January 26, 2010
Primary Care for Nephrologists: HIV Nephropathy
Arthur H. Cohen, MD; and Jeffrey S. Berns, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2009.)
Cohen: What are the nephropathies directly related to HIV infection? How have they changed in the era of HAART? What happened to the tubuloreticular inclusions? Tubular microcystic dilatation? ATN-like lesions? What about those related to complications of HIV? How does the immune complex-like lesion relate to HIV infection? What is the pathogenesis of the lupus-like lesions in HIV? What characterizes indinavir and tenofovir nephrotoxicities? Dr. Berns: What are the pitfalls of assessing GFR in patients with HIV? Why should cystatin estimates be avoided? What has follow-up data been on efficacy of ACE inhibitors and HIVAN? Under which conditions, if any, might corticosteroid treatment be considered? How does one approach TTP/TMA in HIV-infected patients? Are there any substantial access-related issues in hemodialysis patients with HIV?
Understanding the Kidney - Heart Connection
Claudio Ronco, MD, Edward A. Ross, MD, and Tomas Berl, MD
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Ronco: What is the cardiorenal syndrome? How do we define it? What are the different subtypes? How does each impact clinical outcomes? Why is an early diagnosis of AKI important? What is the role of new biomarkers in the diagnosis? Ross: How prevalent is anemia in heart failure and what are its mechanisms? What is the impact of anemia in CHF on hospitalization and survival? What do the trials of correcting anemia show? Why are the results conflicting? What should Hb targets be in view of the TREAT results? What is the RED-HF trial? Berl: What is the prognostic importance of hyponatremia in heart failure patients, and what are the benefits of correcting in it randomized, controlled trials? What is the comparable efficacy of vasopressin antagonists in SIADH and heart failure? What do randomized trials show for use of V2-antagonists in terms of hard outcomes?
Controlling Diabetes Mellitus by Targeting the Kidney
George L. Bakris, MD, Ernest M. Wright, PhD, Mark E. Molitch, MD
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Molitch: What is the natural history of type 2 diabetes and how does this affect our choice of therapeutic regimens? What is the basis of GLP-1 agonists and DPP-IV inhibitors? What should the initial therapeutic intervention be? When is metformin to be used? What drugs should subsequently be added? When is insulin a preferred treatment? What are current concerns with the thiazolidinediones? What potential problems are there with each drug class in CKD? Wright: How do the kidneys handle glucose and what are the main transporters involved? What happens to patients with familial renal glucosuria, a loss-of-function mutation in SGLT-2 in terms risk of hypoglycemia and change in renal function? What drugs have an effect on SGLT-2? Bakris: What effects do SGLT-2 inhibitors have on HbA1c and on body weight? What are the potential adverse events identified in the initial trials?
ASN Renal Week 2009
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (ASN Renal Week 2009)
(37 talks)
Management of Common Problems in Polycystic Kidney Disease
K. Ty Bae, A. B. Chapman and V. E. Torres
Literature Review: ICU Nephrology and Critical Care Medicine
K. D. Liu, and A. J. Tolwani
Hypertensive Nephrosclerosis: Cause or Consequence of Hypertension
R. D. Toto, B. I. Freedman, J. Lewis, and F. C. Luft
Hepatitis C and Renal Disease
C. L. Berg, R. D. Bloom, R. S. Brown
Are We Making Progress in Vascular Access?
A. S. Yevzlin, A. Asif, D. M. Hentschel, and A. Q. Urbanes
Reducing Health Disparities in CKD
M. H. Chin, P. W. Eggers, W. M. McClellan, and N. R. Powe
Primary Care for Nephrologists: HIV Nephropathy
P. L. Kimmel, A.H. Cohen, J. S. Berns, and S.J. Tomlanovich
Peritoneal Dialysis: A Bright Past and Unknown Future
I. Teitelbaum, F. O. Finkelstein, P. G. Blake, and M. D. Faber
Desperately Seeking a Donor: Difficult Choices in Kidney Donation
F. L. Delmonico, A. B. Leichtman, J. A. Fishman, and D. L. Segev
Cardiorenal Syndrome
C. Ronco, A. S. Maisel, and A. A. House
January 4, 2010
Therapeutic Issues in Crescentic Glomerulonephritis and Vasculitis
Luis F. Flores-Suarez, MD, PhD, Marten Segelmark, MD, and Ulrich Specks, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Flores-Suarez: How can we subgroup the vasculitides based on presentation? What are the complications associated with cyclophosphamide? For early, generalized disease, what did NORAM show re methotrexate? The Cleveland Clinic study? What did CYCLOPS show regarding IV cyclophosphamide? What did MEPEX show regarding use of plasma exchange in severe disease? Does azathioprine or MMF work? What about rituximab? What are the early results of the RITUXVAS study? What are the prognostic factors of ANCA-vasculitis? Biomarkers? Segelmark: How do we approach the patient with vasculitis who has had multiple relapses? What are the different types of therapy resistance? What is standard initial therapy? What are the choices to treat relapses, and what do studies show regarding their efficacy? Specks: How do we approach the pulmonary and other extrarenal manifestations of vasculitis? What are the manifestations of vasculitis in the alveoli, tracheobronchial tree, and nasal cartilages? What is the differential diagnosis and how do we decide if it is vasculitis or not? How do treatment options differ from those in patients with primarily renal disease?
Hepatorenal Syndrome
Robert W. Schrier, MD, Hani M. Wadei, MD, and Andrew Davenport, MD
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Schrier: What is the pathophysiology of hepatorenal syndrome? What components of the underfilling and systemic arterial vasodilatation hypotheses are important clinically? What is the role of distal sodium delivery? How is hyponatremia important as a marker of outcome in cirrhosis? What happens with aldosterone antagonism? Mannitol plus atrial natriuretic peptide? What is the evidence that nitric oxide is important? Wadei: Management options include vasoconstrictors, TIPS, a combination of these, renal replacement therapy, and transplantation. When is each of these indicated? What vasoconstrictors should one use? What do studies with terlipressin show? Is albumin infusion independently useful? What are the predictors of reversal of hepatorenal syndrome with treatment? Davenport: How do we characterize AKI (acute kidney insufficiency) in patients with liver failure? What are the determinants of recovery? What is the evidence regarding harmful effects of intradialytic hypotension? How can we prevent this using thermal effects, midodrine, and other maneuvers? What to kidney biopsy studies show in patients with AKI and liver failure? How might this guide us in therapy? When should combined liver-kidney transplant be considered?
New Frontiers in Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral Bone Disorders
Isidro B. Salusky, MD; Orlando M. Gutierrez, MD, MMSc; and David A. Bushinsky, MD. (Moderator: Myles S. Wolf, MD)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Salusky: As CKD progresses, 1,25D goes down very early. Why? What are the 2 ways that FGF23 is involved? What organ makes FGF23, and how is FGF23 involved in maintaining architecture of bone? Gutierrez: How is FGF23 related to outcomes in CKD and in incident dialysis patients? How is FGF23 related to left ventricular hypertrophy? Does FGF23 associated with CKD progression? Bushinsky: How is coronary calcification related to mortality in CKD? How might calcium balance in CKD affect calcification? What should be the goal in terms of net calcium balance in CKD? What are the factors that affect calcium balance in CKD patients, and how are they different from nonuremic healhies? What's the role of the dialysate calcium concentration? How is gastrointestinal absorption of calcium affected by vitamin D? What is the dietary calcium intake associated with a zero calcium balance when dialysate Ca is 2.5 mEq/L, with and without vitamin D?
Impact of Bundled Payments on Care for ESRD Patients
Ray Hakim, MD; John Moran, MD; Allen Nissenson, MD; Rajiv Saran, MD; and Wolfgang Winkelmayer, MD (Moderator: Jonathan Himmelfarb, MD)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Panel Discussions (1) What is MIPPA, and how did CMS propose to implement it with the proposed bundled reimbursement system? (2) What are the controversial aspects of bundling? (3) How might bundling impact on patient care? (4) How might bundling limit physicians' choices? (5) What does the nephrology community have to learn from bundling? How can we intercede to make sure that bundling is fairly applied? (6) Audience questions.
December 17, 2009
Renal Neoplasms: What the Nephrologist Should Know
Stephen M. Bonsib, MD and Gary R. Hudes, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Bonsib: What are the basic types of renal neoplasms? What is their incidence, and what are the risk factors? What is the relationship between renal cysts and renal neoplasms? Which are the benign and malignant diffusely cystic renal neoplasms? What's the association between autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease and renal cancer? What do nephrologists need to know about von Hippel-Lindau disease? Tuberous sclerosis? What's new in acquired cystic disease of CKD and transplant? When and how should these patients be screened? What are 2 new tumor types associated with this condition? Hudes: What are the latest data with regard to cytokine (interleukin-2 and interferon) therapy for renal cell carcinoma? What are the results with bevacizumab, sorafenib, sunitinib, temsirolimus, and everolimus? How does tumorigenesis progress and how might these new agents inhibit this process? How is the mTOR signalling pathway involved? What are the risks and adverse events with these newer therapies?
