HDCN News Archive -- Peritoneal Dialysis |
Jul28 |
Good Staph. in the nose makes novel peptide antibiotic that kills bad Staph. |
Feb29 |
Phage Therapy 2016 World Congress meets this June in Paris. |
Feb29 |
When will be see phage therapy for exit site and access infections? |
Dec14 |
Even more news on the new HDCN Facebook page! |
Dec06 |
Dialysis Patient Citizens group worried about lack of treatment option information given to predialysis patients, esp. those on Medicaid. |
Dec01 |
SecA inhibitors particularly effective against MRSA and other bacteria. |
Jul31 |
Paid kidney donation and the Iranian model in the New York Times |
May08 |
Putting the brakes on bacterial resistance to antibiotics with targeted antibiotic scheduling. |
Jan09 |
New variant of aminoglycosides does not impair hearing. |
Jun22 |
Dr. Karl Nolph, in memoriam |
May26 |
Nitrosomonas - an alternative approach to S. aureus decolonization? |
May18 |
Aspirin retards wound healing |
Dec23 |
Staph stopper vaccine developed at U. Iowa |
Dec14 |
Staph. aureus can lurk deep within the nose. |
Oct13 |
Application of honey to peritoneal catheter infection site as good as mupirocin. |
Jul05 |
Drug resistant Staph. aureus commonly found in workers at industrial livestock farms. |
Jul05 |
VeriGene test detects Gram positive bloodstream infections and resistance genes. |
Dec06 |
Microbial stowaways in antiseptic products |
Aug27 |
Niacin may help the body fight against Staph. aureus infection. via CEBPE gene. |
Aug09 |
Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Oreopoulos obituary |
Jul12 |
New technology allows visualization of biofilm cities at the streetview level. |
Jun13 |
Apramycin may be a useful antibiotic that causes little damage to hearing. |
Jun07 |
Carriage of resistant Staph. may be a family affair. |
Jan13 |
New mass spectrometry method can characterize Staph infection within hours. |
Oct26 |
Body colonization with sticky Staph may account for device-related infections. |
Oct14 |
ASN Renal Week 2011 abstracts now available. |
Sep15 |
MRSA in the United States becoming resistant to combination antibacterial ointments. |
May28 |
Lactate shuttle in human tumors. Is chronic use of lactate-based PD fluid a risk? |
Apr28 |
Artificial nose show promising results in detecting bacterial growth. |
Apr15 |
Meat found to be commonly contaminated with drug-resistant Staph. aureus. |
Jan26 |
New method to break up biofilms involves DNAase and polyaspartic acid. |
Aug31 |
Could a vaccine against Staph aureus toxin alpha hemolysin (Hla) help in exit-site infection? |
Aug26 |
Baxter fined in Australia for alleged anti-competitive behavior. |
Aug26 |
Fresenius to acquire peritoneal dialysis business from Gambro. |
Jul08 |
Nicotinamide inhibits Candidal infection |
Jul02 |
Honey as a topical antibiotic explained. |
Mar08 |
DSEN: Bloggers report from the Annual Dialysis Conference in Seattle. |
Mar02 |
Class I recall of Baxter's Home Choice and Home Choice Pro due to risk of overfill |
Jan15 |
Baxter recalls Home Choice automated PD systems due to risk of overfill. |
Jan05 |
Glycyrrhizin increases ability of skin to ward off infection. |
Nov23 |
Is there good Staph living in one's skin? |
Nov06 |
Experts map the body's bacteria |
Oct19 |
Advances in Peritoneal Dialysis 2009 now available in full text form. |
Sep24 |
AJKD issues containing KDOQI guidelines now freely available as .pdf files |
Jun26 |
Method of killing bacteria contained in biofilms on implants developed. |
Jun24 |
Preserving Kru in peritoneal dialysis patients: role of dehydration and solution biocompatibility. |
May25 |
Search all abstracts from the World Congress of Nephrology 2009 |
Apr23 |
Bacteriophage used to successfully treat chronic Pseudomonas ear infection |
Apr11 |
One thousand 2007-2009 audiofiles and slide/audio talks added to HDCN's 20 topic-related channels. |
M30 |
Variants of nisin, an FDA-approved antibiotic used in food preservation, show effectiveness against MRSA. |
M29 |
Link to slide/audio and audio symposia on HDCN |
M25 |
UK sciences impregnate silicone with antibiotics; resulting catheters have promising antimicrobial activity. |
M24 |
New needle insertion device senses when a cavity has been entered. |
F15 |
High MUFA, lower CHO diet good for diabetics: maybe a good diet for patients on PD? |
J26 |
Abstracts from 2009 Annual Dialysis Conference, to be held in March, 2009 in Houston, now available. |
J15 |
HipA, a protein kinase, involved in bacterial dormancy, allowing survival during antibiotic therapy. |
J05 |
Standard culture methods miss amniotic fluid infection in low-birth-weight deliveries: Implication for PD? |
D26 |
New insights into how bacteria biofilm formation is triggered. |
