HDCN News Archive -- History |
Dec14 |
Even more news on the new HDCN Facebook page! |
Aug27 |
Video library relating to history of dialysis available at the ISHD website |
Apr30 |
Atherosclerosis found in mummified remains of humans from preindustrial civilizations. |
Dec20 |
Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a disease having to do with potassium balance? |
Apr29 |
Medical History: Kidney-related excerpts from the Encyclopedie of Diderot and D'Alembert |
May29 |
Renal research in 19th century Germany. |
May28 |
Neurosurgical journal find concealed images of human brain and spinal cord in Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel drawing. |
Nov29 |
The Royal Society published 350 years of scientific history on Trailblazing website. |
Sep27 |
AJKD: Five decades of nephrology in India, by dr. Kirpal Chugh |
Aug18 |
Did Mozart die of poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis? |
May06 |
Danish kidney specialist authors book on Napoleon's kidney disease. |
Apr11 |
One thousand 2007-2009 audiofiles and slide/audio talks added to HDCN's 20 topic-related channels. |
M29 |
Link to slide/audio and audio symposia on HDCN |
D30 |
Scientists isolate genes that made 1918 flu lethal. |
D29 |
Nephrology Oral History Project posts initial interviews on the web. |
D13 |
Antikythera mechanism is a tribute to the astronomic knowledge of the ancient Greeks. |
O26 |
Genealogy of Hippocrates and the implications of the Hippocratic oath. |
O17 |
More antiquarian "fun and games": Buy a legacy reprint of a classical medical text. |
O17 |
Off-topic weekend fun and games: Search WhoNamedIt? for kidney and renal medical eponyms |
M30 |
Cause of clubbing of the fingers in lung disease found - 15-HPGD. |
M19 |
Didusch center historical exhibit on Women Healers (7.5 mb .pdf file) |
M18 |
Didusch center for urologic history collections |
N28 |
Dr. Robert Cade, nephrologist who invented Gatorade, dies at age 80. |
N26 |
James Haviland, Seattle dialysis pioneer, dies at age 96. |
A29 |
Pathologists: His doctor killed Beethoven via iatrogenic lead poisoning. |
A13 |
Foundations of calculus and Pi discovered not by Isaac Newton nor Leibnitz, but by the Kerala School in India. |
M09 |
Research suggests that Egyptians were the true fathers of medicine. |
J16 |
Napoleon did not die from arsenic poisoning, but from gastric cancer. |
J09 |
Blogborygmi - a meta-analysis of physician-written blogs |
J03 |
Scientists uncover evidence of arsenic poisoning in death of Francesco de Medici. |
D29 |
All of Mozart's musical scores now available for free on-line. |
D27 |
Sales of Eakins' medical painting stirs controversy in Philadelphia. |
D23 |
Turning the pages on-line: Historical medical books |
D02 |
More on the Greek astronomical calculator from Wikipedia |
N29 |
Mystery of ancient Greek astronomical calculator unveiled; it was the world's first computer. |
N26 |
HDCN: Search index updated for audiofiles, slide/audio talks, articles, and abstracts |
N23 |
A most excellent website focusing on the origin of words in the English language. |
M10 |
Who named it . com - biographical dictionary of medical eponyms |
J23 |
Typhoid fever led to the fall of Athens. |
D26 |
Br Med J: How Islam changed medicine. |
D10 |
Encyclopedia of traditional Indian medical knowledge to be on the internet. |
D08 |
Argonne scientists confirm high lead levels in Beethoven's bones |
N03 |
Google Print library of old full text books opens its doors. |
O30 |
Among Benjamin Franklin's inventions are the urinary catheter. |
J16 |
Brazilian doctors see anatomy in Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. |
J14 |
History: Use of kidneys in secular and ritualized religious practices. |
M30 |
Porphyria now and in the days of "mad" King George. |
M22 |
Synchrotron used to uncover hidden text in Archimedes palimpsest. |
J09 |
'Lost' portrait of Mozart suggests he may have had kidney failure prior to death |
D23 |
NKF: Multimedia presentation on Celebrating 50 Years of Transplantation. |
D19 |
NKF: Celebrating the first 50 years of transplantation. |
D19 |
Story of the first kidney transplant in the U.S. between identical twins. |
D16 |
History: Emergence of concepts of endocrine function and endocrinology. |
J21 |
Did Napoleon die of iatrogenic hypokalemia? |
N01 |
FDR had Guillain-Barre syndrome, not polio |
O19 |
Dreams for a National Health Museum are taking shape |
O06 |
All issues of the Lancet since its inception available in digital form |
J19 |
Dr. Belding Scribner: In memoriam |
M31 |
Islamic medical manuscripts on the National Library of Medicine website |
A01 |
Dean Kamen, father of many inventions, including portable dialysis machine |
A01 |
Interview with Willem Kolff at 91 |