Site Description:
Hypertension, Dialysis, and Clinical Nephrology
provides up-to-date, selected information on renal disorders and
their treatment (hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis), and about hypertension,
dialysis, and clinical nephrology topics.
Hypertension, Dialysis, and Clinical Nephrology is a place for physicians
and nurses who treat patients with kidney or renal disease. Here
physicians and nurses can find answers to frequently asked hypertension,
dialysis, and nephrology questions (FAQ), pointers to recent review
articles, and summaries of hot new hypertension, dialysis, and nephrology
papers, abstracts, and meeting presentations. Also, information
about medical products, devices, services, and drugs pertaining
to hypertension, dialysis, and clinical nephrology are provided,
as is a list of links to relevant hypertension / dialysis / transplantation organizations, medical provider networks, and databases. Much of
the information presented is collected from a distinguished editorial
board composed of specialists in the field of kidney or renal disease.
The information at this server is provided with
the understanding that the publisher, authors, and advisors are
not rendering medical or medical professional services. Medicine is a rapidly
changing area, and efforts have been made to provide information
that is medically correct at the time of publication. However, there
may be mistakes, both typographical and in content. The material
provided should be used only as a general guide and not the ultimate
source of information. The material should not be used to form the
basis of personal or professional decisions. The authors, advisors,
and publisher shall have neither liability not responsibility to
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