitoring during the COVID-19 pandemic: early experience (Diabet Care)
Microdissection of the human renal nervous system: implications for performing renal denervation procedures (Hypertens)
Executive summary of the 2020 KDIGO diabetes management in CKD guideline: evidence-based advances in monitoring and treatment (Kidney Int)
KDIGO 2020 Clinical practice guideline for diabetes management in chronic kidney disease (Kidney Int)
Dialysis care for undocumented immigrants with kidney failure in the Covid-19 era: public health implications and policy recommendations (Am J Kidney Dis)
Is combined peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis redundant? A nationwide study from Taiwan (BMC Nephrol)
Apixaban versus no anticoagulation in patients undergoing long-term dialysis with incident atrial fibrillation (Clin J Am Soc Nephrol)
Vitamin K antagonist has a higher impact than heparin in preventing circuit clotting in chronic haemodialysis patients (Clin Kidney J)
EOS789, a novel pan-phosphate transporter inhibitor, is effective for the treatment of chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder (Kidney Int)
2018 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) hepatitis C in chronic kidney disease guideline implementation: Asia Summit Conference Report (Kidney Int Rep)
Drug-coated balloons for dysfunctional dialysis arteriovenous fistulas (N Engl J Med)
Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin tolerance in haemodialysis patients during COVID-19 infection (Nephrol Dial Transplant)
Role of S-equol, indoxyl sulfate, and trimethylamine N-oxide on vascular function (Am J Hypertens)
Risk of cardiovascular events and mortality among elderly patients with reduced GFR receiving direct oral anticoagulants (Am J Kidney Dis)
Predictors of intradialytic symptoms: an analysis of data from the hemodialysis study (Am J Kidney Dis)
KDOQI clinical practice guideline for nutrition in CKD: 2020 Update (Am J Kidney Dis)
Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition and renal outcomes in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (Circulation)
Effect of ferric citrate versus ferrous sulfate on iron and phosphate parameters in patients with iron deficiency and CKD (Clin J Am Soc Nephrol)
High prevalence of asymptomatic COVID-19 infection in hemodialysis patients detected using serologic screening (J Am Soc Nephrol)
Clinicopathological features and outcomes of acute kidney injury in criticallyill Covid-19 with prolonged disease course: a retrospective cohort (J Am Soc Nephrol)
Nephrology and COVID-19 (JAMA)
Etiologies, clinical features, and outcome of oxalate nephropathy (Kidney Int Rep)
Comparative efficacy and acceptability of treatments for restless legs syndrome in end-stage renal disease: a systematic review and network meta -analysis (Nephrol Dial Transplant)
Association of all-cause mortality with pre-dialysis systolic blood pressure and its peridialytic change in chronic hemodialysis patients (Nephrol Dial Transplant)
DEBATE: Children and adults should avoid consuming animal products to reduce risk for chronic disease (Am J Clin Nutr)
Influence of dialysate temperature on creatinine peritoneal clearance in peritoneal dialysis patients: a randomized trial (BMC Nephrol)
Cardiorenal protection with the newer antidiabetic agents in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease: a scientific statement From the American Heart Association (Circulation)
Performance of the kidney failure risk equation by disease etiology in advanced CKD (Clin J Am Soc Nephrol)
The effects of laughter therapy on depression symptoms in patients undergoing center hemodialysis: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial (Hemodial Int)
The association of standard Kt/V and surface area-normalized standard Kt/V with clinical outcomes in hemodialysis patients (Hemodial Int)
Antihypertensive drugs and risk of depression: a nationwide population -based study (Hypertens)
Vitamin K supplementation to improve vascular stiffness in CKD: The K4Kidneys randomized controlled trial (J Am Soc Nephrol)
Oxalate nephropathy caused by excessive vitamin C administration in 2 patients with COVID-19 (Kidney Int Rep)
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in a large nationwide sample of patients on dialysis in the USA: a cross-sectional study (Lancet)
Dapagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease (N Engl J Med)
Increased risk of developing peripheral artery disease in hemodialysis patients receiving statin treatments: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan (Nephrol Dial Transplant)