Controversies in Anemia Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients
Rajiv Agarwal, MD, and Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, MD (Moderator: Andrew Fenves, MD)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Agarwal: How does iron deficiency impact erythropoiesis and what are the causes of iron loss in ESRD patients? How is gut iron absorption regulated? How does one interpret the serum ferritin and TSAT in CKD? What are the risks of hemoglobin normalization? How does hepcidin regulate iron? Kalantar-Zadeh: How did the KDOQI anemia guidelines changes in 2006? In 2007? Where does transferrin come from? What are the normal values? How does TIBC associated with nutritional status? How does TIBC associate with survival in both cross-sectional and time-varying analyses? How dose TSAT associate with mortality. Is this different in predialysis patients? How is the platelet count related to TSAT? What is the structural pharmacology of ferritin? How is it related to malignancy, malnutrition, and CRP? What are the effects of ferritin on vascular calcification? What are the mortality implications of various ratios of TSAT/ferritin? At what level of ferritin and TSAT is ESA responsiveness the greatest?
Racial Disparities in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
L. Ebony Boulware, MD; John R. Sedor, MD; Keith C. Norris, MD (Moderators: Paul Smedberg, MD and Thomas Hostetter, MD)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Boulware: How does the increased incidence of ESRD in Blacks compare to other ethnic groups, esp. Native Americans and Hispanics? What are the ethnic associations with albuminuria; with hypertension at various stages of CKD? How does the rate of CKD progression compare in Blacks vs. Caucasians? How does access to care and time of referral affect the ethnic effect on progression? How does ethnicity affect wait-listing for transplant, or likelihood of a living donor transplant? Sedor: How do we map genes to find gene-disease associations? What is the MALD technique? To what extent are race and genetics compatible concepts? How does MYH9 gene prevalence illustrate these concepts? Norris: How do environmental components contribute to racial disparities in CKD? How does psychological stress associate with oxidative stress? To what extent is air pollution involved; exposure to heavy metals; organic pollutants; smoking and substance abuse?
Innovations in Caring for Patients with Hyponatremia
Mitchell H. Rosner, MD; Richard H. Sterns MD; Biff F. Palmer, MD (Moderator: Nicolaos E. Madias, MD)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Rosner: How is hyponatremia related to morbidity, gait abnormalities, fractures and falls, and in-hospital mortality? Is resolution of hyponatremia associated with improved outcomes? Do management errors affect the prognosis? Sterns: In terms of management of hyponatremia, how much correction is enough? How much correction is too much? What do animal studies show us about chronic hyponatremia and myelinolysis? Is myelinolysis reversed by reintroduction of hyponatremia? What is the recommended therapy for acute water intoxication? What patients need to be treated acutely? What should be the therapeutic goal? What are the risk factors for osmotic demyelination syndrome? Palmer: What are the various treatment strategies for chronic hyponatremia? What are the advantages and limitations of each? What are current indications for conivaptan and tolvaptan? What are potential benefits of treating hyponatremia in terms of risk of falls, quality of life, and cognition? How does CYP2D6 gene expression modulate hyponatremia due to antidepressants? How are polymorphisms of the TRPV4 gene involved? What causes the nephrogenic syndrome of inappropriate diuresis? What are results of vasopressin antagonists in congenital nephrogenic DI, in Meniere's disease? What are potential future uses of V2R antagonists?
(Article Free, $CE)ANNA CE (NNJ)
Target audience: Nurses. Article free, CE requires payment to ANNA via HDCN.
Pictures and Perspectives: A Unique Reflection on Interdialytic Weight Gain
(Vol 36/No. 6. Expires 12/20/2011)
Peter M. Sinclair, RN, and Vicki Parker, PhD, RN
1.1 hr
A Qualitative Analysis of Patient Reported Symptoms of Anemia
(Vol 36/No. 6. Expires 12/20/2011)
Kathryn F. Lasch, PhD, Christopher J. Evans, PhD, and Dori Schatell, MS
1.1 hr
Lethality of Endocarditis Due To S. Aureus among Patients On Hemodialysis
(Vol 36/No. 6. Expires 12/20/2011)
Cibele Grothe, MSc, Angélica Belasco, PhD, Ana Bettencourt, PhD, Solange Diccini, PhD, Lucila Vianna, PhD, Antonio Pignatari, MD, Ricardo Sesso, MD, and Dulce Barbosa, PhD
1.4 hr
African-American Women’s Perceived Health Status While Caring for a Relative with End Stage Renal Disease
(Vol 36/No. 6. Expires 12/20/2011)
Dina J. Byers, PhD, ARNP, CNS-C, Tamara Harris Beard, PhD, FNP, and Mona N. Wicks, PhD, RN
1.4 hr
Annual Dialysis Conference 2009
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2009)
(14 talks)
Home Hemodialysis Christopher R. Blagg, MD, Michael Aragon, MD, Sylvia Donato-Moore, BSN, RN, CNN, Michelle Carver, BSN, RN,CNN, Dorian Schatell, MS, Linda Upchurch, BS, MBA, and Joel Glickman, MD
Elderly PD Patients
Allen Nissenson, MD, Dimitrios Oreopoulos, MD, Matthew Oliver, MD, and Allen Nissenson, MD
Dialysis Technology: Present and Future
Andrew Davenport, MD; James Winchester, MD; and Ingrid Ledebo, PhD
November 30, 2009
New Insights into Antibody-Mediated Rejection
Elaine F. Reed, PhD; Mark D. Pescovitz, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Reed: Monitoring of anti-HLA and MICA antibodies post-transplant identifies patients at risk for acute and chronic antibody-mediated rejection (AMR). Donor-specific and non-donor-specific antibodies are both important. Complexed and tissue-bound antibodies can result in their not being found in the serum. The degree of molecular aggregation by these antibodies is important, with high-strength antibodies leading to endothelial-cell proliferation, whereas low levels of activation can turn on survival pathways and may lead to transplant accommodation. Rapamycin tends to block both pathways. Pescovitz: What is the treatment of early- and late antibody-mediated rejection? What are the roles of complement? B cell antigen presentation? Cytokine augmentation? How do the pharmacokinetics of immunoglobulin distribution and half-life affect treatment strategies with plasmapheresis? How does IVIG work? How does Staph protein A work? What is the potential role of rituximab? Splenectomy? What are potential new methods of anti-B cell and anti-complement (anti-C5) therapies?
Update in Transplant Immunology for the Clinician
Robert L. Fairchild, PhD; Elaine F. Reed, PhD; and Flavio Vincenti, MD (Moderator: Roslyn B. Mannon, MD)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Fairchild: What is the basic biology of kidney allograft rejection? What are the 3 types? What are criteria for acute humoral rejection (AHR)? How is complement involved? What might be reasons for not detecting antibodies? How might ischemic graft injury predispose to rejection? What is the role of secreted cytokines, including interferon-gamma and Th17? How do donor-specific antibodies impact on late kidney transplant failure? Reed: What are the clinical applications of post-transplant monitoring of anti-HLA antibody levels? Can we use these to predict rejection? How do levels correlate with late graft loss? How is the "strength" of donor-specific antibodies important? How do high- and low-strength antibodies cause different pathogenetic outcomes? Vincenti: How might biologics effecting co-stimulation blockade in autoimmunity and transplantation be useful to help improve kidney transplant outcomes? What are the pathways for T-cell activation and what is the importance of co-stimulation? How does belatacept work to block co-stimulation? What are the BENEFIT and BENEFIT-EXT trials and what are their preliminary results? What are the potential advantages of maintenance therapy with belatacept vs. cyclosporine? What is the rationale for combining biologics?
Innovative Approaches and Prevention Strategies for Chronic Kidney Disease-Mineral and Bone Disorders
Adriana S. Dusso, PhD; Michal Melamed, MD; Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, MD, MPH, PhD (Moderator: Maria Coco, MD).
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Dusso: How is TNF-alpha, and TNF-alpha converting enzyme (called TACE or ADAM17) linked to vitamin D resistance in the parathyroid glands? How does TACE affect TGF-alpha, and especially, TGF-alpha autocrine and paracrine effects on the EGF receptor? What effect does high phosphate have on EGFR activation? How does 1,25 D affect TACE, and via TACE, EGFR? How might this be related to an effect of 1,25 D on survival in dialysis patients? Melamed: In CKD patients, what do observational trials show, with regard to effects on calcium, phosphate, PTH, and survival? To what extent do serum 25-D levels modulate the effects of active vitamin D therapy on mortality? In early-stage CKD, how do 25-D levels associate with progression? What are the data regarding calcitriol treatment and proteinuria? Dr. Kalantar-Zadeh: Which is more important in CKD patients: 25-D or 1,25-D? To what extent is local 1-alpha hydroxylation of vitamin D important? What are the associative data between alkaline phosphatase levels and mortality? To what extent is this relationship modulated by PTH levels? What effect do active vitamin D preparations have on alkaline phosphatase levels? What are the causes of low PTH levels? Should active vitamin D preparations be held in patients with lower PTH levels?
The Role of Iron in Outpatient CKD Management
Csaba P. Kovesdy, MD; Jay Wish, MD; Daniel W. Coyne, MD (Moderator: George Aronoff, MD)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, 2009.)
