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   Non-osmotic sodium interaction with hypertension and tiissue hydration

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   SPECIAL LECTURE:Ethical Nephrology Care: Are our incentives alligned properly?
   Red cell survival in relationship to changes in the hematocrit: more important than you think
   Sudden death in dialysis patients

   Debate Part I - Guidelines have improved patient care and outcomes vs. guidelines have done more harm than good
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   Debate Part II - Guidelines have improved patient care and outcomes vs. guidelines have done more harm than good
   Uremic toxins: do we know enough to explain uremia?
   How do various aspects of body composition seriously affect dialysis outcomes
   International differences in presentation, prevention and management of CKD in Eastern Europe
   International differences in presentation, prevention and management of CKD in Latin America

   Angiotensin II, interstitial inflammation and the pathogenesis of salt sensitive hypertension
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   How common is malnutrition in ESRD? An approach to diagnosis and management
   Blind Pugh sends a black spot: The current hemoglobin controversy
   KEYNOTE ADDRESS:The metabolic syndrome and kidney disease
   Transplant and CKD patients at the same stage of renal insufficiency: how are they the same or different?

   Heart rate variability and sympathetic function in CKD—implications for management
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   Obesity in the dialysis patient - good or bad?
   Potential interventions in sepsis-related acute renal failure
   Debate Part I CKD Stage V in the aged population (>70 yrs): dialysis or (low protein) diet?
   Debate Part II CKD Stage V in the aged population (>70 yrs): dialysis or (low protein) diet?

   What a nephrologist should understand about a dialysis machine
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   How water quality & dialysate composition affect dialysis practice
   Understanding the Federal ESRD survey process: current issues & future directions
   Understanding the finances of a dialysis facility and its medical director
   How dialysis membranes can affect outcome - new developments
   CASE DISCUSSION: A complex PD patient


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