Estimated glomerular filtration rate at dialysis initiation and subsequent decline in residual kidney function among incident hemodialysis patients (Nephrol Dial Transplant)
Temporal changes in dialysate [Na+] prescription from 1996 to 2018 and their clinical significance as judged from a meta-regression of clinical trials (Semin Dial)
Point-of-care ultrasound use for vascular access assessment and cannulation in hemodialysis: A scoping review (Semin Dial)
Efficacy of furosemide, oral sodium chloride, and fluid restriction for treatment of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuresis (SIAD): an open- label RCT (EFFUSE-FLUID Trial) (Am J Kidney Dis)
Long-term rituximab use to maintain remission of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis: A Randomized Trial (Annals Int Med)
Adequacy and complication rates of percutaneous renal biopsy with 18- vs. 16-gauge needles in native kidneys in Chinese individuals (BMC Nephrol)
COVID-19 and dexamethasone: a potential strategy to avoid steroid- related Strongyloides hyperinfection (J Am Med Assoc)
Use of desmopressin prior to kidney biopsy in patients with high bleeding risk (Kidney Int Rep)
Serum bicarbonate and cardiovascular events in hypertensive adults: results from the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (Nephrol Dial Transplant)
Use of gadolinium-based contrast agents in kidney disease patients: time for change (Am J Kidney Dis)
Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors and the risk for diabetic ketoacidosis. a multicenter cohort study (Annals Int Med)
Two-year, randomized, controlled trial of belimumab in lupus nephritis (N Engl J Med)
Targeting CD38 with daratumumab in refractory systemic lupus erythematosus (N Engl J Med)
Intra-abdominal hypertension in early post-kidney transplantation period is associated with impaired graft function (Nephrol Dial Transplant)
Salt, but not protein intake, is associated with accelerated disease progression in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (Kidney Int)
After ten years of follow-up, no difference between supportive care plus immunosuppression and supportive care alone in IgA nephropathy (Kidney Int)
Performance of predictive equations and biochemical measures quantifying net endogenous acid production and the potential renal acid load (Kidney Int Rep)


 H: Drug therapy -- Diuretics
A Renal Potassium-Switch Prioritizes Dietary Potassium Over Sodium, Driving Salt-Sensitive Hypertension
 H: Special problems -- Obesity, Insulin Resistance
Dapagliflozin Reduces the Risk of Hyperkalaemia in Patients with Heart Failure and Reduced Ejection Fraction: A Secondary Analysis from DAPA-HF

 Basic hemodialysis -- Vascular Access: venous
Association Between Antimicrobial Barrier Cap Use and Outcomes Among Hemodialysis Patients Using a Central Venous Catheter
 Basic hemodialysis -- (Intermittent) dialysis for ARF
Development and Validation of a Convolutional Neural Network Model for Intensive Care Unit AKI Prediction
 Basic hemodialysis -- Home hemodialysis
Development and Content Validity of a Patient-Reported Experience Measure for Home Dialysis
 Basic hemodialysis -- New dialysis methods, hemodiafiltration
Outcomes from the Use of the Selective Cytopheretic Device (SCD) in Critically Ill Children Receiving CRRT: A Report of the Multicenter Pediatric SCD (pSCD) Study
 Basic peritoneal dialysis -- PD solutions, equipment
Steady Concentration Peritoneal Dialysis Increases Ultrafiltration and Sodium Removal Compared with Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD)
 CRF: Problem Areas -- Outcomes (Morbidity, Mortality)
Hospitalization and Day of the Week: Comparing Peritoneal Dialysis, Home Hemodialysis, and In-Center Hemodialysis
 CRF by problem area -- Progression
Reduction in the Rate of eGFR Decline with Semaglutide vs. Placebo: A Post Hoc Pooled Analysis of SUSTAIN 6 and PIONEER 6
Proteomic Risk Assessment of CKD Progression in the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort
Rate of Decline in Residual Kidney Function Before and After Peritoneal Dialysis Initiation: A Post Hoc Analysis of the IDEAL Study
 CRF by problem area -- Infections (other than hepatitis, peritonitis)
Screening for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID) Infection in Chronic Dialysis Patients: A Nonprofit Provider's Experience
Recovery from AKI and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) with the Use of Low-Dose Steroids During COVID-19 Infection in an African American Population: A Retrospective Analysis