Kovesdy: How do serum iron levels relate to mortality and hospitalization rates? Ferritin? TSAT? How do iron saturation levels associate with progression of CKD? In nondialysis CKD patients, how do TSAT and ferritin associate with mortality? What do the iron replacement studies show, with and without time-dependent covariates? Wish: How do we diagnose iron deficiency states in CKD? What are the 3 main states? What is the sensitivity and specificity of the various tests? What are the advantages of CHr, reticulocyte hemoglobin content, and what are the cutoffs? What are the problems with percent hypochromic red cells? How useful are soluble transferrin receptor levels? Hepcidin? Coyne: How does inflammation affect iron balance via hepcidin? What do studies of oral vs. IV iron use in CKD tell us? What is the data regarding the new IV iron agent ferumoxytol?
Annual Dialysis Conference 2009
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2009)
(14 talks)
Best Practices for Improving Patient Outcomes: New Insights from DOPPS
Rajiv Saran, MD, MRCP; Bruce M. Robinson, MD, MS; Francesca Tentori, MD; Ronald L. Pisoni, PhD, MS; and Francesca Tentori, MD
Phosphate Binders: An Update
Rajnish Mehrotra, MD, Keith Hruska, MD, Rajnish Mehrotra, MD, Kunal Chaudhary, MD, and John Van Stone, MD
Current Issues in Acute Kidney Injury (AKI)
Dinna Cruz, MD; Michael Haase, MD; Devasmita Choudhary MD, and Andrew Davenport, MD
November 20, 2009
Personalized Therapy for Kidney Disease
Brad H. Rovin, MD, Dany Anglicheau, MD, PhD, and Melanie S. Joy, PharmD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Rovin: How can pharmacogenomics affect treatment of disease such as lupus nephritis? What alleles can affect metabolism of cyclophosphamide? Of azathioprine? Of MMF? How does Fc receptor polymorphism affect rituximab therapy? What can we learn from SELDI profiling of lupus flares? Can we use biomarkers to predict the progression of diabetic nephropathy? Anglicheau: What is the impact of gene polymorphisms affecting drug metabolizing enzymes on pharmacokinetics and dose requirements? On efficacy and drug activity? On ethnic differences in how drugs are handled? On drug safety assessment? What is the role of the MDR-1 gene which encodes P-glycoprotein? What about cytochrome P450_3A polymorphisms? How do CYP3A5*3 polymorphisms affect response to tacrolimus, sirolimus? How do TPMT polymorphisms affect azathioprine toxicity? Are ABCB1 polymorphisms associated with CsA nephrotoxicity? Joy: What is the effect of proteinuria on the pharmacokinetics of immunosuppressants? How do changes in serum albumin affect drug action? Which drugs are affected by loss into the urine with nephrotic syndrome? To what extent can failure of some immunosuppressive regimens in patients with nephrotic syndrome be explained via this mechanism?
Annual Dialysis Conference 2009
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2009)
(17 talks)
Assisted PD
Dimitrios Oreopoulos, MD; Christian Verger, MD; Mat Oliver, MD; and Friedrich Prischl, MD
Improving Vascular Access Outcomes in HD
Leslie Dinwiddie, MSN, RN; Jack Work, MD; Carol Headley, DNSc, RN; Surendra Shenoy, MD; Arif Asif, MD; and Deborah Brouwer, RN
PD Catheter Damage: Risks, Realities, Repairs
Mary Zorzanello, MSN, RN
Psychological and Ethical Issues in Nephrology
Jean Holley, MD; and John Van Stone, MD
October 26, 2009
Collagen Nephropathies
Billy G. Hudson, PhD, and Clifford E. Kashtan, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Hudson: There are 28 types of collagen. Type IV is present in the glomerular membrane. Collagen IV has 6 alpha chains. It assembles into 3 main trimers, 112, 345, and 556 which in turn form 3 distinct networks. Trimer 112 is found in Bowman's capsule. Timer 345 is found in the GBM. The NC1 globular end of each chain determines how chains assemble and combine. The 345 complex is held together by methionine-hydroxylysine covalent bonds. X-linked Alport syndrome involves mutation of the alpha-5 chain that disrupts the 345 network, and the subject winds up with a glomerulus made of 112 collagen. Other Alport mutations affect the alpha 3 and alpha 4 chains. In Alport post-transplant nephritis, antibodies target the alpha 3 and alpha 5 chains. Goodpasture antibodies bind to sites on the alpha-3 chain in the 345 network. Crosslinks normally protect the 345 chain from the Goodpasture antibody. Kashtan: What are the clinical and histological features of Alport syndrome and thin basement nephropathy? How can a model explain the similarities and differences between these conditions? How do we diagnose them and manage them?
Lecture Free
Free CE
Practical Management of Anemia in the Dialysis Population
George Aronoff, MD, MS, FACP, and Mary Schira, PhD, RN, ACNP, BC, CNN-NP
(ANNA National Symposium, Chicago, IL. April, 2009.) 1.25 CNE
Aronoff: What is the pathophysiology of anemia in late-stage CKD? Can we outline a plan to address iron deficiency anemia? How and where during the red cell cycle does EPO act? What are the effects of EPO on mortality? How much Hb is too much? What are the causes for EPO resistance? How do we assess iron needs? What are available iron replacement thereapies? How do TSAT and ferritin levels change our approach to management? Schira: How do we assess patients with anemia? What patient education is necessary? How do we accomplish this? What are effects of race, smoking, and medications? What are typical symptoms? What are challenges of oral iron therapy? What are the goals of anemia therapy?
Annual Dialysis Conference 2009
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2009)
(19 talks)
Protein Energy Wasting (PEW) and Hyperphosphatemia in Chronic Kidney Disease
Kamyar Kalanter-Zadeh, MD; Martin Kuhlmann, MD; and Georges Saab, MD
The Three-Pore Model of the PD Membrane
Bengt Rippe, MD; and Michael Flessner, MD
Extracorporeal Technology for Special Situations
Karl-Georg Fischer, MD; and Kevin W. Finkel, MD
Marketing Home Dialysis and Patient Recruitment
Betty Kelman RN MN; Gladys Benavente, MSN, ANPC; Dorian Schatell, MS; and Roberta Wager, MSN, RN
Workshop on Echocardiography for Nephrologists:
Clinical Applications of Echocardiography and Cardiac Doppler in End-Stage Renal Disease
Mark Faber, MD; Jose Diaz-Buxo, MD; Beth Piraino, MD; Khaled Mohamed, MD; and Pranay Kathuria, MD
Uremic Toxicity
Madhukar Misra, MD; Nathan Levin, MD; Martin Kuhlmann, MD; and Bernard Canaud, MD
September 30, 2009
Phosphorus: Bystander or Cause of Pathology?
Daniel W. Coyne, MD, and William F. Finn, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Coyne: Does phosphorus control or vitamin D therapy have a survival benefit in CKD? What are the observational data? How are these lab values interrelated, and which intervention might be the most beneficial? What is the phosphorus data in ESRD patients? In nondialysis CKD? What about FGF23? What is the data with regard to ergocalciferol supplementation in CKD? Active vitamin D? What do randomized trials of vitamin D supplementation show in nondialysis populations? Finn: How does nutritional data interact with serum phosphate levels? How is nPCR related to phosphorus, and what do observational data show happens when both nPCR and serum Pi are reduced? What effects does vitamin D have on absorption of an oral phosphate load? What can we say about phosphate mass balance? How much binding/day do we need? How important is residual renal function? Vitamin D therapy? How much phosphate do various doses of Ca acetate, Ca carbonate, sevelamer, and lanthanum carbonate bind? What are the related cost estimates? Where was KDOQI off in terms of its phosphate binding estimates?
Lecture Free
Free CE
New CKD-MBD Options: Individualize the Treatment Plan to Your Patient
Anjay Rastogi, MD, and Kim Alleman, MS, RN, FNP-BC, APRN, CNN-NP
(ANNA National Symposium, Chicago, IL. April, 2009.) 1.25 CNE
Rastogi: How do we define the stages of CKD? What are the associated cardiovascular risks? Traditional and nontraditional risk factors? What's the mechanism of mineral bone disorder (MBD)? As GFR falls, which MBD lab abnormalities appear early? Which appear late? What is current thinking of how vascular calcification develops? How is phosphate involved? How does phosphate activate cellular processes that lead to ossification? How prevalent is vascular calcification in CKD, and how is it related to mortality? Alleman: How should we perform physical assessment of CKD patients in terms of MBD? What are the desirable patient outcomes? What are the risk factors for MBD? How do we deal with mobility hazards in such patients? What should a review of laboratory studies entail? What are the KDOQI guidelines in this regard? What are the goals of patient education? What adherence strategies may be of help? What are new treatment options?
