Schneditz D, Martin K, Levin NW
Measurement of access flow by thermodilution: in vitro
Am Soc Nephrol
J Am Soc Nephrol (abstract)
(Nov) 6:502 1995
This abstract described in vitro validation (no in vivo studies yet,
unfortunately) of a method of measuring access blood flow using
thermodilution. The principle is the same as with the Transonics ultrasound dilution method, but instead of a dilution
stimulus to the venous line blood, a cold stimulus is applied, and the amount
of cold transmitted to a sensor on the arterial bloodline (after crossing the
lines) can be used to compute access blood flow. Theoretically, all of these
methods are infallible, but they depend on adequate mixing in the access
segment between the needles. The advantages of this new method are that it
can easily be adapted using the Fresenius BTM module, and requires no
injections to produce the stimulus (the stimulus is provided by a step change
in dialysate temperature).
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Am Soc Nephrol
Basic hemodialysis :
Vascular Access: graft/fistula