Debate: Observational Research Generates Many New Insights into Dialysis
Debate: Hemodialysis Adequacy: Observational Research Results are Often Misleading!
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Debate: The New K/DOQI Guidelines Provide Safe and Adequate Standards
Debate: The 2006 K/DOQI Guidelines for Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy Are Not Adequate
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Debate: The Treatment Time and Ultrafiltration Rate Are More Important in Dialysis Prescription than Small Molecule Clearance
Debate: The Treatment Time and Ultrafiltration
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Fighting Sudden Death in Dialysis Patients: A Cardiologist’s Perspective
Emphasizing kidney donation: the long-term outcome of living donors
Does size matter ? How new studies on body composition can improve understanding of outcomes in dialysis patients
Biofilms are evrywhere: What is its relevance for CKD, PD and HD?
Changing the fate of diabetics in the dialysis unit
Clinical Practice Guidelines and Clinical Practice Recommendations for Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease: What Will They Do For Patient Management?
Group Discussion
Does genetics explain the international differences in dialysis mortality?
Nanotechnology and Dialysis: Now, ten years, or never?
A Practical Approach to Pharmacokinetics in CKD Patients
Fistula First - Catheter Out! Barriers and Solutions
Vit C Neglect in HD: Sailing Between Scylla and Charybdis
Understanding the Finances of the Individual Dialysis Facility
How To Survive The Hemodialysis Unit Survey
The Survey of a Hemodialysis Unit as seen by the Federal Government
What should the target Hgb Level be?
Impact of the Change in CMS Billing Rules for Erythropoietin on Hemoglobin Outcomes in Dialysis Patients
A Kinetic Model of Calcium Mass Balance During Dialysis Therapy
Guidelines for Practice Guidelines
Coronary Artery Calcifications - A Critical Assessment of Imaging Techniques