Lecture Free
Free CE
IV Iron Practices Today for Improved Anemia Outcomes Tomorrow
Rajiv Agarwal, MD, Amit Sharma, MD, and Gail Wick, NHSA, BSN, RN, CNN
(ANNA National Symposium, Chicago, IL. April, 2009.) 1.25 CNE
Sharma: What is EPO hyporesponse and why is it clinically important? What are the most important causes? How does hepcidin figure in inflammation-mediated iron blockade? What happens when you give IV iron in patients with iron-restricted erythropoiesis? Above which range of TSAT and/or ferritin does the response to IV iron become minimal? How do intact PTH and alkaline phosphatase levels relate to ESA dose requirements? Agarwal: What are the arguments in favor of regular low-dose IV iron administration? How does this strategy impact patients with iron-restricted erythropoiesis? What did the DRIVE studies show? What is the mechanism of the ESA-sparing effective of regular low-dose IV iron therapy? Wick: A patient develops acute renal failure after surgery for aortic aneurysm, and then apparent resistance. How do we diagnose the cause? What is an appropriate multidisciplinary management approach to this patient's anemia? What are the potential root causes? How do we develop a plan of care for this patient? What is one example of an iron management algorithm? What steps were taken to resolve her ESA resistance and improve her anemia?
Annual Dialysis Conference 2009
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2009)
(13 talks)
Clinical Observations vs. Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) in Dialysis Research
Zbylut Twardowski, MD; Tom Greene, MD; Robert Wolfe, PhD; and Alan Kliger, MD
Bone, Calcium, and Vitamin D
Dennis Andreas, MD; Pranay Kathuria, MD; Pete Hayden, MD; Dennis Andreas, MD; and Georges Saab, MD
The Hemodialysis Patient: Should We Extrapolate the Evidence from Non-Dialysis Population?
David Gardner, MD; Ajay Singh, MB; Jonathan Himmelfarb, MD; and Kamyar Kalanter-Zadeh, MD
September 11, 2009
Membranous Glomerulopathy
Giuseppe Remuzzi, MD, and Jack F. Wetzels, MD, PhD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Remuzzi: In the REIN study, what affected progression of CKD, and what were the characteristics of patients in whom the GFR actually increased? What is the postulated mechanisms for ACE- induced renal repair and angiogenesis? What role to multipotent progenitor cells play in this recovery? What animal model demonstrates a benefit of dual angiotensin blockade? What is the remission clinic protocol? What is the role for B-cell modification in membranous GN? What are results with mycophenolate? With rituximab? What are the outcomes of rituximab treatment? In which patients does rituximab fail? How might they be further treated?
Wetzels: Is immunosuppression for idiopathic membranous nephropathy effective? Which agents are useful? How useful is mycophenolate? Azathioprine? Cyclosporine? Tacrolimus? Rituximab? What is the optimal duration of therapy? Are relapses treatable? What are the side-effects of long-term immunosuppression?
ASDIN National Meeting. February, 2009. Parts 5-7.
Free to ASDIN members.
Flash slide/audio; MP3 audio
Matthew Schaefer, DO
Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Minimally Invasive Interventional Procedures
Loay Salman, MD
Jeffrey Cicone, MD
Naveen Atray, MD, FASN
PRO: Angioplasty of Venous Catheter-Associated Fibrin Sheaths
Bharat Sachdeva, MD
CON: Angioplasty of Venous Catheter-Associated Fibrin Sheaths
Randy Cooper, MD
PRO: Failed Forearm Fistula: Place an Upper Arm Fistula
Jeffrey Packer, DO
CON: Failed Forearm Fistula: Place a Forearm Graft
Jeffrey Lawson, MD, PhD
Imaging Equipment
Randy Rasmussen, MD
Picture Archival & Communications Systems (PACS)
Richard Gray, MD
Economics, Pitfalls, & Opportunities in Vascular Access Centers
Timothy Pflederer, MD
Annual Dialysis Conference 2009
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2009)
(20 talks)
Infection Control Practices for the Dialysis Facility
Danilo Concepcion, CCHT,CHT; Matthew Arduino, DrPH; Erika D'Agata, MD; Jan Deane, RN
Implementation of the Revised ESRD Conditions for Coverage: Discussion and Guidance
Glenda Payne, MSN, RN; Angie Kurosaka, BSN, RN, and Donna Painter, RN, MS
Improving Long-Term Outcomes in PD
Christian Verger, MD; Salim Mujais, MD; John Burkart, MD; Rajnish Mehrotra, MD; Isaac Teitelbaum, MD
Pregnancy in CKD
Susan Hou, MD; Christopher Chan, MD; Michael Haase, MD
Dialysis Catheters: An Update
Arif Asif, MD; Richard Amerling, MD; Steven Bander MD; William Salzer, MD; W. Kirt Nichols MD
August 7, 2009
Boots on the Ground: Do We Have Enough Personnel to Fight the Battle Against CKD?
Jay B. Wish, MD and Beth M. Piraino, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Wish: How many dialysis and CKD patients are there, and what's the growth rate? Is the growth rate of nephrologists sufficient to keep up? What changes in practice trends are happening that can make all of this work out? How many Renal Fellowship programs are there? What's the projected growth on the supply side of nephrologists? What are the practice demographics of nephrologists? Where do they spend their time? How might changes in triggers for nephrology referral change things? How much do nephrologists make and how much time do they spend to earn their money? Piraino: What makes up the dialysis team? Why is retention so important? What are important differences between home hemo or PD staff and in-center staff? What are useful tips to improve staff retention? What effect does staff retention have on patient satisfaction? What factors were associated with job-related stress in Australian dialysis nurses? How do processes of care differ between home and in-center dialysis?
Controversies in Vascular Access
Arif Asif, MD and Aris Q. Urbanes, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Asif: What is the role for physical examination in diagnosing problems with the vascular access? What is its accuracy? What are the key elements of access examination? What is the augmentation test and what does it measure? What is the arm elevation test and what does it measure? How does the efficacy of these tests differ between fistulas and grafts? How does the location of stenosis relate to accuracy of physical examination? Urbanes: What is required to obtain a functional AV fistula? What is the "rule of sixes"? What are the components of an optimal AVF? What should the pre-operative assessment be? Are comorbidities important? If so, when? What should clinical assessment include? What constitutes adequate vascular mapping? What are the advantages and disadvantages of venography? What is the risk of using radiocontrast? What are peri-operative factors? Should clopidogrel be used? At what rate post-op should the blood flow increase? When should intervention be considered? What constitutes good post-op assessment? Do salvage procedures work?
ASDIN National Meeting. February, 2009. Parts 3 and 4.
Free to ASDIN members.
Flash slide/audio; MP3 audio
CPT Code Development, Definition, Valuation: CPT, RUC, NCCI Zeke Silva, III, MD
Differences between Hospital, Office, ASC
Timothy Pflederer, MD
Use of Common Code Modifiers
Theodore Saad, MD
Future Challenges, Opportunities and What Role You Can Play
Zeke Silva, III, MD
Are We Constructing Too Many Arteriovenous Fistulae?
Marc Glickman, MD
A Critical Reexamination for Sequencing in Vascular Access Procedures
Samuel Eric Wilson, MD
Coagulation Disorders & Vascular Access Dysfunction
Jeffrey Lawson, MD, PhD
Research in Vascular Access Practice
Michael Allon, MD
Nomenclature of Vascular Access: Are we speaking the same language?
Dirk Hentschel, MD
(Article Free, $CE)ANNA CE (NNJ)
Target audience: Nurses. Article free, CE requires payment to ANNA via HDCN.
Understanding Malpractice: A Guide for Nephrology Nurses
(Vol 36/No. 4. Expires 08/31/2011)
Clara D. Neyhart, BSN, RN, CNN and Rowena Elliott, PhD, RN, CNN, BC, LNC
1.1 hr
Experiences of Hmong Patients on Hemodialysis and the Nurses Working with Them
(Vol 36/No. 4. Expires 08/31/2011)
Linda Krueger, EdS, MSN, RN
1.2 hr
Annual Dialysis Conference 2009
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2009)
(20 talks)
Dialysis Adequacy in 2009: Time to Defy the Holy Grail?
Thomas Depner, MD; Alan Kliger, MD; John Daugirdas, MD; Zbylut Twardowski, MD; Thomas Golper, MD
PD FUNDAMENTALS: Peritoneal Health
Raymond Krediet, MD; William Salzer, MD; James Sloand, MD
James Sloand, MD; Peter Blake, MB; Dana Negoi, M
PD FUNDAMENTALS: Management of PD Patients
Mark Faber, MD; Jose Diaz-Buxo, MD; Beth Piraino, MD; Khaled Mohamed, MD; Pranay Kathuria, MD
Zbylut Twardowski, MD; Stephen Ash, MD; John Crabtree, MD
July 18, 2009
Nephrology Quiz and Questionnaire: Fluids and Electrolyte and Glomerular Disorders
Biff Palmer, MD, and Charles D. Pusey, DSc
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Palmer: Case 1. Hypokalemia and weakness in a patient with hepatitis C treated with pegylated interferon. What is the reason for his hypokalemia? Why would one get thyroid studies? He recently began working out and taking a supplemental drug... Case 2. Patient with sickle cell disease has evidence of hypokalemia, hypertension, and volume expansion. What is the differential diagnosis? Oh, and his bilirubin was somewhat elevated... Pusey: Case 1. 74 year old male had nephrotic range proteinuria and hematuria and normal renal function 4 months ago. Now presents with hypertension, edema, and oligoanuria. Creatinine 16. Complements normal, biopsy shows crescentic GN. What is the differential diagnosis, and under what circumstances would you treat the patient? Case 2. 60 year old female presents as a post-infectious GN. But there is cryoglobulinemia and some membranous deposits. Under what circumstances would you treat this patient? When would you NOT treat?
