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HDCN News Archive -- History
Dec14 Even more news on the new HDCN Facebook page!
Aug27 Video library relating to history of dialysis available at the ISHD website
Apr30 Atherosclerosis found in mummified remains of humans from preindustrial civilizations.
Dec20 Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a disease having to do with potassium balance?
Apr29 Medical History: Kidney-related excerpts from the Encyclopedie of Diderot and D'Alembert
May29 Renal research in 19th century Germany.
May28 Neurosurgical journal find concealed images of human brain and spinal cord in Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel drawing.
Nov29 The Royal Society published 350 years of scientific history on Trailblazing website.
Sep27 AJKD: Five decades of nephrology in India, by dr. Kirpal Chugh
Aug18 Did Mozart die of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis?
May06 Danish kidney specialist authors book on Napoleon's kidney disease.
Apr11 One thousand 2007-2009 audiofiles and slide/audio talks added to HDCN's 20 topic-related channels.
M29 Link to slide/audio and audio symposia on HDCN
D30 Scientists isolate genes that made 1918 flu lethal.
D29 Nephrology Oral History Project posts initial interviews on the web.
D13 Antikythera mechanism is a tribute to the astronomic knowledge of the ancient Greeks.
O26 Genealogy of Hippocrates and the implications of the Hippocratic oath.
O17 More antiquarian "fun and games": Buy a legacy reprint of a classical medical text.
O17 Off-topic weekend fun and games: Search WhoNamedIt? for kidney and renal medical eponyms
M30 Cause of clubbing of the fingers in lung disease found - 15-HPGD.
M19 Didusch center historical exhibit on Women Healers (7.5 mb .pdf file)
M18 Didusch center for urologic history collections
N28 Dr. Robert Cade, nephrologist who invented Gatorade, dies at age 80.
N26 James Haviland, Seattle dialysis pioneer, dies at age 96.
A29 Pathologists: His doctor killed Beethoven via iatrogenic lead poisoning.
A13 Foundations of calculus and Pi discovered not by Isaac Newton nor Leibnitz, but by the Kerala School in India.
M09 Research suggests that Egyptians were the true fathers of medicine.
J16 Napoleon did not die from arsenic poisoning, but from gastric cancer.
J09 Blogborygmi - a meta-analysis of physician-written blogs
J03 Scientists uncover evidence of arsenic poisoning in death of Francesco de Medici.
D29 All of Mozart's musical scores now available for free on-line.
D27 Sales of Eakins' medical painting stirs controversy in Philadelphia.
D23 Turning the pages on-line: Historical medical books
D02 More on the Greek astronomical calculator from Wikipedia
N29 Mystery of ancient Greek astronomical calculator unveiled; it was the world's first computer.
N26 HDCN: Search index updated for audiofiles, slide/audio talks, articles, and abstracts
N23 A most excellent website focusing on the origin of words in the English language.
M10 Who named it . com - biographical dictionary of medical eponyms
J23 Typhoid fever led to the fall of Athens.
D26 Br Med J: How Islam changed medicine.
D10 Encyclopedia of traditional Indian medical knowledge to be on the internet.
D08 Argonne scientists confirm high lead levels in Beethoven's bones
N03 Google Print library of old full text books opens its doors.
O30 Among Benjamin Franklin's inventions are the urinary catheter.
J16 Brazilian doctors see anatomy in Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling.
J14 History: Use of kidneys in secular and ritualized religious practices.
M30 Porphyria now and in the days of "mad" King George.
M22 Synchrotron used to uncover hidden text in Archimedes palimpsest.
J09 'Lost' portrait of Mozart suggests he may have had kidney failure prior to death
D23 NKF: Multimedia presentation on Celebrating 50 Years of Transplantation.
D19 NKF: Celebrating the first 50 years of transplantation.
D19 Story of the first kidney transplant in the U.S. between identical twins.
D16 History: Emergence of concepts of endocrine function and endocrinology.
J21 Did Napoleon die of iatrogenic hypokalemia?
N01 FDR had Guillain-Barre syndrome, not polio
O19 Dreams for a National Health Museum are taking shape
O06 All issues of the Lancet since its inception available in digital form
J19 Dr. Belding Scribner: In memoriam
M31 Islamic medical manuscripts on the National Library of Medicine website
A01 Dean Kamen, father of many inventions, including portable dialysis machine
A01 Interview with Willem Kolff at 91