D05 |
Fresenius announces availability in Sweden of PVC- and phthalate-free PD dialysate bags and lines. |
S08 |
Annual Dialysis Conference 2008 PD papers now available on-line |
J03 |
Novel antibiotic ceftobirole kills even the most resistant Staph. aureus. |
J26 |
Cethromycin for community-acquited MRSA. |
J09 |
Observational study associated low 25-D levels with poor CV outcomes in peritoneal dialysis patients. |
M16 |
MIT research team crafts films resistant to bacterial adhesion. |
F29 |
2008 Annual Dialysis Conference begins tomorrow. Abstracts available at this link. |
J02 |
FDA clears quick molecular-biology-based blood test for MRSA. |
D19 |
Advances in PD 2007. Full text online. |
O10 |
RIP2 biomarker identifies peritonitis patients requiring more intensive treatment. |
A07 |
Publix supermarkets to offer up to 14-days of free antibiotics. |
J09 |
FDA warning: precipitation when infusing ceftriaxone with calcium-containing solutions. |
J09 |
Slime busting bacteriophage virus could clean up biofilm. |
M26 |
Baxter focusing on growing PD market, especially in developing countries. |
M02 |
NEJM: Vancomycin-induced thrombocytopenia: the article link |
F28 |
NEJM: Immune-mediated thrombocytopenia linked to vancomycin use. |
F21 |
Alagebrium, a drug that targets AGEs (advanced glycosylation end-products) given IP has beneficial effects on peritoneal permeability (animal study). |
J29 |
Bacteriophages and antibiotics exhibit synergistic effect; may lower needed dose by a factor of 50. |
J22 |
Home microwave ovens useful for sterilization of sponges and towelettes. |
D29 |
Spiky surface coating kills bacteria. |
N26 |
HDCN: Search index updated for audiofiles, slide/audio talks, articles, and abstracts |
N16 |
Resveratrol makes champion athletes out of fat mice eating a high-fat diet. |
S11 |
Bacterial conversation stoppers may block formation of biofilm |
S11 |
Chitosan (from crabs and shrimp) found to block formation of biofilm. |
A30 |
Carbs linked to obesity in a mouse model |
A16 |
Antibiotic skin infections becoming commonplace |
A09 |
Peritoneal dialysis using perfluorocarbons to help oxygenate the blood (animal model) |
A09 |
Chronically high blood sugar linked to risk of cognitive impairment |
J16 |
CARI (Australasian) Clinical Practice Guidelines published (53 free full text review papers!) |
J14 |
Low carb diet improves glycemic control in diabetes (pdf) |
J14 |
Low carb diet reverses progressive renal disease in diabetic (case report) |
J01 |
For PD patients with diabetes: It's the carbs, stu... |
M15 |
Aspirin may protect against gentamicin-induced hearing loss. |
M06 |
Annals: Dramatic recent rise in community-acquired MRSA infections. |
J25 |
32% of Americans carry S. aureus in their noses, and 1% (2 million) carry MRSA. |
J09 |
AAKP releases new patient brochure: Understanding your Peritoneal Dialysis Options |
J05 |
MRSA patterns in ICUs changing: 64% prevalence rate, hardier, bugs, but less multi-drug resistance. |
D21 |
New study says that two million Americans are nasal carriers of MRSA. |
D17 |
Heteropolymer antibodies - a new approach to treat and prevent? MRSA infections. |
D17 |
CDC recommends new blood test to diagnose TB infection. |
D05 |
Dialysis patient adventurer gets severe peritonitis on sailboat voyage. |
N23 |
Baxter to set up home dialysis care centers in India. |
N01 |
Nabi StaphVax vaccine fails in clinical trial ; development cancelled. |
O26 |
ASN Renal Week 2005 abstracts now available on-line. |
S13 |
High blood sugar levels linked to heart disease, even in nondiabetics. |
S06 |
Number of dialysis patients in Scotland rises by 50%. |
A02 |
CHOICE study reports in Annals that PD mortality higher than Hemo. |
J22 |
Nabi initiates phase 1 trial of vaccine against another strain of S. aureus. |
M18 |
Hemodialysis options brochure now available in Spanish via AAKP website. |
A27 |
ISPD North American chapter meeting this weekend in Chicago. |
A18 |
Kaiser and Wellbound partner to offer home HD and PD. |
A12 |
Fresenius to get 510k approval for PD Liberty cycler. |
A12 |
Sarah Prichard named Baxter VP of Global Affairs |
M22 |
Baxter alert: Falsely high glucose readings when icodextrin PD fluid is used. |
M02 |
Gambro to switch to low GDP biocompatible dialysate for PD. |
D16 |
ANNA: Peritoneal Dialysis "travel toolbox" (.pdf) |
D15 |
Fujisawa and Fresenius to link up to provide PD in Japan. |
D09 |
Slowly growing nests of bacteria may be key to infection relapse. |
D04 |
Gene identified that makes biofilm bacteria hibernate and evade antibiotics. |
O13 |
Nabi gets FDA fast-track approval for its Staph vaccine |
A17 |
Nabi completes patient enrollment for Phase III trial of StaphVax |