Primary Care in Nephrology: Preoperative Risk Assessment and Management of Glycemic Control
Thomas A. Golper, MD, and John P. Mordes, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Golper: Case 1. What is the cardiovascular risk of dialysis patients undergoing surgery? What should be included in their pre-ooperative assessment? How should one handle blood pressure control? Which medications should be held? What are the data regarding beta-blocker use? How should one manage the serum potassium and fluid status prior to surgery? What about bleeding status? How do we prepare PD patients for surgery? How should we approach the question of narcotic analgesics? Mordes: What is the evidence for tight control of blood glucose in diabetes? What should the targets be? Should targets be changed in CKD? Does CKD alter the approach to therapy? What is the standard of care in type 1 DM? Is an insulin pump required? What about type 2 DM? What composes tier 1 therapy? What are the pros and cons of metformin, and when can it no longer be used? Which are the preferred sulfonylureas? What is the best insulin regimen? When are thiazolidinediones and exenatide acceptable options? Which of the newer drugs have a track record in CKD?
ASDIN National Meeting. February, 2009. Parts 1 and 2.
Free to ASDIN members.
Flash slide/audio; MP3 audio
Balloon-Assisted Maturations: Does This Really Work?
Arif Asif, MD
Accessory Vein Branch Obliteration: Does This Really Work?
George Nassar, MD
Stent-Grafts for Native Arteriovenous Fistula Stenosis
Bart Dolmatch, MD
Can We Lock Out Catheter Infection?
Michelle Mokrzycki, MD
Evaluation of the Dysfunctional Catheter?
Vandana Niyyar, MD
(Article Free, $CE)ANNA CE (NNJ)
Target audience: Nurses. Article free, CE requires payment to ANNA via HDCN.
Patient Questions About Transplantation: A Resource Guide
(Vol 36/No. 3. Expires 06/30/2011)
Clara D. Neyhart, BSN, RN, CNN
1.5 hr
Dialysis Staff Encouragement and Fluid Control Adherence in Patients On Hemodialysis
(Vol 36/No. 3. Expires 06/30/2011)
Yoko Yokoyama, MPH, MA; Yoshimi Suzukamo, PhD; Osamu Hotta, MD, PhD; Shin Yamazaki, PhD; Takehiko Kawaguchi, MD, MPH; Takeshi Hasegawa, MD, PhD, MPH; Shigemi Chiba, MD, PhD; Toshiko Moriya, RD; Emi Abe, RD; Satoshi Sasaki, MD, PhD; Megumi Haga, RD, PhD; and Shunichi Fukuhara, MD, DMSc
1.4 hr
Stressors and Coping in Individuals With Chronic Kidney Disease
(Vol 36/No. 3. Expires 06/30/2011)
Lori Harwood, MSc, RN; Barbara Wilson, MScN, RN; Heather Locking-Cusolito, MScN, RN; Jessica Sontrop, PhD; and Joan Spittal, MSW, RSW
1.4 hr
Annual Dialysis Conference 2009
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2009)
(15 talks)
Bengt Rippe, MD; Michael Flessner, MD; Raymond Krediet, MD; Ramesh Khanna, MD ; and Dana Negoi, MD
PD FUNDAMENTALS: How to Start a PD Program
Richard Ward, PhD; Claudio Ronco, MD; Bernard Canaud, MD; and Suhail Ahmad, MD
Ethical Problems in Dialysis and Transplantation
Richard Ward, PhD; Claudio Ronco, MD; Bernard Canaud, MD; and Suhail Ahmad, MD
Optimizing Outcomes in ESRD: Appraising What Is Out There
Richard Ward, PhD; Claudio Ronco, MD; Bernard Canaud, MD; and Suhail Ahmad, MD
Improving Long-Term Outcomes in PD
Martin Alpert, MD; Kul Aggarwal, MD; and Martin Schreiber, MD
June 23, 2009
IgA Nephropathy: Time to Change Our Approach?
John Feehally, MD, and Ronald J. Hogg, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Feehally: All cases of IgAN truly are not the same. How can we better understand disease variation? Predict prognosis? Choose the best treatment strategy? How does age affect presentation? Geographic location? What do we know about crescentic IGAN? Secondary disease? What are the data regarding recurrence of IgAN in transplants? Is microscopic hematuria only a benign presentation? Do we really know that IGAN is a single disease? How do we choose the best treatment for each of the variant clinical presentations? Does tonsillectomy work? What is the role for fish oil, BP control, renin-angiotensin blockade, and corticosteroids and immunosuppression? Hogg: What is the role for steroids and immunosuppression in IgAN? When should these drugs be used initially? When as a second line of treatment? Are all IS drugs equal in potency and/or effect? Does response to an IS drug depend on dosage, duration, or method of administration? To what extent are these questions answerable with the present data?
June 4, 2009
Advances in CKD
Part 3
(8 talks with panel discussions)
New insights into lipid metabolism in CKD: what are the practical implications?
George Kaysen, MD
Nocturnal dialysis: evidence and practicality
John Burkart, MD
Salt, overhydration, the sympathetic nervous system and the heart
Christopher Chan, MD
Evolution of guidelines from opinion to evidence: what has been the practical result?
Katrin Uhlig, MD
Keynote address: Aldosterone - Extracellular Volume Interaction CKD
Philip Klemmer, MD
Cardiac disease in the dialysis patient: Good - Better - Best Clinical Practice
Hannelore Hampl, MD
How to dialyze the acutely ill kidney patient taking into account diagnostic predictors, dose, fluids, temperature and extracorporeal systems
Claudio Ronco, MD
ACE inhibitors or ARBs to preserve the peritoneal membrane - a novel concept
John Burkart, MD
CKD Care and
Your Practice Culture:
Improve Your Performance!
(Part 2)
SLIDE/AUDIO LIST (RPA 2009 (free to RPA members)
(7 talks from Sessions III, IV and V)
Brian Ling Lecture: The Role of the Medical Home Model with Nephrologists
Jeffrey Harris, MD
Understanding PQRI
Ruben Velez, MD
How Does Your Practice Compare? RPA's 2007 Benchmarking Survey
Suzanne Mecum, CPA, FACMPED
John Dickmeyer Lecture: Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems
Edward Shortliffe, MD, PhD
The Effect of the Economic Stimulus Package on Your Nephrology Practice
Franklin Maddux, MD
Lessons from the RPA Advanced CKD Toolkit Fieldtest
Remy Coeytaux, MD
The New Conditions of Coverage: Requirements for Quality Assessment and Performance Improvement and Medical Directors
Alan Kliger, MD
May 20, 2009
The Sexual Life Cycle of Women with CKD
Lynne P. Yao, MD, Susan H. Hou, MD, and Manjula Kurella-Tamura, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Yao: How do we define normal puberty in girls? How is this changed in CKD? What are the effects of CKD on sexual maturation and linear growth? What are the psychosocial effects? Does renal function deteriorate during puberty? If so, by what potential mechanisms? Hou: What are the effects of pregnancy on renal function? What is pregnancy outcome in patients with predialysis CKD? Stage 5D? Is fertility treatment useful? Does it affect renal function? How often do women on dialysis conceive? Is contraception recommended? How does one diagnose pregnancy? Are beta-HCG levels reliable? How should we manage pregnancy in transplant patients, including use of immunosuppresive drugs? Kurella-Tamura: What is the epidemiology of menopause in CKD? What are the risks versus benefits of HRT (hormone replacement therapy) in the normal population? How does this translate to CKD patients? What are practical aspects of prescribing HRT in CKD patients?
Advances in CKD
Part 2
(10 talks with panel discussions)
The Mystery of Thyroid Dysfunction in CKD
Stephan Thijssen, MD
Thyroid and Renal Disease
Leslie J. DeGroot, MD
End of life management in kidney failure patients: "The Good Death"
Roger Greenwood, MD
Special lecture: Prenatal causes of kidney diseases
Eberhard Ritz, MD
Sorbents for uremic toxin removal: will they fulfill hopes for improving outcomes?
Norma Ofsthun, MD
Enhancing hemodialysis efficacy through neuromuscular stimulation of the sole
Kenneth McLeod, PhD
Virus and cancer exosome removal using extracorporeal therapy - what does this lead to?
Richard H. Tullis, PhD
Bioimpedance in dialysis: state of the art now and what can be expected
James Tattersall, MD
Importance of Whole Body Bioimpedance Spectroscopy for the management of fluid balance
Peter Wabel, MD
What your mother did not tell you about catheter locks
Hans-Dietrich Polaschegg, PhD
CKD Care and
Your Practice Culture:
Improve Your Performance!
(Part 1)
SLIDE/AUDIO LIST (RPA 2009 (free to RPA members)
(4 talks from Sessions I and II)
Leveraging Your Clinical Care
Franklin Maddux, MD
Current State of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)
Donald Molony, MD
RPA Year in Review
Alan Kliger, MD
RPA's Advocacy Agenda
Robert Blaser
April 21st, 2009
Resistant Hypertension: A Challenge for the Nephrologist
Vito M. Campese, MD and Susan P. Steigerwalt, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference, November, 2008.)