 CRF by problem area -- Anemia/Erythropoietin/Iron
Global Phase 3 Clinical Trials of Vadadustat vs. Darbepoetin Alfa for Treatment of Anemia in Patients with Dialysis-Dependent CKD
Roxadustat Treatment of Anemia in Non-Dialysis-Dependent CKD Is Not Influenced by Iron Status
Hemoglobin (Hb) Correction with Roxadustat Is Associated with Improved Iron Homeostasis in Patients with Dialysis-Dependent CKD (DD-CKD)
Pooled Analyses of the Phase 3 Roxadustat Studies: Congestive Heart Failure Hospitalization Rates in Dialysis and Non-Dialysis Patients with Anemia Treated with Roxadustat vs. Comparators
 CRF by problem area -- Bone disease/Ca-P/PTH
Secondary Hyperparathyroidism Is Associated with Weight Loss and Longer-Term Mortality Among Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: Results from the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study
 CRF by problem area -- CRF in infants and children
Puberty Is Associated with Decline in Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate in Children with CKD
 CRF by problem area -- Drug use in CRF
Daily Caffeine Consumption and Risk of AKI Related to Platinum-Salt Chemotherapy: A Prospective Cohort Study
Kidney and Cancer Outcomes with Standard vs. Kidney Protective Chemotherapy Regimens for First-Line Treatment of Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma
Risk Factors for Nephrotoxicity with High-Dose Methotrexate (HDMTX) in Haematological Malignancies
 CRF by organ system -- Cardiovascular/Hypertension
SNF472 Consistently Slows Progression of Coronary Artery Calcification Across Subgroups of Patients on Hemodialysis
Benefits of Icosapent Ethyl Across a Range of Baseline Renal Function in Patients with Established Cardiovascular Disease or Diabetes: Results of REDUCE-IT RENAL
Effect of Apabetalone on Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients with CKD, Diabetes, and Recent Acute Coronary Syndrome: Results from the BETonMACE Trial

 Assessing renal function -- Creatinine clearance
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate Equations: Do We Need to Use the Ethnicity Correction Factor in People of African Ancestry Outside of the United States?
 ARF etiology -- Hemolytic/uremic syndrome and TTP
Characteristics and Outcomes of Pregnancy-Triggered Atypical Hemolytic- Uremic Syndrome (aHUS): Global aHUS Registry Analysis
 ARF etiology -- Interstitial nephritis/NSAID
AKI in Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19
 ARF etiology -- Radiocontrast media
Terlipressin Improves Renal Replacement Therapy–Free Survival in Hepatorenal Syndrome Type 1
 Proteinuria/Hematuria -- Focal, collapsing GN
Complete Remission of Proteinuria in Patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Treated with Sparsentan, a Dual Endothelin and Angiotensin Receptor Antagonist, in the DUET Trial
 Proteinuria/Hematuria -- Amyloidosis, fibrillary, immunotactoid
Risk Factors for AKI During Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation in AL Amyloidosis
Treatment of AL Amyloidosis with Daratumumab Monotherapy
 Proteinuria/Hematuria -- Membranoproliferative GN
LNP023: A Novel Oral Complement Alternative Pathway Factor B Inhibitor Safely and Effectively Reduces Proteinuria in C3 Glomerulopathy
 Proteinuria/Hematuria -- IgA Nephropathy
24-Week Interim Analysis of a Randomized, Double-Blind, PlaceboControlled Phase 2 Study of Atacicept in Patients with IgA Nephropathy and Persistent Proteinuria
 Proteinuria/Hematuria -- Lupus nephritis
Two-Year Results from a Randomized, Controlled Study of Obinutuzumab for Proliferative Lupus Nephritis
Belimumab (BEL) Improves Renal Outcomes in Active Lupus Nephritis (LN): A Phase 3 Randomized, Placebo (PBO)-Controlled Trial
 Proteinuria/Hematuria -- Diabetes
Reversal of Diabetic Nephropathy After 10 Years of Pancreas Transplantation Occurs Despite Parallel Podocyte Loss
 Proteinuria/Hematuria -- Vasculitis (Wegener's PAN, etc.)
Complement C5a Receptor Inhibitor Avacopan Improves Renal Function in ANCA Vasculitis
Prognostic Value of Persistent Proteinuria and Hematuria After Induction Therapy in ANCA-Associated Vasculitides
 Nephrolithiasis -- Renal Stones: Etiology
Pharmacodynamic (PD) Profiling of Reloxaliase in Patients with Severe Hyperoxaluria
 Transplant -- Transplantation
Does Screening for Coronary Artery Disease Predict Cardiac Outcomes Following Renal Transplantation?
Recurrence of IgA Nephropathy After Kidney Transplantation: TANGO Multicenter Study
 Cancer -- Renal and urinary tract cancers
CKD Prevalence, Patterns of Treatment, and Outcomes in Patients with Cancer: A Population-Based Cohort Study