J20 |
Lysophosphatidic acid may potentiate efficacy of antibiotics |
J18 |
ASM conference on the New Phage Biology, August 1-5, Key Biscayne, FL |
J13 |
Nabi ramping up manufacturing capacity of its Staph vaccine |
J21 |
Vancomycin susceptibility in MRSA lineages (Emerging Infect Dis paper) |
J21 |
MRSA (superbug) death rates set to double as vanco resistance grows |
F11 |
JAMA: Patients more satisfied with PD than with HD in the first few months |
D10 |
Company in India unveils low-cost CAPD system |
N13 |
Peritoneal dialysis nurse resource guide from ANNA (PDF) |
O31 |
Amino acid PD solution impairs forearm vasodilatation |
O29 |
Blindness in children on PD reported; believed due to ischemic optic neuropathy |
O29 |
Quebec company developing rapid, 1 hour screening test for MR Staph aureus |
O19 |
Computer crime in the health care field: 2003 survey results |
S12 |
FDA approves daptomycin, first in a new class of antibiotics |
A22 |
CDC: VISA/VRSA (vancomycin- resistant Staph) testing algorithm |
J16 |
Annals paper suggests that ramipril may help maintain GFR in PD patients |
J05 |
Amiodarone appears to have strong fungicidal ability |
M17 |
Work on Staph vaccine by Nabi pharmaceuticals progressing |
A29 |
Brigham: Immune-boosting properties of tea help fight infections |
M24 |
Baxter to buy company plant that makes icodextrin |
M05 |
Abstracts from 23rd Annual Dialysis Conference in Seattle |
F27 |
Surface slime from rock pools may kill MRSA bacteria |
F21 |
MSH-like peptide destroys almost all Candida albicans subtypes |
F07 |
Insect antibiotics: Resistance is futile! |
F06 |
MMWR: Methicillin-resistant Staph aureus skin infections |
J17 |
HDCN: PD channel talk list updated |
D31 |
ADC 2002 meeting papers in PDF format (vol 18, 2002) |
D23 |
FDA approves U.S. sale of icodextrin solution |
D13 |
MRSA deaths on the rise |
D11 |
New antibiotic AP158 (Antex) active against mupirocin-resistant Staph. aureus |
O15 |
FDA debates restrictions on antibiotic use in animals |
O09 |
Endogenous antimicrobial peptides play an important role in the skin |
J29 |
38-year old APD patient to climb Mont Blanc, perform a PD exchange at its summit |
J12 |
Vancomycin resistance genes identified in enterococci |
M30 |
Lactoferrin in tears, mucus, helps prevent biofilm formation |
M17 |
Vancomycin AND methicillin-resistant Staph aureus in an English patient |
M15 |
VA study shows mupirocin works, but resistant Staph is a problem |
M14 |
Antistaphylococcal monoclonal antibodies show encouraging results |
M05 |
Blagg and Lockridge issue appeal to prevent funding reduction for home dialysis |
M02 |
Ramoplanin suppresses VRE in GI tract of colonized patients |
A18 |
ADEMEX study results on PD adequacy published in May JASN |
A14 |
Can bacteria warn their brethren to beware of antibiotic attack? |
M06 |
AGE crosslink-breaking drug reduced peritoneal angiogenesis |
M04 |
Dermcidin - source article - is excessive skin cleansing bad for exit sites? |
M04 |
Novel antibiotic found in human sweat (free Lancet reg required) |
F11 |
Mupirocin-resistant Staph. aureus emerge in PD patients |
D11 |
FDA approves Baxter pediatric home APD system |
D08 |
Bacteriophages kill Streptococci effectively and selectively |
N07 |
Alteon announces study of AGE-crosslink breaker in PD patients |
S23 |
CANUSA dose effect may have been confounded by residual renal function |
A24 |
Texas Department of Health to stop paying for Renagel |
J30 |
ISPD: Residual renal function in kids associated with growth |
J28 |
ISPD: PD increases lipoprotein a - Lp(a) |
J28 |
Randomized PD study challenges need for high PD
prescriptions |
Jul |
Linezolid resistance in peritonitis-associated S. aureus |
Jul |
Volume expansion and LVH in CAPD patients |
Jul |
Polyglucose overnight changes PETT results |
Jun |
Review of Pseudomonas peritonitis |
May |
Upregulation of aquaporin-1 by human mesothelial cells in vitro |
May |
Peritoneal glucose exposure and changes in membrane solute transport |
Mar |
Diuretics and preservation of residual renal function |
Mar |
Strict volume control normalizes hypertension in PD |
Feb |
High peritoneal transport status and morbidity |
Jan |
Nasal carriage as a source of S. aureus bacteremia |
Jan |
Same Staph at exit site, nose, and hands in peritonitis |
2000 |
Sodium removal during CAPD: Sodium electrode error |
2000 |
Tidal PD vs. APD comparison |
2000 |
Allergic reactions to icodextrin |
2000 |
High creatinine excretion ratio predicts a good outcome |
2000 |
PD adequacy and risk of death |
2000 |
The effect of HD during break-in on Kru |
1999 |
Tolerance of large exchange volumes in PD |
1999 |
Value of scintigraphy in chronic PD |