Campese: What are the main causes of resistant hypertension? How is nonadherence related to frequency of dosing? To what extent is weight loss important? Iatrogenic causes? Secondary hypertension? Sleep disorders? Steigerwalt: What is the prevalence of inappropriately high aldosterone in resistant hypertension? How can we safely use spironolactone and epleronone in such patients? What is the degree of blood pressure response to aldo blockers? What are the chances of developing hyperkalemia and how do we minimize this? Is amiloride useful? Do endothelin antagonists or long-acting nitrates have a role?
(Article Free, $CE)ANNA CE (NNJ)
Target audience: Nurses. Article free, CE requires payment to ANNA via HDCN.
The Development of Kidney Transplant Nursing
(Vol 36/No. 2. Expires 04/30/2011)
Nancy Hoffart, PhD, RN
Advances in CKD
(10 talks with panel discussions)
What a nephrologists should understand about a dialysis machine?
Richard Ward, PhD
How do changes in dialysate water quality, sodium, calcium, potassium and bicarbonate affect clinical outcomes?
Nicholas Hoenich, PhD
What is expected of a medical director in the new CMS Conditions of Coverage?
Peter De Oreo, MD
The evolution of vascular access in dialysis - What does the future hold?
Jeffrey Sands, MD
The emerging role of vasopressin receptor antagonists in heart failure and CKD
Robert Schrier, MD
The impact of randomized controlled trials on subsequent use of evaluated treatments
Amit Garg, MD, PhD
Cardiovascular disease and diabetes in ESRD and renal transplant patients - a tale of two syndromes
Warren Kupin, MD
Validity of internal filtration-enhanced hemodialysis as a new HDF therapy
Michio Mineshima, PhD
The significance of NOT achieving the prescribed Kt/V in the HEMO study
John Daugirdas, MD
Cardio-Renal Syndromes: The new classification
Claudio Ronco, MD
ASN Renal Week 2008
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (ASN Renal Week 2008)
(63 talks)
Maintenance Dialysis: Principles, Practical Aspects, and Case-Based Workshops (Part 2 of 2)
G. R. Aronoff, J. K. Inrig, R. Mehrotra, A. H. Moss, P. Roy-Chaudhury, M. J. Oliver, M. J. Sarnak, S. M. Moe, A. J. Bleyer
Maintenance Dialysis: Principles, Practical Aspects, and Case-Based Workshops (Part 1 of 2)
T. A. Depner, R. A. Ward, J. M. Bargman, R. D. Toto, A. K. Singh, J. Kevin Tucker, L. A. Szczech, J. M. Burkart, T. Alp Ikizler
Kidney Transplantation for the General Nephrologist (Part 2 of 2)
N. Najafian, P. S. Randhawa, A. H. Wilkinson, A. Djamali, M. A. Josephson, P. Martin, D. C. Brennan, S. Hariharan, R. B. Mannon, A. O. Ojo
Kidney Transplantation for the General Nephrologist (Part 1 of 2)
M. D. Samaniego-Picota, D. J. Norman, W. W. Williams, E. Akalin, D. J. Cohen, C. L. Davis, A. Chandraker, C. C. Nast, R. S. Gaston, M. Pavlakis, F. G. Cosio
Interventional Nephrology for the General Nephrologist (Part 2 of 2)
G. M. Nassar, A. L. Samaha, T. J. Vachharajani, F. N. Gadalean, B. S. Sachdeva, T. F. Saad, I. D. Maya, D. Merrill, D. J. Brouwer, A. C. Dwyer, D. Schon, L. Lea Francisco,
Interventional Nephrology for the General Nephrologist (Part 1 of 2)
D. M. Hentschel, S. Wu, G. A. Beathard, R. E. Mishler, A. Besarab, P. Roy-Chaudhury, J. Work, N.K. Atray, A. Q. Urbanes, T. A. Pflederer, W. Charles O'Neill, G. Contreras
March 31st, 2009
New Frontiers in Phosphorus Homeostasis in CKD
L. Darryl Quarles, MD, and Myles S. Wolf, MD. (Hart Malluche, MD, moderator)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, November, 2008.)
Quarles: What role does FGF23 play in hereditary and acquired disorders of phosphate metabolism? What happens when there is too much FGF23? When there is too little? Where is FGF23 made? What are its target organs? How is FGF23 regulated? How do FGF23 and vitamin D interact? What are current controversies regarding FGF? Wolf: How do phosphorus, FGF23, and vitamin D change in the early stages of CKD? How are phosphorus and FGF23 linked to mortality in CKD? What do preliminary data show about FGF23 and progression? What is the effect of sevelamer on FGF23 levels?
NANT Annual
Conference 2009
(Free to all NANT members)
(6 talks with panel)
Test Strips: Tips, Techniques, Taboos
Vernon Taaffe
Chlorine and Chloramine Testing
Ohm Kongtang
Technical Policy and Procedures: The Why's and How's?
Heather Paradis, CHT
Biomedical Case Studies
Panel Members: Danilo Concepcion, Richard Van Der Plas, John Sweeny
The Testing Behind the AAMI Standards
Debra S. Veloria, BS, MT(ASCP), MBAHCM
AAMI Update
Danilo B. Concepcion, CCHT, CHT
Indoor Air Quality, Gnat, Drain Fly and Mold Issues
ASN Renal Week 2008
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (ASN Renal Week 2008)
(50 talks)
Glomerulonephritis Update: Diagnosis and Therapy 2008 (Part 1 - 2)
P.H. Nachman, C.D. Pusey, S.M. Korbet, G.B. Appel
Glomerulonephritis Update: Diagnosis and Therapy 2008 (Part 1 - 1)
J.B. Appel, H.G. Rennke, S.M. Korbet, D.C. Cattran, Radhakrishnan, J. Charles Jennette, R.J. Glassock
Geriatric Nephrology: An Epidemiologic and Clinical Challenge (Part 1 - 2)
J.H. Laragh, K.Sandberg, W.M. Bennett, J.P. Weiss, L.E. Nicolle, J.Himmelfarb, B.C. Astor, G.E. Striker, S.Vanita Jassal, D.G. Oreopoulos, A. L. Friedman
Geriatric Nephrology: An Epidemiologic and Clinical Challenge (Part 1 - 1)
P.W. Eggers, P.F. Halloran, S.R. Gambert, A.Breborowicz, C.Baylis, J.M. Sands, G.B. Appel, E.A. Friedman, J.Wiggins, M.F. Michelis, D.J. Sherrard
Critically Approaching the Literature: Applying the Principles of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Part 1 - 2)
B.Lo, I. Thadhani, M.J. Landray, C.Wanner, N.R. Powe, D.W. Bowden, K.L. Johansen, C.E. McCulloch, Chi-yuan Hsu
Critically Approaching the Literature: Applying the Principles of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Part 1 - 1)
H.I. Feldman, R.S. Parekh, I. Thadhani, B.J. Manns, T.H. Greene, A.Garg, M.B. Leonard
March 16th, 2009
Care of the Chronic Kidney Disease Patient
Ruth C. Campbell, MD, and Jeffrey S. Berns, MD. (Andrew Z. Fenves, MD, FASN, moderator, and Daniel C. Batlle, MD, discussant)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, November, 2008.)
Campbell: What is a systems approach to management of anemia in a CKD clinic? Where are the bottlenecks and how does one get through them? What is the role of point-of-service Hb testing? Scheduling of patient appointments? Insurance and drug assistance programs? What are protocols that take into account extended dosing intervals? What are useful iron protocols? How can we help make our CKD protocols concordant with recent FDA package insert warnings? Berns: Which outcomes are of clinical importance that Hb adjustment may improve? What did CHOIR and CREATE show, and how did the secondary analysis of CHOIR suggest that EPO dose per se may be a risk factor? What did the FDA alerts say? How does ESA therapy impact on cost of care for CKD patients before starting dialysis? What are the potential benefits of individualized patient management?
Managing CKD-MBD through the Disease Continuum
Ravi I. Thadhani, MD, and Bryan R. Kestenbaum, MD (Hartmut H. Malluche, MD, moderator)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, November, 2008.)
Thadhani: Both 25D and 1,25D may be of benefit to CKD patients prior to dialysis. What evidence suggests that both may be important? What does uremia due to synthesis of cholecalciferol in the skin? How is conversion to 1,25D affected and why? How soon in the course of CKD are changes in 25D and 1,25D apparent? What do experimental studies show with regard to 25D vs. 1,25D in terms of causation/regression of LVH? Kestenbaum: When should one start a phosphate binder in predialysis CKD patients? At what stage is phosphate excretion affected and how? How does FGF23 affect phosphate excretion? Where is FGF23 made? Where does it act in the kidney? How are its actions similar / different from those of PTH? What is the evidence regarding phosphate and calcification?
