Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease 2020
Renal Research Institute
(Los Angeles, CA; 2019)
Remote monitoring of peritoneal dialysis patients: a time-tested approach
K S Nayak, MD
Cardio-protective dialysis
Christopher McIntyre, MD
PD as a treatment option in congestive heart failure
Martin Kuhlmann, MD
Heat stress and kidney failure
Magdalena Madero, MD
Kidney care for undocumented immigrants in US
Mitch Rosner, MD
Dialysis treatment in patients with extreme electrolyte disturbances
Markus Pirklbauer, MD
AKI-D in the outpatient dialysis clinic
Lorien Dalrymple, MD
Management of the failed kidney transplant
Anthony Langone, MD
Concepts and controversies around the new OPTN/UNOS organ allocation schemes
Kenneth Andreoni, MD
Management of anemia in non-dialysis CKD: quo vadis
Roberto Pecoits-Filho, MD
Kidney discards and missed opportunities for transplantation
Sumit Mohan, MD