NANT Annual
Conference 2009
(Free to all NANT members)
(6 talks)
Bone and Mineral Changes in Dialysis Patients
Mary Dittrich, MD, FASN
Hemodialysis Procedures & Complications
Mary Dittrich, MD, FASN
Hemodialysis Access / Heparinization
Katherine Meetz, RN, CDN
Dialysis Procedures, Initiation, Monitoring, Discontinuing
Susan Hansen, RN, CNN, CHT
Dialyzers and Dialysis Adequacy
Jim Curtis, CHT
Basic Dialysis Theory
John Sweeny, CHT
ASN Renal Week 2008
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (ASN Renal Week 2008)
(44 talks)
Critical Care Nephrology: 2008 Update (Part 2 of 2)
J.A. Kellum, B.A. Molitoris, P.T. Murray, T.A. Gonwa, S.D. Weisbord, L.S. Chawla, M.R. Marshall, P.M. Palevsky, S.Goldstein, B.A. Mueller, D.S. Goldfarb
Critical Care Nephrology: 2008 Update (Part 1 of 2)
R.P. Dellinger, P.T. Murray, K.D. Liu, J.A. Kellum, J.E. Parrillo, L.S. Chawla, K.K. Khush, C.Bekes, S.M. S.R. Messe
CKD and CVD from the Vascular Viewpoint:
Merging Basic and Clinical Sciences to Optimize Treatment (Part 2 of 2)
M.Kuroo, D.A. Sica, A.O. Ojo, M.R. Weir, J.Coresh, P.S. Parfrey
CKD and CVD from the Vascular Viewpoint:
Merging Basic and Clinical Sciences to Optimize Treatment (Part 1 - 2)
I.Goldberg, R.Pop-Busui, Goldberg, A.Daugherty, J.Himmelfarb, S.E. Quaggin, G.L. Bakris, N.D. Vaziri, M.B. Chonchol
Renal Biopsy: Clinical Correlations
I.W. Gibson, M.M. Picken, G.W. Moeckel, G.S. Markowitz, A.M. Dorman, F.C. Fervenza
Lupus Nephritis
R.A. Eisenberg, G.B. Appel, G.Contreras, B.H. Rovin
February 21st, 2009
The Year in Nephrology: Hypertension and Metabolic Renal Syndrome
Karen Griffin, MD, and Srinivasan Beddhu, MD
(ASN Renal Week Clinical Nephrology Conference Extract, November, 2008.)
Griffin: What do recent hard outcomes trials show about the benefits of treating hypertension? Why was the AASK trial not very convincing in terms of BP control? What is the evidence comparing different classes of anti-hypertensive agents? What can we learn from susceptibility to renal injury vs. BP curve analysis? Why is renal autoregulation important? When is renal autoregulation impaired? What is the potential risk of calcium channel blockers in this regard? What is behind the synergy of ACE inhibitor type drugs and diuretics? How can we safely use calcium channel blocking drugs in CKD patients, or can we? Beddhu: How do we define metabolic syndrome? What is its impact on progression of CKD. What is the impact of CKD on the cardiovascular effects of the metabolic syndrome? What are the therapeutic implications when confronted by a CKD patient with metabolic syndrome? How is adiponectin involved, both in nonuremic and CKD patients?
Restoring Balance: New Therapeutic Approaches to Acute Decompensated Heart Failure
Lee R. Goldberg, MD, Robert W. Schrier, MD, and Mihai Gheorghiade, MD
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, November, 2008.)
Goldberg: What is the epidemiology, natural history, and pathophysiology of acute heart failure? What do telemetry devices tell us about antecedent cardiac hemodynamics? What is the role of hypervolemia? Is it easily detectable? What do outcome trials tell us about the efficacy of various management options, including diuretics, vasodilators, inotropes, natriuretic peptides, and mechanical volume removal? Schrier: What are the mechanisms of body fluid regulation? How do feedback mechanisms and vasoactive hormones contribute to disease? What are the mechanisms of hyponatremia? What is the role of AVP and V2-receptors? What happens when we give a V2 receptor antagonist? What happens when we give low-dose spironolactone? What are the positive vs. negative effects of loop diuretics? Gheorghiade: What percent of ADHF patients present with congestion? How can this be managed? How is serum sodium related to outcome? What are our management strategies using diuretics, ultrafiltration, adenosine blocking agents, and vasopressin antagonists? What did the recent randomized trials show in terms of both soft and hard outcomes?
(Article Free, $CE)ANNA CE (NNJ)
Target audience: Nurses. Article free, CE requires payment to ANNA via HDCN.
Factors Affecting Quality of Life in Persons on Hemodialysis
(Vol 36/No. 1. Expires 02/28/2011)
Daria L. Kring, PhD, RN-BC; Patricia B. Crane, PhD, RN, FAHA
1.4 hr
Exploring the Symptom of Fatigue in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease
(Vol 36/No. 1. Expires 02/28/2011)
Dawn O'Sullivan, MSc, BSc, RN, RNT; Geraldine McCarthy, PhD, MSN, MEd, BSN, RNT, RN
1.3 hr
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: A Case Study
(Vol 36/No. 1. Expires 02/28/2011)
Angela Phillips, MSN, RN, FNP-BC, CNN
1.2 hr
Patients' Experiences with Learning a Complex Medical Device for the Self-Administration of Nocturnal Home Hemodialysis
(Vol 36/No. 1. Expires 02/28/2011)
Jennifer Wong, MASc; Joan Eakin, PhD; Paul Migram, PhD, PEng; Joseph A. Cafazzo, PhD, PEng; Nancy V.D. Halifax, PhD and Christopher T. Chan, MD, FRCPC
1.0 hr
Annual Dialysis Conference 2008
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2008)
(16 talks)
Home Hemodialysis
J. Anderson. M. Aragon, S. Doss, C. Colombo, K. Wiesen, D. Schatell
Special Workshop
J. Moran, B. Schiller
The Cardiovascular Consequences of HD
R. Amerling, A. Amerling, W. Salzer
P. Li, P.Blake
L. Tammy Ho, D. Molony, A. Pierratos, T. Golper
ASN Renal Week 2008
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (ASN Renal Week 2008)
(30 talks)
Human Disorders of Protein Processing: Mechanisms, Consequences, and Therapeutic Implications (Part 1-2)
R. Morimoto, F. Ulrich Hartl, E. Craig, L. M. M. Gierasch, R. Kopito, D. Lomas, C. R. Sanders, D. M. Engelman, W. R. Skach, S. Shyng, P.M.T. Deen, P, Thomas
Human Disorders of Protein Processing: Mechanisms, Consequences, and Therapeutic Implications (Part 2-2)
J. L. Brodsky, D. N. Hebert, D. Finley, D. Cyr, D. Clarke, J. Lippincott-Schwartz, O. A. Weisz, P. Mayinger, M. Lowe, L. M. Dember
Controversies in Vascular Access
I.D. Maya, A. Asif, A. S. Yevzlin, A. Q. Urbanes
Cancer and Transplantation: Risks and Management
B.L. Kasiske, C. A. Harwood
Boots on the Ground: Do We Have Enough Personnel to Fight the Battle Against CKD?
R. Saran, J. Wish, B. M, Piraino, D. E. Kohan
February 2nd, 2009
Acute Renal Replacement Therapy
Paul M. Palevsky, MD
(ASN Board Review Course, August, 2008.)
Palevsky: Is it better to initiate dialysis earlier or later in the course of acute kidney injury? What did the early observational trials show, and were they confirmed by randomized trials? Is CRRT better than IHD? To what extent to the studies agree or disagree? If IHD, is 6/week better than 3/week? Why was the ATN study negative? How can it be reconciled with the study by Schiffl et al? In CRRT does the volume of replacement fluid used affect survival? How can we achieve maximum hemodynamic stability when dialyzing patients with AKI? What are the benefits and drawbacks of using citrate for anticoagulation?
Nephrology Roundtable: Glucose Transport and Targets for Intervention
Dick De Zeeuw, MD, PhD, and Ernest M. Wright, PhD (Moderators: Ricardo Correa-Rotter, MD and Mark J. Sarnak, MD, FASN).
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, November, 2008.)
De Zeeuw: In diabetic patients with hypertension, what is the evidence that better control of diabetes, or use of ACEI/ARBs, improves outcomes? What is the differential benefit when intervention is begun early rather than late? Which risk factor is hardest to control? What are the pharmacokinetics of glucose excretion by the kidney? What transporters are involved? How do patients with genetic defects in these receptors fare? Is induced glycosuria harmful to the kidney? Wright and De Zeeuw: How is glucose transport across the proximal tubule effected by SGLT and GLUT? How can these receptors be blocked? What are the pharmacokinetics of the phlorizin-type compounds? What do preliminary results with these compounds show in terms of control of hyperglycemia? What effects do they have on blood pressure? How might they induce weight loss? What might their place be in therapy of diabetic patients?
Annual Dialysis Conference 2008
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2008)
(25 talks)
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis: State of the Art
Ali Abu-Alfa, MD., Emanuel Kanal, MD
Renal Replacement Therapy (RRT) for the Critically Ill Patient with Acute Kidney Injury: When, How and How Much
Paul Palevsky, MD., Thomas A Depner MD., Karl-Georg Fischer, MD
Controversies in PD
Salim Mujais, MD., Joanne Bargman, MD., Eli Friedman, MD., Martin Schreiber, MD
Clinical Topics
Lazaro Gotloib, MD., Philip Li, MD., Jack Moncrief, MD., Dimitrios Oreopoulos, MD., Isaac Teitelbaum, MD., Wai Kei Lo, MD., Isaac Teitelbaum, MD., Steven Guest, MD
Bone and Mineral Metabolism
Daniel Coyne, MD., Donald Molony, MD., Dennis Andress, MD., Dennis Andress, MD., Tammy Ho, MD., Charles Nolan, MD
ASN Renal Week 2008
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (ASN Renal Week 2008)
(23 talks)
Primary Care in Nephrology
P.J. Vergne-Marini, T.A. Golper, J.Mordes
Personalized Therapy for Kidney Disease
G.S. Ginsburg, B.H. Rovin, D.Anglicheau, M.S. Joy
Collagen Nephropathies
B.G. Hudson, C.E. Kashtan, D.B. Thomas, A.H. Cohen
The Sexual Life Cycle of Women with CKD
L.P. Yao, T.L. Breen, S.H. Hou, M.Kurella-Tamura
Resistant Hypertension: A Challenge for the Nephrologist
J. Himmelfarb, V.M. Campese, S.P. Steigerwalt
IgA Nephropathy: Time to Change Our Approach?
S.D. Roberts, D.C. Cattran, J.Feehally, R.J. Hogg
NANT 2008
(6 talks)
The "Art" of the Artificial Kidney: Duplicating Kidney Function
John Sweeny, CHT
Water's Up: How Does Water Get the Way It Is?
Mark Rolston, CHT
Legislative and Regulatory Update for the Dialysis Industry
James B. Riley
Infectious Diseases Exposure Risks in Dialysis Units
Pat Preston
Case Studies
Go, Hall, Dittrich, Perez
Treatment Modalities
Mary Dittrich, MD
January 14th, 2009
Gammopathies and the Kidney and Thrombotic Microangiopathy
Ronald J. Falk, MD
(ASN Board Review Course, August, 2008.)
Falk: What is the pathogenesis of amyloidosis? What are the most common types? What causes differential tissue deposition? How does this look on biopsy? How does one separate AL-amyloidosis from light chain deposition disease? How useful are serologic tests (immunoelectrophoresis) and biopsy? Is stem cell transplant still indicated in 2008-2009? What did the RCT by Jaccard et al show? If so, under what circumstances? What about secondary, AA-amyloid? Does eprodisate help? How does the clincal picture of multiple myeloma vary depending on site of light chain deposition? Is plasmapheresis indicated in an AKI situation due to myeloma? How do fibrillary GN and immunotactoid GN differ? For which one does one have to worry about ruling out CLL? How is TPP different from HUS? What type of nephropathy does sunitinib cause? Is testing from ADAMTS13 useful? Is plasma exchange for TTP useful? What about rituximab? How is complement factor H involved in atypical HUS? What's new in HUS caused by toxin-producing E. coli?
Shades of Grey: Key Questions in the Future of Treatment for CKD-Related Anemia
Rebecca J. Schmidt, DO, FASN; Robert D. Toto, MD; Keith C. Norris, MD, FASN
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, November, 2008.)
Schmidt: What are current estimates of CKD in the US population and the projected changes in the nephrology workforce? What are opportunities for improving care, re Hb levels, AV access, dietitian consultation? What are the results of a multidisciplinary approach to CKD? What constitutes the multidisciplinary team and what are their roles? Toto: How do observational and randomized trials differ in terms of benefits of more complete anemia correction? Specifically, what did each type of trial show in terms of CV endpoints, LV mass index, and quality of life? What is the TREAT study and how will it add to our knowledge in this area? Norris: How might the FDA black box warnings re ESAs pertaining to cancer and deep vein thrombosis impact CKD patients? How does the KDOQI 2007 anemia update differ from the FDA black box warnings?
The ESA Controversy: The Role of Intravenous Iron
Tomas Ganz, MD, PhD; Rajiv Agarwal, MD, MBBS, FASN; Anatole Besarab, MD, FACP (moderated by Adeera Levin, MD)
(ASN Renal Week Official Symposium, November, 2008.)
Ganz: What are the 3 means by which hepcidin levels are regulated? What is ferroportin and where does it act? What are physiologic and pathologic conditions in which hepcidin is either high or low? Agarwal: What is the rationale for routine iron maintenance therapy as opposed to a load-and-hold strategy? What were results of studies targeting higher TSAT and/or allowing higher serum ferritin levels? What are potential advantages of adding iron to the dialysate? How much iron do dialysis patients need in a typical year? Besarab: What are the most recent FDA guidelines re ESA use? What does recent reanalysis of the CHOIR trial suggest regarding the importance of ESA dose and adverse outcomes? What is the basis of the time lag in Hb response after changes in ESA dose? How can one minimize Hb variability? What effect does IV iron therapy have on ESA requirements?
Lecture Free
Free CE
Using Teamwork for Effective Management of CKD and Mineral and Bone Disorders
Craig B. Langman, MD and Kim Alleman, MS, RN, FNP-BC, CNN
(ANNA Fall Symposium, Chicago, IL. September, 2008.) 1.25 CNE
Langman: How has FGF23 changed the way we look at phosphate and vitamin D hydroxylation in CKD? Is FGF23 a risk marker for mortality? If so, can it be reduced by lowering serum phosphate? How effective are various P-binders? How does serum phosphate relate to survival and vascular calcification? What did Treat to Goal, the Takei study, and RIND show with respect to calcification and P-binders? How does treatment with P-binders affect calcification in predialysis patients? What are the nontraditional effects of sevelamer, and how might these impact on calcification? How is bone remodeling linked to vascular calcification? How do P-binders compare re mortality? How might vitamin D deficiency affect mortality in CKD? How prevalent are low levels of 25-D and 1,25-D? How might vitamin D affect cardiovascular function? What do observational studies show re Vitamin D treatment and survival in CKD? Alleman: What are the goals of treatment in CKD-MBD? What are our current target lab values? How well or how poorly are we doing in achieving these targets? How can we put together an effective collaborative approach to manage CKD-MBD? What are the team members and what are their roles? What are useful methods to promote collaboration?
Annual Dialysis Conference 2008
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (Annual Dialysis Conference 2008)
(38 talks)
Debate: How Patients Should Start Dialysis?
Dimitrios Oreopoulos, MD., Eli Friedman, MD., Carl Kjellstrand, MD
The Changing Environment of Anemia Management
Daniel Coyne, MD., Ajay Singh, MD., Ajay Singh, MD
Clinical HD Nursing
Arif Asif, MD., Susan Hossli, MSN, RN., Paul Smith, Lavonne Burrows, MSN, RN
Central Venous Catheter Update
Steve Schwab, MD., Hans-Dietrich Polaschegg, MD., Michael Tal, MD., William Salzer, MD., John Ross, MD
Adherence in Patients on Dialysis and Strategies for Success
Jean Kammerer, BSN, RN., Lori Grant, MEd, RD., Cynthia Russell, PhD, RN., Susan Finkelstein, LCSW
Joint Nutrition and Nursing Workshop
Cydney McQueen, PharmD
Vascular Access: Use of a Catheter As a Bridge to a Primary Vascular Access and Methods to Achieve Successful Outcomes with AV Fistulas
Arif Asif, MD., Deborah J. Brouwer, RN., Zbylut Twardowski, MD., Florin Gadalean, MD., Deborah Brouwer, RN
Preventing Morbidity and Mortality In PD
Anjali Saxena, MD., Mrinal Dasgupta, MD., John Van Stone, MD., Steven Guest, MD., Bengt Lindholm, MD., Paul Kimmel, MD., Rajnish Mehrotra, MD., Fredric Finkelstein, MD
Basic Nephrology Nursing
Linda Dickenson, RN., Rosemary Leitch, RN
Patient Education
Linda Dickenson, RN., Rosemary Leitch, RN
ASN Renal Week 2008
now in MP3AUDIOFILE LIST (ASN Renal Week 2008)
(13 talks)
Therapeutic Issues in Crescentic Glomerulonephritis and Vasculitis
LF Flores-Suarez, M Segelmark, U Specks
New Insights into Antibody-Mediated Rejection
KA Griffin, S Beddhu
Phosphorus: Bystander or Cause of Pathology?
RN Foley, DW Coyne, WF Finn
Membranous Glomerulonephritis
S Troyanov, G Remuzzi, JF Wetzels
Priming the Pump: Transitioning from CKD to ESRD
WD Mattern, CKT Farmer, LM Spergel, WF Clark
Literature Review - The Year in Nephrology: Hypertension and Metabolic Renal Syndrome
KA Griffin, S Beddhu
NANT 2008
(6 talks)
Physiological Response to Dialysis
Charles Kaupke, MD
25 Years of advancing the technician and technologist
John Sweeny, CHT
Stages of CKD: What Happens Before Dialysis
Elaine Go, RN, NP, CNN
Role of the Dialysis Tech: How it has changed over 25 years
Susan Hansen, RN, CNN, CHT
Successfully Navigating Our Specialty's Changing Times
Gail Wick, MHSA, BSN, CNN
Myths and Facts: Why's and How's of Dialysis Technology
Forest Rawls, BS CHT, CCHT
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